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Agred vs. Agreed — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Agred" is an incorrect spelling. The proper form is "agreed," denoting acceptance or concurrence.
Agred vs. Agreed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Agred or Agreed

How to spell Agreed?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

If you concur with someone, you both "see" it the same way. Remember the double "e" in "agreed."
Remember "agree" with an "ed" ending makes "agreed."
Think of “I agree” with the past tense “-d” making it “agreed” for past actions.
The word “greed” is inside “agreed,” which can remind you of the correct spelling.
Consider "agreed" as the past tense of "agree," so it's "agreed upon."

How Do You Spell Agreed Correctly?

Incorrect: We agred to meet at noon.
Correct: We agreed to meet at noon.
Incorrect: The team agred on a strategy to improve sales.
Correct: The team agreed on a strategy to improve sales.
Incorrect: They haven't agred on the final details yet.
Correct: They haven't agreed on the final details yet.
Incorrect: She agred that it was the best course of action.
Correct: She agreed that it was the best course of action.
Incorrect: He agred to take on the responsibility.
Correct: He agreed to take on the responsibility.

Agreed Definitions

Decided upon after discussion or negotiation.
The terms were agreed upon by both parties.
To have given consent.
The board agreed to the new changes.
To have accepted a proposal or idea.
She agreed to help him.
Past tense of agree, meaning to have the same opinion.
They agreed on the price.
Indicating concurrence in a statement or proposal.
That's a good idea, Tom said, and Mary replied, Agreed.
To share an opinion or feeling; be in accord
I agree with you on that. We agree in our taste in music.
To express consent; concur
We agreed to her suggestion.
To accept or support a policy or program
I agree with the flat tax.
To come to an understanding or agreement, as by negotiating
We agreed on the price.
To be compatible or consistent
The copy agrees with the original. Your story agrees with mine.
To be suitable, appropriate, pleasing, or healthful
Spicy food does not agree with me.
(Grammar) To correspond in gender, number, case, or person.
To share an opinion about (something)
My doctor and I agree that I should quit smoking.
To grant or concede
My parents agreed that we should be allowed to go. I agreed to help my parents clean the house.
Simple past tense and past participle of agree
In harmony.
We are much more agreed on goals than on methods.
Grammarians are agreed that contact clauses are a paratactic construction of two independent clauses.
Indicates agreement on the part of the speaker.
Totally agreed!
United by being of the same opinion;
Agreed in their distrust of authority

Agreed Meaning in a Sentence

They agreed to disagree on the matter.
She agreed to help him with his project.
Everyone agreed that the meeting was productive.
He agreed that the solution was not perfect but necessary.
They finally agreed on the terms of the contract.
After much discussion, they agreed on a compromise.
The countries agreed on a treaty to promote peace.
He agreed to follow the guidelines set by the organization.
The committee agreed to postpone the decision.
They agreed that early intervention was key to success.
She agreed to speak at the conference on short notice.
They agreed that teamwork and communication were essential.
He agreed to reconsider his initial stance.
He reluctantly agreed to the changes proposed by the team.
She agreed that more research was needed before proceeding.
She agreed to take the lead on the project.
She agreed to share her expertise with the team.
She agreed to volunteer for the community event.
They agreed that the project would require significant resources.
They agreed to share the costs equally.
After reviewing the evidence, they agreed it was inconclusive.
They agreed on a plan to revitalize the downtown area.
He agreed to adjust his schedule to accommodate the meeting.
They agreed on the importance of maintaining high standards.

Agreed Idioms & Phrases

Silently agreed

When agreement is understood without needing to be verbally expressed.
They silently agreed that they would not discuss the matter further.

Eagerly agreed

To agree with enthusiasm or without hesitation.
She eagerly agreed to join the new project team.

Agreed upon

A phrase used to indicate that something has been officially accepted by all involved parties.
The date for the event was agreed upon at the meeting.

Mutually agreed

When two or more parties come to the same agreement or decision.
The terms of the settlement were mutually agreed upon by both parties.

Agreed in principle

An agreement on the basic ideas or terms, but not yet on the details.
The companies have agreed in principle to the merger, pending final negotiations.

Universally agreed

When something is accepted or acknowledged by everyone involved.
It is universally agreed that the law needs reform.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Agreed?

The root word is "agree."

Which vowel is used before Agreed?

The vowel "e" comes before the ending in "agreed."

Why is it called Agreed?

It is the past tense and past participle of the verb "agree," indicating acceptance or consensus.

What is the singular form of Agreed?

"Agreed" does not change for singular or plural as it is the past tense of "agree."

What is the verb form of Agreed?

"Agreed" is the past tense and past participle of the verb "agree."

What is the pronunciation of Agreed?

It is pronounced as /əˈɡriːd/.

Which conjunction is used with Agreed?

Any conjunction can be used based on the context, such as "and" or "but."

Is Agreed a negative or positive word?

"Agreed" is neutral, indicating acceptance or consensus.

What is the plural form of Agreed?

"Agreed" remains the same; it doesn’t have a plural form.

Which preposition is used with Agreed?

"Upon" or "to" can be used, as in "agreed upon" or "agreed to."

Is Agreed a countable noun?

No, "agreed" is not a countable noun.

Is the word Agreed imperative?

No, "agreed" is not in the imperative form.

Is Agreed a noun or adjective?

"Agreed" can be used as an adjective, but it’s primarily the past tense of the verb "agree."

Is Agreed a collective noun?

No, "agreed" is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in Agreed?

"Agreed" has two syllables.

Is Agreed an adverb?

No, "agreed" is not an adverb.

Is Agreed a vowel or consonant?

"Agreed" is a word that consists of both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Agreed” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Agreed" can be used as a direct object, e.g., "They have not given what was agreed."

What is a stressed syllable in Agreed?

The second syllable, "greed," is stressed.

What is the opposite of Agreed?

"Disagreed" or "dissented."

What is the first form of Agreed?

The first form is "agree."

Is the Agreed term a metaphor?

No, "agreed" is not inherently a metaphor.

What part of speech is Agreed?

"Agreed" is primarily used as the past tense of the verb "agree" but can also function as an adjective.

Which determiner is used with Agreed?

Determiners like "the" or "this" can be used depending on the context.

Is Agreed an abstract noun?

No, "agreed" is not an abstract noun.

Is the word Agreed a Gerund?

No, "agreed" is not a gerund.

What is another term for Agreed?

"Concurred" or "accepted."

What is the second form of Agreed?

The second form is "agreed."

How is Agreed used in a sentence?

"Everyone in the meeting agreed to the proposed changes."

Which article is used with Agreed?

Typically "the" as in "the agreed terms."

How do we divide Agreed into syllables?


What is the third form of Agreed?

The third form is "agreed."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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