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Ablism vs. Ableism — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Maham Liaqat — By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 16, 2024
"Ablism" is the incorrect spelling of "ableism," which refers to discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities.
Ablism vs. Ableism — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ablism or Ableism

How to spell Ableism?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The word "ableism" clearly includes "able," which is key to understanding its meaning related to abilities.
Think of the word "able," as in capable, which is directly related to the term’s focus on ability and disability.
"Ableism" combines "able" (referring to ability) with the suffix "-ism," used to form nouns indicating ideology, practice, or belief.
Remember that "-ism" is a common suffix used for ideologies or systemic beliefs, like "racism" or "sexism."
Mnemonic: "ABLE-bodied IdeologiSM" focuses on how society views ability, capturing both "able" and "ism."

How Do You Spell Ableism Correctly?

Incorrect: There is a growing movement to address systemic ablism across educational institutions.
Correct: There is a growing movement to address systemic ableism across educational institutions.
Incorrect: Many people are unaware of the prevalence of ablism in society.
Correct: Many people are unaware of the prevalence of ableism in society.
Incorrect: Legislation has been proposed to tackle ablism more effectively.
Correct: Legislation has been proposed to tackle ableism more effectively.
Incorrect: She attended a workshop on combating ablism in the workplace.
Correct: She attended a workshop on combating ableism in the workplace.
Incorrect: The company was accused of ablism in its hiring practices.
Correct: The company was accused of ableism in its hiring practices.

Ableism Definitions

Discrimination in favor of able-bodied people.
Ableism in the workplace often results in inaccessible working conditions for those with disabilities.
A system of beliefs that devalues people based on their disabilities.
Ableism can manifest in subtle social cues that exclude or isolate disabled individuals.
Social prejudice that discriminates against individuals with disabilities.
Raising awareness about ableism is essential for creating inclusive societies.
The discrimination and social prejudice against individuals with disabilities.
Fighting ableism is about ensuring equality and equity for all, regardless of physical or mental ability.
Prejudice against people with disabilities.
Campaigns are crucial in educating the public about the harm caused by ableism.
Ableism (; also known as ablism, disablism (British English), anapirophobia, anapirism, and disability discrimination) is discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities or who are perceived to be disabled. Ableism characterizes people as defined by their disabilities and inferior to the non-disabled.
Discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities, especially physical disabilities.
Discrimination against persons with disabilities or favour of those without. th c.}}
Discrimination in favor of the able-bodied

Ableism Meaning in a Sentence

It’s important to speak out against ableism when we see it.
The new ramps at school are a step toward fighting ableism.
Ableism can be stopped when we all learn to value each other's differences.
Everyone deserves respect; ableism has no place in our community.
Our school has programs to help us understand ableism and how to prevent it.
Ableism affects people both physically and emotionally.
Learning about ableism helps us understand why inclusivity is important.
Many books and movies help us learn about the effects of ableism.
Teachers explained ableism through activities that made us think about fairness.
Creating art about ableism helped us express our feelings on the topic.
Recognizing ableism is the first step toward making everyone feel welcome.
Posters around the school teach us about ableism and how to support our classmates.
The student council held a meeting to find ways to reduce ableism in school.
Discussions in class about ableism help us become more compassionate.
The school assembly on ableism taught us about the history of disability rights.

Ableism Idioms & Phrases


The advocacy against ableism in society.
Her work in anti-ableism has helped to change many discriminatory policies.

Challenge ableism

To take action to fight against ableism.
As a community, it's our duty to challenge ableism and support accessibility for everyone.

Cultural ableism

The prevalence of ableist beliefs in cultural norms and practices.
Cultural ableism can be seen in the media's portrayal of disability as something to overcome.

Internalized ableism

When individuals with disabilities absorb negative beliefs about disability common in society.
Fighting internalized ableism involves embracing one’s abilities and rejecting societal stigma.

Institutional ableism

Discrimination against disabled people that is embedded in the policies and practices of organizations.
Institutional ableism in universities can be addressed through more adaptive learning resources.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide "ableism" into syllables?

Ableism is divided into syllables as "a-ble-ism."

What is a stressed syllable in "ableism"?

The stressed syllable in "ableism" is the first syllable, "a."

How many syllables are in ableism?

There are three syllables in "ableism."

How is "ableism" used in a sentence?

"Ableism" is used to describe discrimination or prejudice against disabled people. e.g., The policy was criticized for its ableism.

What is the pronunciation of "ableism"?

"Ableism" is pronounced as /ˈeɪ.blɪ.zəm/.

Why is it called ableism?

It is called "ableism" because it stems from the discrimination or prejudice against people who are not "able," focusing on disabilities.

What part of speech is "ableism"?

"Ableism" is a noun.

What is the singular form of "ableism"?

The singular form is "ableism."

What is the root word of "ableism"?

The root word of "ableism" is "able," implying capacity or ability, combined with the suffix "-ism" denoting a practice or belief.

What is the verb form of "ableism"?

There is no verb form of "ableism"; it is a noun describing a concept or practice.

What is the opposite of "ableism"?

The opposite of "ableism" might be considered "disability inclusivity" or "anti-discrimination."

Is the "ableism" term a metaphor?

No, "ableism" is used literally to describe a specific form of discrimination.

Is "ableism" an abstract noun?

Yes, "ableism" is an abstract noun, representing a concept or belief.

Is the word "ableism" imperative?

No, "ableism" as a noun is not used in the imperative mood.

Which vowel is used before "ableism"?

The vowel used before "ableism" depends on the preceding word; there is no specific vowel that consistently precedes it.

Is "ableism" a noun or adjective?

"Ableism" is a noun.

Is "ableism" a negative or positive word?

"Ableism" is a negative word as it refers to discrimination and prejudice.

Is "ableism" a vowel or consonant?

The word "ableism" starts with a vowel sound.

Is "ableism" a countable noun?

"Ableism" can be countable in discussing different types of ableist practices or beliefs (ableisms).

Is "ableism" a collective noun?

No, "ableism" is not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with "ableism"?

Common prepositions used with "ableism" include "against," as in "fight against ableism."

Which conjunction is used with "ableism"?

Conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used when discussing ableism in conjunction with other forms of discrimination.

Which article is used with "ableism"?

The definite article "the" is commonly used with "ableism," as in "the ableism present in society."

Is the word “ableism” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

As a noun, "ableism" can serve as a direct object in sentences like "We fight ableism."

Which determiner is used with "ableism"?

Determiners such as "the" or "some" can be used with "ableism," depending on the context.

What is another term for "ableism"?

Another term for "ableism" could be "disability discrimination."

What is the plural form of "ableism"?

The plural form is "ableisms."

Is "ableism" an adverb?

No, "ableism" is not an adverb.

Is the word "ableism" a Gerund?

No, "ableism" is not a gerund; it is a noun.

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Author Spotlight

Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Edited by
Maham Liaqat

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