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Scould vs. Scold — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Sumaia Saeed — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 23, 2024
"Scould" is the incorrect spelling of "scold," which refers to the act of rebuking someone, usually in a sharp or stern manner.
Scould vs. Scold — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Scould or Scold

How to spell Scold?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Scold" follows the typical English spelling pattern where "sc" is followed by a vowel, as seen in "school" or "score."
Remember that "scold" contains "old," and think of a stern old teacher reprimanding students to help remember the correct spelling.
The correct form, "scold," is shorter and direct, much like a scolding itself.
Visualize the "sc" in "scold" as the beginning of "scary," which a scolding can often be.

How Do You Spell Scold Correctly?

Incorrect: She was always quick to scould her team for minor mistakes.
Correct: She was always quick to scold her team for minor mistakes.
Incorrect: He doesn't like to scould his children, but sometimes it's necessary.
Correct: He doesn't like to scold his children, but sometimes it's necessary.
Incorrect: Many parents find it challenging to scould their kids effectively.
Correct: Many parents find it challenging to scold their kids effectively.
Incorrect: Her teacher would scould her for not paying attention in class.
Correct: Her teacher would scold her for not paying attention in class.

Scold Definitions

It refers to criticizing or chastising someone verbally in a disapproving way.
She scolded the employees for their lack of professionalism.
Scold also identifies a person, typically a woman, who is known for scolding others.
The character in the play was a stereotypical scold, always nagging her family.
Scold can describe an instance where someone is admonished for a specific mistake or behavior.
After he scolded the dog for chewing the furniture, it never did it again.
As a noun, a scold refers to a person who frequently reprimands others, often with nagging.
Known as the neighborhood scold, she always had something to complain about.
To reprimand or criticize harshly and usually angrily.
To express harsh or angry disapproval to someone.
One who persistently nags or criticizes
"As a critic gets older, he or she usually grows more tetchy and ... may even become a big-league scold" (James Wolcott).
A person who habitually scolds, in particular a troublesome and angry woman.
(ambitransitive) To rebuke angrily.
I advise that you refrain from using that kind of language at home, lest your mother scold you.
(ornithology) Of birds, to make harsh vocalisations in aggression.
Of birds, to make vocalisations that resemble human scolding.
Misconstruction of scald
To find fault or rail with rude clamor; to brawl; to utter harsh, rude, boisterous rebuke; to chide sharply or coarsely; - often with at; as, to scold at a servant.
Pardon me, lords, 't is the first time everI was forced to scold.
To chide with rudeness and clamor; to rate; also, to rebuke or reprove with severity.
One who scolds, or makes a practice of scolding; esp., a rude, clamorous woman; a shrew.
She is an irksome, brawling scold.
A scolding; a brawl.
Someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
Censure severely or angrily;
The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
Show one's unhappiness or critical attitude;
He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong
We grumbled about the increased work load
Scold means to reprimand someone angrily or harshly.
The mother scolded her son for running into the street without looking.

Scold Meaning in a Sentence

When you scold someone, it’s important to explain what they did wrong.
He received a scold from his boss for missing the deadline.
Teachers often have to scold students to maintain order in the classroom.
Scold less and praise more is a good philosophy when training pets.
Parents often find themselves having to scold their children for various reasons.
A scold can be hurtful if it's too harsh or unjustified.
A scold from a respected teacher can have a big impact on a student.
It's not fun to scold someone, but sometimes it's part of being a responsible adult.
He was known as a scold who would complain about everything.
Her scold was stern, but it was clear she cared deeply.
The coach's scold motivated the team to improve their performance.
She used humor to soften her scold, making it easier to accept.
Sometimes a scold is necessary to correct dangerous behavior.
A well-timed scold can prevent a small mistake from becoming a bigger problem.
She earned a reputation as a scold, always finding fault with others.
He dreaded his mother's scold whenever he came home late.
No one likes to be the scold, but sometimes it's unavoidable.
Being a constant scold can strain relationships.
He reflected on the scold he had given, wondering if he had been too harsh.

Scold Idioms & Phrases

Take a scold

To accept a scolding with acknowledgment or resignation.
He took the scold from his coach as motivation to do better.

Give a scold

To deliver a scolding.
She gave a scold to the kids for playing in the mud.

Withstand a scold

To endure a scolding without reacting negatively.
He withstood the scold with a calm demeanor.

Old scold

A term for someone who frequently scolds.
He was the old scold of the office, always finding fault.

Earn a scold

To do something that typically results in being scolded.
Arriving late again will certainly earn you a scold from the boss.

Meet with a scold

To encounter a scolding.
He met with a scold after breaking the window.

Deserve a scold

To warrant a reprimand due to one's actions.
She definitely deserved a scold for her reckless driving.

Beyond scold

When a situation or behavior is too severe or repeated to be addressed by just a scold.
His misconduct was beyond scold and required serious disciplinary action.

A scold too far

A scolding that exceeds what is appropriate or reasonable, possibly causing backlash.
His harsh criticism was a scold too far and upset everyone.

Turn the scold

To reverse the typical role of who gives and receives the scolding.
The students turned the scold by critiquing the teacher’s unfair methods.

Live down a scold

To overcome the reputation or impact of having been scolded.
It took him weeks to live down the scold he received in front of his peers.

Save the scold

To hold back from scolding until absolutely necessary.
Save the scold for a matter that truly deserves such a response.

Under a scold

Being subject to frequent scolding.
The team was under a scold for their continuous lack of effort.

Scold away

To continue scolding without restraint.
She scolded away, despite the team’s apologies.

Scold into action

To motivate someone through scolding to take action or improve.
He was scolded into action, finally starting the project he had delayed.

Quiet as a scold

Ironically, referring to someone who is usually loud or complaining but is momentarily quiet.
She was quiet as a scold, unusually silent during the meeting.

Fend off a scold

To avoid a scolding through excuses or by correcting behavior.
He tried to fend off a scold by quickly cleaning up his mess.

Scold out of

To dissuade or deter someone from an action through scolding.
She was scolded out of skipping school again.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide scold into syllables?

Scold is a single-syllable word, so it is not divided further.

Why is it called scold?

It comes from the Old Norse word "skald," meaning "poet," which might seem unrelated, but poets in Norse culture often used sharp and critical words, much like a scold.

What is a stressed syllable in scold?

The whole word "scold" is stressed as it contains only one syllable.

How is scold used in a sentence?

Scold is used as a verb to describe the action of rebuking someone sharply and as a noun to describe someone who frequently engages in such behavior.

What is the pronunciation of scold?

Scold is pronounced as /skoʊld/.

How many syllables are in scold?

Scold has one syllable.

What is the root word of scold?

The root comes from Old Norse "skald" (poet).

What is the verb form of scold?

The verb form is "scold," and it is the same in its base, past, and past participle forms.

What is the first form of scold?

The first form is "scold."

What is another term for scold?

Another term could be "rebuke" or "reprimand" for the verb; "nagger" for the noun.

Is scold a noun or adjective?

Scold is a verb and a noun.

What is the plural form of scold?

The plural form is "scolds."

Is scold an adverb?

No, scold is not used as an adverb.

Is scold a vowel or consonant?

The word starts with a consonant.

Is scold a countable noun?

Yes, scold is countable; you can have one or more scolds.

Which determiner is used with scold?

Determiners such as "a" or "the" can be used, e.g., "a harsh scold" or "the scold he received."

What is the second form of scold?

The second form is "scolded."

Is scold an abstract noun?

As a noun, scold refers to a person who scolds and is not abstract.

Is the scold term a metaphor?

Scold can be used metaphorically to describe someone who criticizes like a harsh or stern teacher.

Is the word scold imperative?

Yes, scold can be used in an imperative form, e.g., "Scold him for his mistake."

What is the third form of scold?

The third form is also "scolded."

What part of speech is scold?

Scold is both a verb and a noun.

Which conjunction is used with scold?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used, e.g., "scold and advise."

What is the opposite of scold?

The opposite could be "praise" or "commend."

Is scold a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

Is the word scold a Gerund?

Yes, "scolding" is the gerund form of the verb "scold."

Is the word “scold” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be a direct object when used as a noun, e.g., "She doesn't like the scold."

Which vowel is used before scold?

Typically, "a" is used, as in "a scold."

Which article is used with scold?

The indefinite article "a" is used with "scold," as in "a scold."

What is the singular form of scold?

The singular form is "scold."

Is scold a negative or positive word?

Scold generally has a negative connotation as it involves criticism.

Which preposition is used with scold?

Common prepositions include "for," as in "scold for being late."

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Edited by
Sumaia Saeed

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