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Susceptable vs. Susceptible — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Susceptable" is incorrect. The correct spelling is "Susceptible," meaning easily affected or influenced by something.
Susceptable vs. Susceptible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Susceptable or Susceptible

How to spell Susceptible?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "susceptIBLE" as being "able" to be affected.
Associate "susceptible" with "receptive," both ending in "-ible."
There's no "a" after "cept" in "susceptible."
"Susceptible" is similar to "accessible," both ending in "-ible."
Double-check the "-ible" ending when spelling "susceptible."

How Do You Spell Susceptible Correctly?

Incorrect: Children are often more susceptable to allergies than adults.
Correct: Children are often more susceptible to allergies than adults.
Incorrect: The area is susceptable to flooding during heavy rain.
Correct: The area is susceptible to flooding during heavy rain.
Incorrect: Susceptable to colds, she always took extra vitamins during the winter.
Correct: Susceptible to colds, she always took extra vitamins during the winter.
Incorrect: Many believe that plants are not susceptable to pain.
Correct: Many believe that plants are not susceptible to pain.
Incorrect: The computer system is susceptable to attacks from hackers.
Correct: The computer system is susceptible to attacks from hackers.

Susceptible Definitions

Susceptible indicates being easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something.
Children are more susceptible to the flu.
When speaking of risks, susceptible implies being prone or vulnerable to specific dangers.
This area is susceptible to earthquakes.
In the context of feelings, susceptible denotes being sensitive or impressionable.
He's susceptible to flattery.
In general, susceptible means being open to or admitting specific influences or treatments.
The material is susceptible to heat.
Easily influenced or affected
Is he susceptible to persuasion? I'm very susceptible to colds.
Especially sensitive; highly impressionable
A susceptible child.
Permitting an action to be performed; capable of undergoing something
A statement susceptible of proof.
A disease susceptible to treatment.
Likely to be affected by something
He was susceptible to minor ailments.
Easily influenced or tricked; credulous
(medicine) especially sensitive, particularly to a stimulus
That, when subjected to a specific operation, will yield a specific result
Rational numbers are susceptible of description as quotients of two integers.
A properly prepared surface is susceptible of an enduring paint job.
(epidemiology) A person who is vulnerable to being infected by a certain disease
Capable of admitting anything additional, or any change, affection, or influence; readily acted upon; as, a body susceptible of color or of alteration.
It sheds on souls susceptible of light,The glorious dawn of our eternal day.
Capable of impression; having nice sensibility; impressible; tender; sensitive; as, children are more susceptible than adults; a man of a susceptible heart.
Candidates are . . . not very susceptible of affronts.
I am constitutionally susceptible of noises.
(often followed by `of' or `to') yielding readily to or capable of;
Susceptible to colds
Susceptible of proof
Easily impressed emotionally
In the realm of diseases, susceptible refers to being likely to contract a particular illness.
Some plants are susceptible to specific pests.

Susceptible Meaning in a Sentence

He is susceptible to flattery, often believing more praise than he should.
Crops are particularly susceptible to pests without the use of pesticides.
Certain types of glass are susceptible to shattering in extreme temperatures.
Some people are more susceptible to motion sickness than others.
Young animals are more susceptible to disease than their adult counterparts.
This species of fish is susceptible to changes in water temperature.
Older operating systems are more susceptible to cyber attacks.
Materials like iron are susceptible to corrosion when exposed to water.
She's susceptible to sunburn, so she always wears sunscreen.
People with weakened immune systems are susceptible to infections.
The new software is susceptible to the same flaws as the old version.
The coastal city is susceptible to hurricanes during the summer and fall.
Patients recovering from surgery are susceptible to infections.
The museum's ancient artifacts are susceptible to damage from light exposure.
Vehicles that are not well-maintained are susceptible to breakdowns.
Without proper security measures, systems are susceptible to data breaches.
Plants in this region are susceptible to frost damage.
Low-lying areas are susceptible to flooding after heavy rains.
The study shows that teens are susceptible to peer pressure.
Being overly tired makes you more susceptible to making mistakes.

Susceptible Idioms & Phrases

Susceptible to stress

Easily affected by stress.
People with high-pressure jobs may be more susceptible to stress.

Susceptible to damage

Easily damaged or harmed.
Fragile ecosystems are susceptible to damage from pollution.

Susceptible to influence

Easily influenced by others.
Young children are especially susceptible to influence from their peers.

Susceptible to erosion

Likely to be worn away by wind or water.
Coastal areas are susceptible to erosion during storms.

Susceptible to criticism

Easily hurt or affected by criticism.
Artists are often susceptible to criticism about their work.

Susceptible to change

Likely to be affected by change.
Market trends are susceptible to change based on consumer behavior.

Susceptible to illness

Easily becoming sick.
During the winter, many people are more susceptible to illness.

Susceptible to extremes

Likely to be affected by extreme conditions or changes.
Certain crops are susceptible to extremes in weather, needing specific conditions to thrive.

Susceptible to deception

Easily deceived or tricked.
Without proper education, individuals can be susceptible to deception by scams.

Susceptible to infection

Easily infected by diseases.
After surgery, patients are more susceptible to infection.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Susceptible?


Why is it called Susceptible?

From Latin "susceptibilis" meaning "capable, susceptible," from "susceptus," past participle of "suscipere" ("to take up").

Which preposition is used with Susceptible?

"To" as in "susceptible to illness."

What is the verb form of Susceptible?

There isn't a direct verb form for "susceptible." The related verb might be "suscept."

What is the plural form of Susceptible?

Susceptibles (though rarely used in plural form).

Which conjunction is used with Susceptible?

No specific conjunction is tied to "Susceptible."

Is Susceptible an abstract noun?


What is the root word of Susceptible?

Derived from Latin "susceptibilis."

Which vowel is used before Susceptible?

"A" as in "a susceptible person."

What is the singular form of Susceptible?


Is Susceptible a noun or adjective?


Is Susceptible an adverb?


Is the Susceptible term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is Susceptible a negative or positive word?

Neutral, though context can imply negativity (vulnerability).

Is Susceptible a vowel or consonant?

"Susceptible" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Susceptible” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither. It's an adjective.

What part of speech is Susceptible?


What is the opposite of Susceptible?


Is Susceptible a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is Susceptible a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Susceptible?


Which determiner is used with Susceptible?

"This," "that," etc., depending on context.

Which article is used with Susceptible?

"A" or "the" based on context.

Is the word Susceptible a gerund?


What is the first form of Susceptible?

Not applicable, as "susceptible" is an adjective.

What is the third form of Susceptible?

Not applicable.

Is the word Susceptible imperative?


How do we divide Susceptible into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Susceptible?

The second syllable, "cep."

What is another term for Susceptible?


What is the second form of Susceptible?

Not applicable.

How is Susceptible used in a sentence?

"The plants are susceptible to frost damage."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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