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Ryme vs. Rhyme — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Ryme" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Rhyme," referring to correspondence of sound between words or endings of words.
Ryme vs. Rhyme — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ryme or Rhyme

How to spell Rhyme?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember, poems have rhythm and "rhyme."
Think of "rhyme" having the "rhythmic" "h" before the "y."
Mnemonic: "Right Harmony Yields Musical Echoes."
Consider "rhythm" and "rhyme" as similar sounding partners in poetry.
Visual cue: Rh-Y-me = Rhyme.

How Do You Spell Rhyme Correctly?

Incorrect: She found a ryme for "orange."
Correct: She found a rhyme for "orange."
Incorrect: Can you think of a ryme for "silver"?
Correct: Can you think of a rhyme for "silver"?
Incorrect: The poem didn't ryme at the end.
Correct: The poem didn't rhyme at the end.
Incorrect: The children learned about ryme in school today.
Correct: The children learned about rhyme in school today.

Rhyme Definitions

Rhyme refers to the repetition of similar sounding words, typically at the end of lines in poetry or songs.
The moon is bright tonight; it gives off such light.
Rhyme is a word that sounds the same or similar to another.
The words 'cat' and 'hat' rhyme.
Rhyme is the harmonious sound in speech.
The rhyme of the lyrics was captivating.
Rhyme can also refer to a scheme or pattern of rhymes in a poem.
The sonnet follows an ABAB rhyme scheme.
Correspondence of sounds at the ends of words or phrases, especially when involving the last stressed vowel and all succeeding sounds in each of two or more such words or phrases.
A word that exhibits such correspondence with another, as behold and cold.
A poem or verse employing such correspondence as a formal feature, especially at the ends of lines.
Poetry or verse of this kind.
To form a rhyme.
To compose rhymes or verse.
To make use of rhymes in composing verse.
To put into rhyme or compose with rhymes.
To use (a word or words) as a rhyme.
Rhyming verse (poetic form)
A thought expressed in verse; a verse; a poem; a tale told in verse.
(countable) A word that rhymes with another.
A word that rhymes with another, in that it is pronounced identically with the other word from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end.
(uncountable) Rhyming: sameness of sound of part of some words.
(linguistics) rime
(obsolete) Number.
(ambitransitive) To compose or treat in verse; versify.
Of a word, to be pronounced identically with another from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end.
(reciprocal) Of two or more words, to be pronounced identically from the vowel in the stressed syllable of each to the end of each.
To somewhat resemble or correspond with.
To number; count; reckon.
An expression of thought in numbers, measure, or verse; a composition in verse; a rhymed tale; poetry; harmony of language.
A ryme I learned long ago.
He knewHimself to sing, and build the lofty rime.
Correspondence of sound in the terminating words or syllables of two or more verses, one succeeding another immediately or at no great distance. The words or syllables so used must not begin with the same consonant, or if one begins with a vowel the other must begin with a consonant. The vowel sounds and accents must be the same, as also the sounds of the final consonants if there be any.
For rhyme with reason may dispense,And sound has right to govern sense.
Verses, usually two, having this correspondence with each other; a couplet; a poem containing rhymes.
A word answering in sound to another word.
To make rhymes, or verses.
There marched the bard and blockhead, side by side,Who rhymed for hire, and patronized for pride.
To accord in rhyme or sound.
And, if they rhymed and rattled, all was well.
To put into rhyme.
To influence by rhyme.
Hearken to a verser, who may chanceRhyme thee to good.
Correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds)
A piece of poetry
Compose rhymes
Be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable;
Hat and cat rhyme
Rhyme is a short verse or poem, especially for young children.
She recited a nursery rhyme to the toddler.

Rhyme Meaning in a Sentence

The anthology of poetry explored various rhyme schemes and their effects.
A good rhyme can add a punchy ending to a joke.
Rhyme and rhythm are essential components of a catchy song.

Rhyme Idioms & Phrases

Rhyme or reason

Logical explanation or justification.
There was no rhyme or reason to his actions, leaving everyone confused.

Nursery rhyme

A short rhyming poem or song for children.
Humpty Dumpty is a popular nursery rhyme that children love.

Rhyme time

A period or session dedicated to creating or studying rhymes.
The kindergarten class looks forward to rhyme time every day.

Rhyme scheme

The ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or song.
The poet used an ABBA rhyme scheme in her latest sonnet.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Rhyme?

The letter "y."

Which preposition is used with Rhyme?

"With" as in "rhymes with."

What is the singular form of Rhyme?


What is the plural form of Rhyme?


Is Rhyme a noun or adjective?

Primarily a noun, but can also be used as a verb.

Is Rhyme an abstract noun?


What is the pronunciation of Rhyme?


Why is it called Rhyme?

Derived from Old French "rime," meaning "series," it's used to describe correspondence in sounds of words.

What is the verb form of Rhyme?

Rhyme can also be a verb, as in "to rhyme."

What is the root word of Rhyme?

The root is the Old French "rime."

Is Rhyme a countable noun?


Which conjunction is used with Rhyme?

No specific conjunction is uniquely paired with "rhyme."

Is Rhyme an adverb?


Is the word Rhyme a gerund?


Is the word “Rhyme” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on the sentence structure.

What part of speech is Rhyme?

Noun or verb.

What is the opposite of Rhyme?


How do we divide Rhyme into syllables?

Rhyme is one syllable and cannot be divided.

What is another term for Rhyme?


Which article is used with Rhyme?

Either "a" or "the" depending on context.

Is Rhyme a negative or positive word?


Is the Rhyme term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used within metaphors.

Is the word Rhyme imperative?


What is a stressed syllable in Rhyme?

The entire word, as it's monosyllabic.

What is the first form of Rhyme?

Rhyme (as a verb).

Is Rhyme a vowel or consonant?

"Rhyme" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Rhyme a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Rhyme?


Which determiner is used with Rhyme?

Adjectives like "perfect," "slant," or "near" can be used to describe types of rhymes.

What is the second form of Rhyme?


What is the third form of Rhyme?


How is Rhyme used in a sentence?

"The words 'dove' and 'love' often rhyme in classical poetry."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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