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Outcoming vs. Incoming — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Fiza Rafique — By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 16, 2024
"Outcoming" is the incorrect spelling of "incoming," which refers to something arriving or approaching.
Outcoming vs. Incoming — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Outcoming or Incoming

How to spell Incoming?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Consider the common term "income," which also starts with "in-" and involves something coming in, similar to "incoming."
Remember that "incoming" begins with "in-", which often indicates entering or inward movement, fitting its meaning.
The prefix "in-" in "incoming" is a common English prefix used to indicate direction towards something.
The correct spelling "incoming" corresponds to other directional terms like "incoming," "outgoing," and "upcoming," all emphasizing direction or approach.

How Do You Spell Incoming Correctly?

Incorrect: They discussed the impact of the outcoming weather system.
Correct: They discussed the impact of the incoming weather system.
Incorrect: What is the outcoming flight schedule?
Correct: What is the incoming flight schedule?
Incorrect: She prepared for the outcoming guests.
Correct: She prepared for the incoming guests.
Incorrect: He was focused on the outcoming problems.
Correct: He was focused on the incoming problems.
Incorrect: The outcoming calls were all from unknown numbers.
Correct: The incoming calls were all from unknown numbers.

Incoming Definitions

Arriving at a point of reference from another location or position.
The incoming call was from an unknown number.
About to assume an office or position.
The incoming president announced her cabinet choices today.
Coming in from another direction or location, especially of attacks or forces.
Incoming artillery fire forced the troops to seek cover.
Approaching or coming in; moving toward a particular place or position.
The incoming train arrived at the station on time.
Relating to data or signals received by a device.
His phone wouldn't stop buzzing with incoming messages.
Coming in or about to come in
Incoming trains.
Incoming mail.
Incoming mortar fire.
About to assume an office or position
The incoming governor.
The act of coming in; arrival.
Often incomings Income; revenue.
Coming (or about to come) in; arriving.
Incoming tides cause a tidal bore in many rivers.
Succeeding to an office.
The incoming prime minister gave a press conference.
(countable) The act of coming in; arrival.
Fire directed at oneself.
(military) A warning that something is coming towards the addressee, especially enemy artillery fire.
Coming in; accruing.
A full incoming profit on the product of his labor.
Coming in, succeeding, or following, as occupant or possessor; as, in incoming tenant.
Income; gain.
Many incomings are subject to great fluctuations.
The act of entering;
She made a grand entrance
Coming in or succeeding or of the future;
Incoming class
Incoming mail
The incoming president

Incoming Meaning in a Sentence

The harbor was busy with incoming fishing boats.
We expect several incoming shipments next week.
He carefully monitored the incoming data on his computer.
There were numerous incoming freshmen at the university orientation.
She's taking calls regarding the incoming conference attendees.
Watch out for incoming traffic when you cross the street.
The weather report warned of incoming storms.
The company is excited about the incoming CEO.
Please handle the incoming mail while I am away.
The radar detected an incoming aircraft.
The hotel is preparing for the incoming guests.
The general was briefed about the incoming reports of disturbances.
He received an award for managing the incoming supply chains effectively.
The technician tested the system for incoming signals.
The guard checked the credentials of incoming visitors.
The therapist scheduled sessions for her incoming clients.
She sorted the incoming invoices by date.
He adjusted the antenna for better reception of incoming broadcasts.
The community center is ready for the incoming holiday season.
The incoming waves were particularly strong today.
The airport is busy managing incoming and outgoing flights.
The sports team welcomed its incoming players with a special event.
The incoming information was crucial for the meeting.
The debate team prepared for questions from incoming competitors.
The teacher greeted the incoming class warmly.

Incoming Idioms & Phrases

Incoming traffic

Vehicles or data arriving at a point.
The website crashed due to heavy incoming traffic.

Incoming storm

A storm that is approaching a specific area.
The town braced for the incoming storm predicted by meteorologists.

Incoming mail

Mail that is being delivered to a person or organization.
The secretary organized the incoming mail by importance.

Incoming class

A group of students starting their first year at an educational institution.
The college welcomed the incoming class with an orientation week.

Incoming goods

Products or items being received by a store or warehouse.
The warehouse manager accounted for all incoming goods in the inventory system.

Incoming call

A call that is being received on a telephone or mobile device.
He excused himself to answer an incoming call.

Incoming message

A message that is received through a communication device.
He glanced at his phone when he heard the alert for an incoming message.

Incoming transmission

A broadcast or signal received by a radio, television, or other receiving equipment.
The pilot confirmed the incoming transmission was clear.

Incoming tide

The tide as it rises or moves toward the shore.
Fishermen prefer to launch their boats during the incoming tide.

Incoming president

A president who has been elected but has not yet taken office.
The incoming president spoke about her plans for the first hundred days.

Incoming patient

A patient who is being admitted to a hospital or clinic.
The hospital staff was alerted about the incoming patient with urgent care needs.

Incoming freshman

A student in their first year at a high school or university.
The university mentoring program pairs incoming freshmen with senior students.

Incoming flight

An aircraft that is about to land at an airport.
The ground staff prepared for the incoming flight from Chicago.

Incoming information

New data or details received by an individual or group.
The researchers analyzed the incoming information for their study.

Incoming supply

Resources or materials being delivered for use in manufacturing or production.
The factory increased storage for the incoming supply of raw materials.

Incoming officer

An officer who is about to start their term in office or position.
The incoming officer was briefed on the current issues and policies.

Incoming investment

Capital flowing into a project, company, or country.
The firm was optimistic about the incoming investment from overseas investors.

Incoming administration

A newly elected government or executive team before it officially takes power.
The incoming administration met with current officials to ensure a smooth transition.

Incoming weather

Anticipated meteorological conditions that are approaching.
The festival organizers made contingency plans for the incoming weather.

Incoming shipment

Goods being delivered to a destination.
The store prepared storage space for the incoming shipment of seasonal products.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide incoming into syllables?

Incoming is divided into syllables as follows: in-com-ing.

What is a stressed syllable in incoming?

The stressed syllable in "incoming" is the second syllable, "com."

Why is it called incoming?

It is called "incoming" because it denotes something that is arriving or moving toward a specific place or point.

How is incoming used in a sentence?

"Incoming" is used as an adjective to describe objects, people, or events that are approaching or arriving.

How many syllables are in incoming?

There are three syllables in "incoming."

What is the pronunciation of incoming?

"Incoming" is pronounced as /ˈɪnˌkʌmɪŋ/.

What is the root word of incoming?

The root word of "incoming" is "come."

What part of speech is incoming?

"Incoming" is an adjective.

Is incoming an abstract noun?

"Incoming" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

What is the verb form of incoming?

The verb form related to "incoming" is "come."

What is another term for incoming?

Another term for "incoming" is "approaching."

Is incoming an adverb?

No, "incoming" is not an adverb.

Is the incoming term a metaphor?

"Incoming" can be used metaphorically to describe anything approaching, like ideas or trends.

Is the word “incoming” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Incoming" cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with incoming?

Appropriate determiners for "incoming" could include "the" or "this."

Is incoming a collective noun?

"Incoming" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is the word incoming imperative?

No, "incoming" is not used in the imperative form as it is an adjective.

Is incoming a vowel or consonant?

"Incoming" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Which vowel is used before incoming?

Typically, no specific vowel is used directly before "incoming."

Which preposition is used with incoming?

Common prepositions used with "incoming" include "from" and "of."

What is the opposite of incoming?

The opposite of "incoming" could be "outgoing" or "departing."

Is incoming a negative or positive word?

"Incoming" is neutral and can be either positive or negative depending on the context.

Is the word incoming Gerund?

No, "incoming" is not a gerund; it is an adjective.

What is the singular form of incoming?

"Incoming" is already in singular form and does not change.

What is the plural form of incoming?

"Incoming" does not have a plural form as it is an adjective.

Is incoming a noun or adjective?

"Incoming" is an adjective.

Is incoming a countable noun?

"Incoming" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with incoming?

Conjunctions are not specifically used with "incoming."

Which article is used with incoming?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "an" can be used with "incoming," depending on the context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Edited by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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