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111st vs. 111th — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 21, 2024
111st is incorrect. The proper ordinal representation is 111th, which indicates the position following the 110th.
111st vs. 111th — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: 111st or 111th

How to spell 111th?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "11" itself is "eleventh," not "elevenst." This extends to 111 as 111th.
Think of it as "One hundred eleventh" which clearly indicates the use of "th."
Only 1st, 2nd, and 3rd end with "st," "nd," and "rd" respectively. All other numbers, including "eleven," end with "th."
Visualize "111th" on numbered lists or records to imprint the correct spelling.
Recall "eleventh," and notice it doesn’t end with "st." Similarly, 111th doesn’t end with "st."

How Do You Spell 111th Correctly?

Incorrect: It's my 111st visit to this park.
Correct: It's my 111th visit to this park.
Incorrect: This is the 111st time I've told you.
Correct: This is the 111th time I've told you.
Incorrect: I finished in the 111st place in the race.
Correct: I finished in the 111th place in the race.
Incorrect: The 111st anniversary of the building is next year.
Correct: The 111th anniversary of the building is next year.
Incorrect: He lives on the 111st floor.
Correct: He lives on the 111th floor.

111th Definitions

Used to specify a distinct point or item in a set.
The 111th page of the book had an error.
Denotes a particular place in a ranking or hierarchy.
The company was ranked 111th globally.
The ordinal number following the 110th and preceding the 112th.
She stood in the 111th position.
Indicates the position in a chronological series.
The 111th episode aired last night.
Represents a specific position in an ordered sequence.
He was the 111th person to sign up.

111th Meaning in a Sentence

Our school's 111th Founders' Day was a memorable occasion.
The 111th Congress passed several important pieces of legislation.
The library is celebrating its 111th anniversary with a special event.
My grandmother is celebrating her 111th birthday next month.
The 111th amendment significantly changed the constitution.
This model is the 111th iteration of the device.
This is the 111th issue of the magazine.
The 111th street station is the nearest subway stop.
I'm reading the 111th book in my challenge this year.
The festival is in its 111th year and still going strong.
The 111th battalion was deployed overseas last month.
The 111th Symphony Orchestra concert was an absolute delight.
The 111th edition of the classic novel features a new foreword.
The city is planning a big celebration for its 111th anniversary.
I've just completed my 111th workout of the year.
Our company is ranked 111th in the global list.
I can't believe it's already my 111th day of work here.
The 111th version of the software includes many bug fixes.
We've just welcomed the 111th member to our community group.
She's entered into her 111th tennis tournament.
This is the 111th production our theater group has staged.
He's aiming to break the record for the 111th time.
The 111th meeting of the club will feature a special guest speaker.
The 111th annual conference is scheduled for next spring.
My 111th attempt at baking the perfect loaf of bread was finally successful.

111th Idioms & Phrases

111th attempt

Trying something many times in order to succeed.
On my 111th attempt, I finally mastered the piano piece.

111th edition

The version of a publication that has been revised or released 110 times before.
The dictionary's 111th edition includes new words from the tech industry.

111th hour

A situation or a time very close to a deadline or an ending.
The deal was finalized at the 111th hour, just before the deadline.

111th chance

Giving someone or something many opportunities to succeed.
I've given this old car the 111th chance, but it's still not running right.

111th anniversary

Celebrating 110 years plus one of an event or founding.
The city is preparing a big festival for its 111th anniversary.

111th experiment

Conducting many experiments in pursuit of a scientific discovery or solution.
The 111th experiment finally yielded the results we were hoping for.

111th place

A position in a ranking system that is after the first 110 positions.
My novel ranked in the 111th place in the bestseller list, which was quite an achievement.

111th project

Working on many projects, with this being one more in the sequence.
This community garden is my 111th project, and it's the one I'm most proud of.

111th time's the charm

A humorous twist on the saying "third time's the charm," indicating persistence pays off, even after many attempts.
After trying 110 times, the 111th time's the charm; I finally won the chess game.

111th participant

Being one among many in a large group or event.
As the 111th participant, I didn't expect to win the marathon, but I was proud to finish.

111th attempt at humor

Making many attempts at being funny or making someone laugh.
My 111th attempt at humor finally got a laugh out of her.

111th step

A part of a long process, indicating progress but still a way to go.
Completing this course is the 111th step in my journey to becoming a doctor.

111th visit

Visiting a place many times, indicating familiarity and persistence.
On my 111th visit to the museum, I still found something new.

111th book

Reading or writing a large number of books.
The 111th book I read this year opened my eyes to a whole new genre.

111th journey

Embarking on many journeys, with this being the latest.
My 111th journey took me to a remote village where I learned pottery.

111th in line

Being far back in a sequence or order.
I was the 111th in line for tickets, but I still got them!

111th guess

Taking a large number of guesses to get an answer right.
It took me the 111th guess to solve the riddle.

111th day

Marking a significant amount of time spent doing something or being somewhere.
Today is my 111th day of consecutive meditation, and I feel more centered than ever.

111th try

Another attempt at something, showing determination.
I'll give it the 111th try; maybe this time I'll get it right.

111th recipe

Trying or creating many recipes, showing culinary exploration or creativity.
The 111th recipe I tried from the cookbook was the best one yet.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of 111th?

The root word is "one hundred eleven."

Why is it called 111th?

It's called 111th because it denotes the ordinal position after the 110th.

Which preposition is used with 111th?

For positions or rankings, "in" can be used, as in "in the 111th place."

What is the pronunciation of 111th?

It's pronounced "one hundred eleventh."

Which vowel is used before 111th?

Typically, "a" is used as in "a 111th."

What is the verb form of 111th?

111th doesn't have a verb form; it's an ordinal number.

Is 111th a negative or positive word?

It's neutral; neither negative nor positive.

Is 111th a noun or adjective?

111th can function as both a noun (e.g., "the 111th of the series") and an adjective (e.g., "the 111th contestant").

Is 111th an adverb?

No, 111th isn't an adverb.

Is the word “111th” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can serve as either, depending on the sentence structure.

What is another term for 111th?

There isn't a specific synonymous term for the ordinal number 111th.

Which determiner is used with 111th?

Common determiners include "the" or "a."

What is the singular form of 111th?

111th is already in its singular form.

What is the plural form of 111th?

Ordinal numbers like 111th don't have a standard plural form.

Which conjunction is used with 111th?

Any conjunction can be used with "111th" based on the sentence structure; there isn't a specific one.

Is 111th a countable noun?

No, 111th itself isn't countable.

How many syllables are in 111th?

There are six syllables: "one-hun-dred-el-e-venth."

What is the stressed syllable in 111th?

The second syllable, "hun," is stressed.

Is 111th an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete representation of position or order.

How do we divide 111th into syllables?


What part of speech is 111th?

It can be an adjective or a noun, depending on its use.

What is the opposite of 111th?

There isn't a direct opposite, but in a sequence, the first would be farthest from the 111th.

Which article is used with 111th?

Both "the" and "a" can be used with 111th, depending on the context.

Is 111th a vowel or consonant?

111th is an ordinal number and doesn't fit into vowel or consonant categories.

Is the 111th term a metaphor?

Not inherently, though it could be used metaphorically in specific contexts.

How is 111th used in a sentence?

"The school ranked 111th in the national competition."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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