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Neice vs. Niece — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on July 19, 2024
"Niece" is the correct spelling for the daughter of one's sibling or sibling-in-law, while "Neice" is a common misspelling of this term.
Neice vs. Niece — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Neice or Niece

How to spell Niece?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Niece" is the correct spelling of the word in English, referring to the daughter of one's sibling or sibling-in-law. It's a term used in family relationships to identify a specific familial connection.
Remember "niece" starts with "nie," not "ne."
Avoid spelling it as "neice"; it’s "niece" with "ie."
Think of "nie" as in "niece" and "ce" as in "peace."
The word "niece" has five letters, ending with "ce."
Visualize "niece" as family, with "ie" in the middle.
"Neice," on the other hand, is a common misspelling of "niece." It is not recognized as a valid English word. The incorrect spelling likely arises from the unique way the letters 'i' and 'e' are ordered in the word "niece."
It's essential to remember the rule "i before e except after c" when spelling words in English. However, "niece" is an exception to this rule, which might cause some confusion.

How Do You Spell Niece Correctly?

Incorrect: I'm taking my neice to the park this afternoon.
Correct: I'm taking my niece to the park this afternoon.
Incorrect: My neice is learning to play the piano.
Correct: My niece is learning to play the piano.
Incorrect: My neice won an award at school today.
Correct: My niece won an award at school today.
Incorrect: She is the most adorable neice in the world.
Correct: She is the most adorable niece in the world.

Niece Definitions

The daughter of one's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of one's spouse.
The daughter of one's brother or sister.
My niece is coming to stay with us for the summer.
A female relative who is the child of one’s sibling.
She bought a birthday gift for her niece.
A daughter of one’s sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; either the daughter of one's brother ("fraternal niece"), or of one's sister ("sororal niece").
My niece just celebrated her 15th birthday.
A "niece" can also be the daughter of your spouse's sibling.
The daughter of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
I have a close bond with my niece, who is my husband's sister's daughter.
A young female family member from the next generation.
Her niece looks just like her when she was younger.
A daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. In modern English, this is the primary meaning.
A female child related to someone by being the daughter of their sibling.
His niece is graduating from college this year.
A relative, in general; especially, a descendant, whether male or female; a granddaughter or a grandson.
A daughter of your brother or sister.
In family relationships, a "niece" is your sibling's daughter.
A "niece" refers to the relationship between an individual and the daughter of that individual's sibling.
The term "niece" denotes the female child of one's sibling or sibling-in-law.
A "niece" is the female offspring of your brother or sister.

Niece Meaning in a Sentence

I taught my niece how to ride a bike last weekend.
Every summer, my niece comes to visit us for a week.
My niece has an incredible talent for drawing animals.
My niece loves to read fairy tales before bedtime.
She baked cookies with her niece on Saturday.
My niece is playing the role of Cinderella in her school play.
Every Christmas, my niece helps me decorate the tree.
For her birthday, I gave my niece a set of watercolor paints.
My niece and I built a sandcastle at the beach.
On Halloween, my niece dressed up as a astronaut.
My niece wrote a thank-you note for the gift I sent her.
My niece is fascinated by dinosaurs and space.
My niece collected shells along the shore to remember our day at the beach.
I'm so proud of my niece for winning the spelling bee.
I love taking my niece to the zoo to see her favorite animals.
My niece always hugs me tight when we say goodbye.
Watching my niece grow and learn is one of my greatest joys.
She is not just my niece; she's like my little sister.
For our movie night, my niece chose a comedy.
My niece has a curious mind and asks a lot of questions.
She's teaching her niece how to bake cupcakes.
She volunteered to babysit her niece on the weekend.
My niece is learning how to swim this summer.

Common Curiosities

Who is my niece?

Your niece is the daughter of your sibling or the child of your spouse's sibling.

What is another word for niece?

Another term for niece can be "nibling," which is a gender-neutral term for a niece or nephew.

How do you use niece in a sentence?

Here is an example: "My niece just graduated from high school."

Is nieces correct?

Yes, "nieces" is the correct plural form of "niece."

Who is one's niece?

One's niece is the daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

How do you spell niece and nephew?

The correct spelling is "niece" for a female child of a sibling and "nephew" for a male child of a sibling.

What is the full meaning of niece?

A niece is a female child of one's brother or sister or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

Is niece singular or plural?

"Niece" is singular. The plural form is "nieces."

What do you call your sister's child?

Your sister's child is referred to as your niece if she's a girl or your nephew if he's a boy.

Who is my sister's niece?

Your sister's niece is either your daughter or another sister's daughter.

Is My niece a girl?

Yes, your niece is a girl. A nephew would be a boy.

How do you say two nieces?

Two female children of your sibling are simply called "nieces."

Can you say nieces and nephews?

Yes, "nieces and nephews" is the correct term when referring to both the female and male children of your siblings.

What is the husband of a niece called?

The husband of your niece is your nephew-in-law.

What is nieces in English?

"Nieces" is the plural form of "niece" in English, denoting more than one daughter of your siblings.

Is nieces countable or uncountable?

"Nieces" is countable, as it refers to more than one niece.

What do you call your wife's niece?

Your wife's niece would be considered your niece as well by marriage.

What is my niece's child called?

Your niece's child would be referred to as your great-niece or great-nephew.

What is a half niece?

A half-niece is the daughter of your half-sibling, which means you share only one parent with that sibling.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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