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Owkward vs. Awkward — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Owkward" is an incorrect spelling, while "Awkward" is correct. "Awkward" describes something uncomfortable or not smooth in action or motion.
Owkward vs. Awkward — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Owkward or Awkward

How to spell Awkward?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "awkward" begins with "awk," like "hawk."
Picture an "awkward" penguin to associate with the "awk" sound.
"Awkward" has the sound "aw," not "ow."
Recollect the phrase "an awkward moment" to reinforce the correct spelling.
Think of "award" and switch the "d" with "kward" to remember "awkward."

How Do You Spell Awkward Correctly?

Incorrect: The handshake was owkward and clumsy.
Correct: The handshake was awkward and clumsy.
Incorrect: The situation felt owkward after the argument.
Correct: The situation felt awkward after the argument.
Incorrect: The silence in the room was owkward.
Correct: The silence in the room was awkward.
Incorrect: She felt owkward trying to start a conversation.
Correct: She felt awkward trying to start a conversation.
Incorrect: His attempt at humor was a bit owkward.
Correct: His attempt at humor was a bit awkward.

Awkward Definitions

Causing discomfort due to lack of grace or ease.
The dancer's awkward movements were noticeable.
Positioned in a way that's hard to use or deal with.
The shelf was placed at an awkward angle.
Embarrassing or inconvenient.
There was an awkward silence after the comment.
Not graceful; ungainly.
Not dexterous; clumsy.
Clumsily or unskillfully performed
The opera was marred by an awkward aria.
Difficult to handle or manage
An awkward bundle to carry.
Difficult to effect; uncomfortable
An awkward pose.
Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort
An awkward remark.
An awkward silence.
Requiring great tact, ingenuity, skill, and discretion
An awkward situation arose during the peace talks.
(obsolete) In a backwards direction.
Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments.
John was awkward at performing the trick. He'll have to practice to improve.
Not easily managed or effected; embarrassing.
That was an extremely awkward moment. Everyone was watching.
An awkward silence had fallen.
Lacking social skills, or uncomfortable with social interaction.
I'm very awkward at parties.
Things get very awkward whenever 60-year old men use cheesy pick-up lines on me.
Perverse; adverse; difficult to handle.
He's a right awkward chap.
These cabinets are going to be very awkward when we move.
Someone or something that is awkward.
Wanting dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments; not dexterous; without skill; clumsy; wanting ease, grace, or effectiveness in movement; ungraceful; as, he was awkward at a trick; an awkward boy.
And dropped an awkward courtesy.
Perverse; adverse; untoward.
O blind guides, which being of an awkward religion, do strain out a gnat, and swallow up a cancel.
Causing inconvenience;
They arrived at an awkward time
Lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance;
An awkward dancer
An awkward gesture
Too awkward with a needle to make her own clothes
His clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot
Difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape;
An awkward bundle to carry
A load of bunglesome paraphernalia
Clumsy wooden shoes
The cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl
Not elegant or graceful in expression;
An awkward prose style
A clumsy apology
His cumbersome writing style
If the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?
Hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment;
Awkward (or embarrassing or difficult) moments in the discussion
An awkward pause followed his remark
A sticky question
In the unenviable position of resorting to an act he had planned to save for the climax of the campaign
Not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner;
Awkward and reserved at parties
Ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know
Was always uneasy with strangers
Difficult to handle or manage.
The box was in an awkward shape.
Lacking social grace or manners.
His remarks made the dinner feel awkward.

Awkward Meaning in a Sentence

The awkward pause made everyone in the room feel uncomfortable.
He felt awkward when he realized he was overdressed for the party.
The meeting was going well until an awkward question was asked.
Her attempt to apologize was sincere but came across as awkward.
They shared an awkward smile as they passed each other in the hallway.
The layout of the apartment was awkward, with the bathroom off the kitchen.
Trying to navigate the crowded room was an awkward ordeal.
The conversation turned awkward when the topic of politics came up.
Wearing high heels for the first time felt incredibly awkward.
The awkward silence that followed the performance indicated the audience's confusion.
It was an awkward moment when no one could remember the new manager's name.
The first day at a new school is always filled with awkward introductions.
The seating arrangement at the wedding was awkward, mixing rival family members.
Learning to drive a stick shift was an awkward experience at first.
The placement of the light switch behind the door was an awkward design choice.
It was awkward when they both reached for the last slice of pizza at the same time.
I had an awkward encounter with my ex at the coffee shop.
The joke made everyone laugh, but the timing was a bit awkward.
Adjusting to the new software at work has been an awkward transition.
Their first dance was endearing but awkward, as neither knew how to dance.
Trying to make conversation with someone who is clearly not interested is always awkward.
Carrying the oversized package through the narrow door was awkward.
He gave an awkward laugh when he didn't understand the joke.
The movie had an awkward ending that left many questions unanswered.

Awkward Idioms & Phrases

Feel awkward

To experience discomfort or unease in a situation.
She felt awkward being the only one not dressed in costume at the party.

In an awkward position

In a difficult situation that is hard to deal with.
He found himself in an awkward position when asked to choose between his job and his principles.

Awkward silence

A pause in conversation that feels uncomfortable or tense.
After the controversial subject was brought up, an awkward silence filled the room.

An awkward moment

A brief period of discomfort during an interaction or event.
There was an awkward moment when they both realized they were wrong.

Make it awkward

To cause a situation to become uncomfortable.
By asking about his past relationships, she didn't mean to make it awkward.

Awkward laughter

Laughter that occurs in response to discomfort or uncertainty, rather than amusement.
His joke didn't land well, resulting in awkward laughter from the audience.

Awkward encounter

An unexpected and uncomfortable meeting with someone.
Running into her ex with his new girlfriend was an awkward encounter.

Awkward situation

A scenario that is difficult or embarrassing to navigate.
Walking in on a private conversation is always an awkward situation.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Awkward?

There isn't a specific verb form for "awkward."

What is the root word of Awkward?

The root word is "awk."

What is the pronunciation of Awkward?

"Awkward" is pronounced as /ˈɔːkwərd/.

What is the singular form of Awkward?

"Awkward" is an adjective and doesn't have a singular or plural form.

Why is it called Awkward?

"Awkward" comes from Old Norse "afugr" meaning "turned backward" and Middle English "awk" meaning "clumsy or perverse."

Which preposition is used with Awkward?

Prepositions like "in," "with," or "for" can be used with "awkward," depending on the context.

Is Awkward a noun or adjective?

"Awkward" is an adjective.

What is the plural form of Awkward?

"Awkward" doesn't have a plural form as it's an adjective.

Which vowel is used before Awkward?

The vowel "a" is used at the beginning of "awkward."

Which conjunction is used with Awkward?

There's no specific conjunction solely used with "awkward."

Which article is used with Awkward?

Both "the" and "an" can be used with "awkward," depending on context.

Is Awkward an abstract noun?

No, "awkward" is an adjective.

Is Awkward a negative or positive word?

Typically, "awkward" has a negative connotation.

Is Awkward a countable noun?

"Awkward" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the Awkward term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is Awkward a vowel or consonant?

The word "awkward" consists of both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Awkward is imperative?

No, "awkward" is not used in the imperative mood.

Is the word Awkward is Gerund?

No, "awkward" is not a gerund.

What is a stressed syllable in Awkward?

The first syllable, "awk," is stressed.

Is Awkward a collective noun?

No, "awkward" is not a collective noun.

What part of speech is Awkward?

It's an adjective.

Is Awkward an adverb?

No, "awkward" is not an adverb. However, "awkwardly" is the adverbial form.

Is the word “Awkward” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Awkward" is an adjective and wouldn't typically function as a direct or indirect object.

How many syllables are in Awkward?

Two syllables.

What is the opposite of Awkward?

Graceful or smooth.

How do we divide Awkward into syllables?


What is another term for Awkward?

Clumsy or inelegant.

What is the first form of Awkward?

"Awkward" is an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.

What is the third form of Awkward?

"Awkward" doesn't have verb forms.

How is Awkward used in a sentence?

"It was an awkward situation when they both reached for the last piece of cake."

Which determiner is used with Awkward?

Determiners such as "that," "this," or "an" can be used with "awkward."

What is the second form of Awkward?

"Awkward" doesn't have verb forms.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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