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Lieing vs. Lying — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on July 24, 2024
"Lieing" isn't a correct English word, while "lying" refers to the act of telling a falsehood or being in a horizontal position.
Lieing vs. Lying — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Lieing or Lying

How to spell Lying?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Lieing" is not recognized in the English language. "Lying" is a legitimate term with two primary definitions.
"Lieing" term might appear as a typo or miscommunication as it does not adhere to conventional spelling rules for verbs. "Lying" refer to the act of not telling the truth or deliberately presenting false information.
The other meaning of "lying" pertains to physical positioning. It describes a state of being in a flat or horizontal position, often as the present participle of the verb "to lie." "Lieing" is considered incorrect because it does not follow standard English spelling conventions for verb conjugation.
Despite some confusion due to similar pronunciation and spelling, these two terms—"lieing" and "lying"—have stark differences in their legitimacy and usage in English.
Remember "lying" drops the "e" from "lie" before adding "ing."
Think of "lie" plus "ing" to form "lying."
The word "lying" has five letters, ending with "ing."
Visualize "lying" as resting or not telling the truth, with "ly" in the middle.
Avoid spelling it as "lieing"; it’s "lying" with "y."

How Do You Spell Lying Correctly?

Incorrect: She was caught lieing to her parents.
Correct: She was caught lying to her parents.
Incorrect: He keeps lieing about his homework.
Correct: He keeps lying about his homework.
Incorrect: She was lieing on the couch watching television.
Correct: She was lying on the couch watching television.
Incorrect: Stop lieing on your resume; honesty is key.
Correct: Stop lying on your resume; honesty is key.
Incorrect: I found him lieing in the sun to get a tan.
Correct: I found him lying in the sun to get a tan.

Lying Definitions

The act of intentionally stating something that is not true.
Despite failing the test, he was lying when he told his parents that he had aced it.
Positioning oneself horizontally, typically when resting or sleeping.
After a long day at work, he was lying on the sofa, too tired to move.
Presenting false information with the intention of deceiving.
The spy was lying about his identity to infiltrate the enemy's base.
The deliberate act of deviating from the truth.
Disguising one's true feelings, thoughts, or intentions.
Even though she was heartbroken, she was lying by pretending everything was okay.
Of Lie, to tell a falsehood.
Of Lie, to be supported horizontally.
Creating a false impression or illusion about a situation.
The artist was lying with his painting, making the small room appear vast and grand.
To be buried in a specified place.
An act of telling a lie or falsehood.
To exist; reside.
Our sympathies lie with the plaintiff.
To consist or have as a basis. Often used with in.
The strength of his performance lies in his training.
To occupy a position or place.
The lake lies beyond this hill.
To extend.
Our land lies between these trees and the river.
(Law) To be admissible or maintainable.
To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
To convey a false image or impression.
Appearances often lie.
(Sports) The position of a golf ball that has come to a stop.
A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
Something meant to deceive or mistakenly accepted as true.
He learned his parents had been swindlers and felt his whole childhood had been a lie.
Present participle of lie.
Simple past tense and past participle of lie.
Given to lying.
A lying witness.
To be or place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or recumbent position; recline.
He lay under a tree to sleep.
To be placed on or supported by a surface that is usually horizontal.
Dirty dishes lay on the table.
To be or remain in a specified condition.
The dust has lain undisturbed for years.
He lay sick in bed.
(Archaic) To stay for a night or short while.
To say or write as a lie.
The manner or position in which something is situated.
A haunt or hiding place of an animal.
Disposed to or characterized by untruth.
A lying witness.
The act of one who lies, or keeps low to the ground.
Tending to tell lies, untruthful, mendacious.

Lying Meaning in a Sentence

When you are sick, lying down can help you feel better.
Telling the truth is better than lying because lies can hurt people.
Lying about your feelings can lead to misunderstandings.
He was lying in the grass, looking up at the clouds.
Lying about your age is not a nice thing to do.
When lying in bed, she thought about her day.
Lying is not a good way to build trust with your friends.
The book was lying open on the desk.
Lying under the stars at night can be very peaceful.
Lying about someone else can harm their reputation.
She spent the afternoon lying by the pool.
She found her keys lying on the kitchen counter.
He admitted to lying about finishing his homework.
Finding a comfortable position for lying down can sometimes be difficult.
He was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling.
Lying to the teacher about why you missed school is wrong.
After lying in the sun for hours, he got a sunburn.
They spent the evening lying on the beach and watching the waves.
The cat was lying in the warmest spot in the house.
The rug was lying crooked, so she straightened it.

Lying Idioms & Phrases

Lying low

Staying out of sight; keeping a low profile.
After the embarrassing incident, he was lying low to avoid any more attention.

Lying tongue

A tendency to tell lies or be deceitful.
You can't trust a word he says; he has a lying tongue.

Lying through your teeth

Telling a complete lie with confidence.
When he said he hadn't eaten the last cookie, he was lying through his teeth because I saw the crumbs on his shirt.

Lying in wait

Hiding and waiting for the perfect moment to act.
The cat was lying in wait for the perfect moment to pounce on the toy.

Lying eyes

Eyes that appear to be dishonest or deceptive.
Despite his convincing story, his lying eyes gave him away.

Lying in one's power

Within one's ability to do something.
It lies in your power to change the outcome of this situation.

Lying in the sun

Relaxing or basking in the sunlight.
I spent the whole afternoon lying in the sun at the beach.

Lying in state

The body of a deceased person being placed on public display.
The leader was lying in state for three days for the public to pay their respects.

Lying in ruins

Being in a state of destruction or decay.
After the earthquake, the city was lying in ruins.

Lying heavy on one's heart

Causing someone to feel guilty or burdened.
The secret was lying heavy on his heart.

Lying on one's oars

Relaxing or not putting in any effort.
After finishing the project early, the team was lying on their oars until the deadline.

Lying at someone's door

Being someone's responsibility or fault.
The blame for the project's failure lies at his door since he was in charge.

Lying by omission

Leaving out important facts deliberately.
Not telling her about the meeting was lying by omission, even if it wasn't an outright lie.

Lying at anchor

A ship that is anchored and stationary.
The fleet was lying at anchor, waiting for the storm to pass.

Lying idle

Not being used or active.
The machinery has been lying idle since the factory closed.

Lying cheek by jowl

Being very close together.
In the crowded market, the stalls were lying cheek by jowl.

Lying off

Situated at a distance from the shore.
The small island was lying off the coast, visible from the beach.

Lying open to

Being vulnerable or exposed to.
Leaving your door unlocked means you're lying open to theft.

Common Curiosities

What verb is lying?

"Lying" is the present participle of the verb "to lie," which can either mean to recline or to tell an untruth.

What is a lie in British?

A lie in British English is the same as in American English; it's a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive.

Why lying has two meanings?

"Lying" has two meanings because it comes from two different English verbs, "to lie" meaning to tell untruths, and "to lie" meaning to recline.

Am I lying or laying on the couch?

You are "lying" on the couch.

What are the two ways of lying?

The two ways of lying include telling a false statement intentionally and being in a flat or horizontal position.

Is it lying around or lieing around?

It is "lying around."

What is lying about someone?

"Lying about someone" involves making a false statement or misrepresentation about another person.

Does hesitation mean lying?

Not necessarily. Hesitation could be a sign of lying, but it could also simply mean someone is unsure or needs more time to think.

What is lying in American English?

"Lying" in American English has the same two meanings as in British English. It can mean either to recline or rest in a flat position or to tell an untruth.

What is a lying smile?

A lying smile is a deceptive or insincere smile that masks one's true feelings.

Is lying a lie?

Yes, "lying" is the act of telling a "lie."

How many types of lying is there?

There are many types of lying, including white lies, bold-faced lies, lying by omission, and more.

Is lying an adjective?

No, "lying" is not an adjective. It's a verb.

What does lying somewhere mean?

"Lying somewhere" means being or remaining in a certain place in a reclining or flat position.

Is it lieing or lying on the floor?

The correct phrase is "lying on the floor."

Is it spelled lying or Lieing?

The correct spelling is "lying."

What is a lying face?

A lying face refers to the facial expressions one might display when telling a lie, often identified as a micro expression that indicates deception.

What does deep lying mean?

"Deep lying" often refers to something or someone being in or at a far depth or position, either literally or figuratively.

Why is lying a skill?

Lying is sometimes referred to as a "skill" because it requires creativity, quick thinking, and the ability to convince others of untruths.

What is an example of lying?

An example of lying is telling someone you did not eat the last piece of cake when you actually did.

What is the past tense of lying in bed?

The past tense of lying in bed is "lay in bed."

Why is lying used?

"Lying" is used to denote the action of resting in a flat position or making a false statement intentionally.

Is she lying or lieing?

The correct phrase is "Is she lying."

What is the meaning of is lying?

"Is lying" can refer to either the act of reclining or resting in a flat position or the act of not telling the truth.

What is slang for lying?

In slang, lying might be referred to as "fibbing."

Is lying a action word?

Yes, "lying" is an action word as it denotes the act of reclining or telling untruths.

How do you use lying in bed in a sentence?

You can use "lying in bed" in a sentence like this: "I was lying in bed when the phone rang."

Is lying a Behaviour?

Yes, lying is a behavior as it involves an action or conduct.

How do you use lying in a sentence?

"Lying" can be used in a sentence as follows: "He was lying on the beach enjoying the sun."

How lying works?

Lying involves creating a story or statement that is not true and convincing others that it is factual.

Is it laying low or lying low?

It is "lying low."

Is it laying awake or lying awake?

It is "lying awake."

Is lying cheating?

While they often go hand in hand, lying and cheating are not the same. Lying is telling falsehoods, while cheating is acting dishonestly to gain an advantage.

What is the Old English word for lying?

The Old English word for "lying" is "leogan."

Is it laying flat or lying flat?

It is "lying flat."

What is a synonym for lying around?

A synonym for "lying around" is "lounging."

What is lying also called?

Lying is also called "telling falsehoods" or "deception."

Is lying down sleeping?

No, "lying down" means to be in a flat position, while "sleeping" is a state of rest and not necessarily lying down.

Is it lying in bed?

Yes, it is "lying in bed."

What is the meaning of lying and lieing?

"Lying" refers to being in a horizontal position or the act of telling an untruth. "Lieing" is not a correct English spelling.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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