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Troden vs. Trodden — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Troden" is an incorrect spelling, whereas "Trodden" is the correct past participle form of the verb "tread," meaning to have stepped or walked.
Troden vs. Trodden — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Troden or Trodden

How to spell Trodden?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Trodden" has two d's, like "padded," the past tense of "pad."
The word "tread" is the base, and when you walk more (in the past), it becomes "trodden" with extra emphasis on 'd'.
Think of "trodden" as a path where many have "treaded," and hence, it needs two 'd's for emphasis.
Visualize it as a path that's been walked on many times, warranting an extra 'd' for emphasis.
Connect "trodden" with "forgotten," both having the double 't' and double 'd'.

How Do You Spell Trodden Correctly?

Incorrect: These lands have been troden by both friend and foe.
Correct: These lands have been trodden by both friend and foe.
Incorrect: The snow was freshly troden early in the morning.
Correct: The snow was freshly trodden early in the morning.
Incorrect: Few have troden where we aim to go.
Correct: Few have trodden where we aim to go.
Incorrect: This ground has been troden upon by generations.
Correct: This ground has been trodden upon by generations.
Incorrect: The path was troden by many before us.
Correct: The path was trodden by many before us.

Trodden Definitions

The past participle form of "tread" indicating to have stepped or walked.
The path was well-trodden by the villagers.
Referring to a path or area frequently walked upon.
The trodden trail led to the ancient ruins.
To have crushed or flattened by stepping or walking on.
The flowers were trodden and withered.
Experienced, gone through or encountered by walking.
He trodden the miles with determination.
Being in a suppressed or downtrodden state.
He felt trodden by life's relentless challenges.
A past participle of tread.
Crushed by being walked on.
Past participle of tread
Crushed or broken by being stepped upon heavily;
Her trampled flowers lay crushed and broken
The grass was trodden and muddy

Trodden Meaning in a Sentence

The grass was flattened where it had been trodden down by the crowd.
Paths trodden by wildlife are visible in the snow.
The trodden track winds up the mountain, offering breathtaking views.
The carpet in the hallway was worn where it had been heavily trodden.
Fields trodden by cattle showed signs of the herd's movement.
Memories of trodden streets in the old city still linger in my mind.
Trodden leaves marked the trail of the hikers ahead of us.
Trodden underfoot, the flowers still managed to bloom each year.
She prefers paths less trodden for her morning walks.
Ancient trodden roads still shape the landscape of the countryside.
He followed the trodden route used by the shepherds.
The trodden path of history is filled with tales of triumph and tragedy.
The vineyards had narrow, trodden paths between the rows of vines.
The trodden grass paths of the park lead to hidden treasures.
The once trodden battlefield is now a peaceful memorial.
Overgrown and barely trodden, the trail was difficult to follow.
Trodden areas around the campfire were evidence of last night's gathering.
Along the riverbank, a trodden path was visible through the reeds.
The steps of the old castle were smooth and trodden from years of use.
Every trodden stone in the city tells a story of the past.
The mountain's summit is reached by a steep, trodden path.
The trodden staircases of the ancient library bore witness to countless seekers of knowledge.
The beach was marked by trodden sand from the day's visitors.
Trodden by years of pilgrims, the sacred path gleamed under the setting sun.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Trodden?

The base verb form is "tread."

What is the root word of Trodden?

The root word is "tread."

What is the plural form of Trodden?

"Trodden" doesn't have a plural form as it's a past participle of a verb.

Which vowel is used before Trodden?

"A" as in "a trodden path."

Why is it called Trodden?

It's called "trodden" because it's the past participle form of the verb "tread," indicating a past action of stepping or walking.

What is the pronunciation of Trodden?

"Trodden" is pronounced as trod-n.

Which preposition is used with Trodden?

"On" as in "trodden on."

Is Trodden a collective noun?

No, "Trodden" is not a collective noun.

What is the singular form of Trodden?

"Trodden" itself is singular; it's a verb form and not typically counted.

Which conjunction is used with Trodden?

Any conjunction can be used with "trodden," depending on the context.

Is the word Trodden a Gerund?

No, "Trodden" is a past participle.

What is the opposite of Trodden?

"Untrodden" or "unwalked."

Which determiner is used with Trodden?

Determiners like "this," "that," or "the" can be used with "trodden."

Is Trodden a noun or adjective?

"Trodden" is primarily an adjective but also a verb form.

Is Trodden a negative or positive word?

"Trodden" is neutral, but context can give it positive or negative connotations.

Is the word Trodden imperative?

No, "Trodden" is not in the imperative form.

What is another term for Trodden?

"Walked upon."

Is Trodden an adverb?

No, "Trodden" is not an adverb.

Is the Trodden term a metaphor?

"Trodden" can be used metaphorically, as in "trodden dreams" meaning suppressed or unfulfilled dreams.

Is the word “Trodden” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Trodden" can be used as a direct object, depending on the sentence. For example, "The path I have trodden."

How many syllables are in Trodden?

"Trodden" has two syllables.

How do we divide Trodden into syllables?

It's divided as trod-den.

What part of speech is Trodden?

"Trodden" is primarily used as an adjective and a verb form.

What is the third form of Trodden?

The third form is "trodden."

Which article is used with Trodden?

"The" as in "the trodden path."

Is Trodden an abstract noun?

No, "Trodden" is not an abstract noun.

Is Trodden a vowel or consonant?

"Trodden" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

What is a stressed syllable in Trodden?

The first syllable, "trod," is stressed in "trodden."

What is the second form of Trodden?

The second form is "trod."

Is Trodden a countable noun?

"Trodden" is not typically used as a noun.

What is the first form of Trodden?

The first form is "tread."

How is Trodden used in a sentence?

"The leaves on the ground were trodden after the morning rush."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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