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Either vs. Ither — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 18, 2024
The correct spelling is "Either," often used to indicate one or the other of two choices. "Ither" is an incorrect spelling.
Either vs. Ither — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Either or Ither

How to spell Either?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "Either" starts with "E," just like "Either/Or," which is a common phrase.
Link it to "neither," which is its antonym and also starts with a vowel.
Recall that "either" has two vowels at the beginning ("e" and "i") while "ither" is missing one.
Associate the word "Either" with "Either/Or," where "Or" also starts with a vowel.
Use the acronym E.I.T.H.E.R: "Each Individual Thinks He's Extremely Right," to remember the spelling.

How Do You Spell Ither Correctly?

Incorrect: We could go to the beach or the park, ither sounds fun.
Correct: We could go to the beach or the park, either sounds fun.
Incorrect: I don't know if I should go with this one or ither.
Correct: I don't know if I should go with this one or either.
Incorrect: She hasn't decided ither to accept the job offer.
Correct: She hasn't decided either to accept the job offer.
Incorrect: Would you prefer coffee or tea, ither will be fine for me.
Correct: Would you prefer coffee or tea, either will be fine for me.
Incorrect: You can choose either of the two options.
Correct: You can choose either of the two options.

Either Definitions

Used to indicate one or the other of two options.
You can have either coffee or tea.
Used to indicate both when referring to two choices.
There are trees on either side of the river.
Used to introduce a synonymous clause.
He's either coming today or he isn't.
Used in a negative construction to indicate neither of two options.
He doesn't like either option.
Used to qualify a statement by saying it can also be said in reverse.
Either way, you're correct.
Used before the first of two (or occasionally more) given alternatives (the other being introduced by ‘or’)
Either I accompany you to your room or I wait here
Available in either black or white
Used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made
It won't do any harm, but won't really help either
You don't like him, do you? I don't either
One or the other of two people or things
There were no children of either marriage
Their mortgage will be repaid if either of them dies
Used before the first of two or more coordinates or clauses linked by or
Either we go now or we remain here forever.
Any one of two; one or the other
Wear either coat.
One and the other; each
Rings on either hand.
Likewise; also. Used as an intensive following negative statements
If you don't order a dessert, I won't either.
Any one (of two).
You can have it in either colour.
Each of two; both.
There is a locomotive at either end of the train, one pulling and the other pushing.
Any one (of more than two).
One or the other of two people or things.
He made me two offers, but I did not accept either.
(obsolete) Both, each of two or more.
As well.
I don't like him, and I don't like her either.
I know a cheap Spanish restaurant. It's not far from here, either.
Introduces the first of two (or occasionally more) options or possibilities, the second (or last) of which is introduced by “or”.
Either you eat your dinner or you go to your room.
You can have either potatoes or rice with that, but not both.
You'll be either early, late, or on time.
One of two; the one or the other; - properly used of two things, but sometimes of a larger number, for any one.
Lepidus flatters both,Of both is flattered; but he neither loves,Nor either cares for him.
Scarce a palm of ground could be gotten by either of the three.
There have been three talkers in Great British, either of whom would illustrate what I say about dogmatists.
Each of two; the one and the other; both; - formerly, also, each of any number.
His flowing hairIn curls on either cheek played.
On either side . . . was there the tree of life.
The extreme right and left of either army never engaged.
Either precedes two, or more, coördinate words or phrases, and is introductory to an alternative. It is correlative to or.
Either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth.
Few writers hesitate to use either in what is called a triple alternative; such as, We must either stay where we are, proceed, or recede.
Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs?
After a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something like `likewise' or `also';
He isn't stupid, but he isn't exactly a genius either
I don't know either
If you don't order dessert I won't either

Either Meaning in a Sentence

You can sit either here or there; both spots have a great view.
Either option works for me; just let me know your preference.
Either way, we'll need to make a decision by tomorrow.
She said that either day is fine for the meeting.
You can add either sugar or honey to sweeten the tea.
Either you get it right, or you learn from it.
You can keep either the blue or the red one; I don't need both.
Either you or I will have to lead the presentation.
Either answer will be considered correct on the quiz.
I don't mind either movie; I'm just happy to be going out.
He's either very brave or very foolish to try that stunt.
Either outcome is possible, so prepare for both scenarios.
For dessert, you can choose either ice cream or cake.
Either book will give you the information you need for the project.
Either candidate would make a good leader for the team.
I'm fine with visiting either the museum or the art gallery.
Either you apologize, or we forget this ever happened.
She's considering moving to either Boston or Seattle.
For your project, you can choose to focus on either quality or speed.
Either path leads to the waterfall, so choose the one you prefer.
Either road will take you to the city, but one is quicker.
Either version of the software will support your current system.
You can contact me via either email or phone.
You'll find that either choice has its own benefits and drawbacks.
We can either stay home or go out for dinner.

Either Idioms & Phrases

Not either

Used to express a negative association with both of two options.
I don't like not either of these designs for the new logo.

At either end

Positioned at one end or the other of something.
There are bookshelves at either end of the library.

Either or

A phrase used to indicate a choice between two mutually exclusive options.
You can have either the chocolate or the vanilla ice cream.

In either case

Used to introduce a statement that applies to one or both of the possibilities.
You'll need to study hard; in either case, the exam will be tough.

Either one

One or the other of two.
You can borrow either one of my books if you like.

Either way

Regardless of the situation or outcome.
Either way, we'll still go on the trip, rain or shine.

For either

Suitable or available for both options.
This coupon is valid for either the online store or the physical shop.


Used to emphasize a choice between two alternatives.
We have to decide, either we hike to the mountain or swim at the beach.

Either side

On one side or the other.
You can park on either side of the street on weekends.

Either too

Also; in addition.
He's not only a talented musician but an excellent writer either too.

Either here or there

Indicating a choice between two places.
You can set up the picnic either here or there, wherever you prefer.

Either as well

Additionally; as another option.
You could try the chocolate cake or the cheesecake, either as well is delicious.

Either itself

The very one.
The mystery is intriguing either itself.

Either of us/them

One or the other person.
Either of us could lead the project successfully.

On either hand

On one side or the other.
Beautiful gardens lay on either hand of the path.

To go either way

To be uncertain; could result in two possible outcomes.
The game could go either way; both teams are very strong.

With either

Having one or the other.
You'll be safe with either choice of route.

To take either

To choose one from two.
You're welcome to take either of the puppies home with you.

Either alone

Just one by itself.
Either alone, these ingredients are good, but together they're fantastic.

Before either

Prior to both options.
We need to finish planning before either can happen.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Either?

/ˈiːðər/ or /ˈaɪðər/

Why is it called Either?

The term "either" comes from Old English and is used to indicate one or the other among two.

What is the verb form of Either?

There is no verb form of "either."

Which vowel is used before Either?

Generally, no specific vowel precedes it.

What is the root word of Either?

The root comes from Old English "ǣgther, āwther."

Which preposition is used with Either?

"Of," as in "either of them."

Is Either an adverb?


Is Either an abstract noun?


What is the plural form of Either?

There is no plural form.

Is Either a noun or adjective?

Adjective or conjunction.

Which conjunction is used with Either?

"Or," as in "either/or."

Is Either a countable noun?


Is the Either term a metaphor?


Is Either a negative or positive word?


How many syllables are in Either?


How do we divide Either into syllables?


What is the singular form of Either?

Either is singular.

Which article is used with Either?

Usually none.

Is Either a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, not a letter.

Is the word “Either” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither, as it is not a noun.

Which determiner is used with Either?

None generally.

How is Either used in a sentence?

"You can either stay or go, the choice is yours."

Is Either a collective noun?


Is the word Either is Gerund?


What is a stressed syllable in Either?

Depends on pronunciation, either "Ei" or "ther."

Is the word Either is imperative?


What part of speech is Either?

Adjective or conjunction.

What is another term for Either?

One or the other.

What is the opposite of Either?


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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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