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Lein vs. Lain — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Lein" is incorrect. "Lain" is correct, referring to the past participle of "lie" meaning to recline or rest.
Lein vs. Lain — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Lein or Lain

How to spell Lain?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Lein" sounds like a type of fabric, but "Lain" is linked to lying down.
Think of "Lain" as part of the phrase "has lain down."
Remove the "e" in "Lein" to get the correct "Lain."
Visualize a person "lying" down, which ends in "ing", just as "Lain" ends in "n".
Remember the sequence: lie, lay, lain. The last one, "lain", is the past participle.

How Do You Spell Lain Correctly?

Incorrect: The dog has never lein in my bed.
Correct: The dog has never lain in my bed.
Incorrect: He thought he had lein the book on the table.
Correct: He thought he had lain the book on the table.
Incorrect: They had lein their coats on the beach while they swam.
Correct: They had lain their coats on the beach while they swam.
Incorrect: The cat has lein on the warm windowsill since morning.
Correct: The cat has lain on the warm windowsill since morning.
Incorrect: She had lein in bed all day because she felt sick.
Correct: She had lain in bed all day because she felt sick.

Lain Definitions

To be or remain in a specified state.
The secrets have lain hidden for centuries.
To have existed in a particular place or condition.
The book has lain untouched for years.
Used to indicate the position of something.
The papers have lain scattered everywhere.
Past participle of "lie," meaning to be in a horizontal position.
She has lain on the sofa all day.
To rest or be placed over something.
The fog has lain thick over the valley.
Past participle of lie1.
Inflection of lie
He had lain there for many hours.
The book had lain on the attic floor until it was found decades later.
(obsolete) To conceal, keep quiet about.

Lain Meaning in a Sentence

After the long hike, he had lain on the grass to rest his tired muscles.
The injured bird had lain in the nest, waiting for its mother.
She realized she had lain her glasses down somewhere in the room but couldn't remember where.
The blanket had lain untouched on the couch since last winter.
He had lain awake for hours, thinking about the day's events.
She had lain in bed, reading her favorite book until late at night.
The dog had lain in the shade to escape the heat of the sun.
By the time we got back, the dew had already lain on the grass, making it sparkle in the moonlight.
He had lain the book aside after finishing it, feeling satisfied.
She had lain in the hammock, swaying gently in the breeze.
After the picnic, they had lain on the hillside, watching the clouds drift by.
They had lain on the beach, soaking up the sun.
The phone had lain on the charger all night, but it was still not fully charged.
After the storm had passed, the branches had lain scattered across the yard.
She had lain all her cards on the table, ready to make a decision.
He had lain his keys somewhere in the house but couldn't find them.
After the movie, they had lain on the couch, discussing it.
She had lain her head on the pillow, ready for a good night's sleep.
The puzzle pieces had lain on the table, waiting to be put together.
After the argument, they had lain in bed, not speaking to each other.
The cat had lain in the sunbeam for most of the afternoon.
The hat had lain on the ground where he dropped it.
After she had lain down, she realized she wasn't tired anymore.
They had lain in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
The children had lain on the grass, pointing out different shapes in the clouds.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Lain?

Lain is pronounced as /leɪn/.

Which vowel is used before Lain?

The vowel "a" is used in "Lain."

What is the plural form of Lain?

Lain remains "Lain" regardless of singular or plural context.

Why is it called Lain?

Lain is called so because it's the past participle of the verb "lie" meaning to recline or rest.

Which conjunction is used with Lain?

Any conjunction can be used with "Lain" depending on the sentence structure; for example, "and," "but," or "because."

What is the root word of Lain?

The root word of Lain is "lie."

What is the verb form of Lain?

The verb form is "lie."

Which preposition is used with Lain?

Various prepositions can be used with "Lain" depending on the context, such as "on," "in," or "under."

Is Lain a countable noun?

No, Lain is not a countable noun.

Is Lain a noun or adjective?

Lain is neither; it's the past participle of the verb "lie."

Is Lain an adverb?

No, Lain is not an adverb.

How do we divide Lain into syllables?

Lain is a one-syllable word, so it isn't divided.

What is the singular form of Lain?

Lain doesn't have a singular or plural form as it's a verb form. It remains "Lain."

Is Lain a negative or positive word?

Lain is neutral; it doesn't carry a negative or positive connotation by itself.

Is Lain a vowel or consonant?

"Lain" is a word comprising both vowels and consonants.

Is Lain a collective noun?

No, Lain is not a collective noun.

Is the Lain term a metaphor?

No, Lain is not a metaphor by itself.

What is the opposite of Lain?

The opposite could be "stood" or "risen," in terms of action.

What is the first form of Lain?

The first form is "lie."

Is Lain an abstract noun?

No, Lain is not an abstract noun.

Is the word Lain imperative?

No, Lain is not in the imperative form.

Is the word “Lain” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Lain" can be part of a verb phrase and isn't typically used as a direct or indirect object.

How many syllables are in Lain?

Lain has one syllable.

What part of speech is Lain?

Lain is a verb (specifically, the past participle of "lie").

What is another term for Lain?

Another term could be "reclined" or "rested," depending on context.

Which determiner is used with Lain?

Any determiner can be used with the subject of the verb "lie." For instance, "The cat has lain on the mat."

What is the second form of Lain?

The second form is "lay."

What is the third form of Lain?

The third form is "lain."

Which article is used with Lain?

Typically, no article is used directly before "Lain." But "the" or "a" can precede the subject of the verb.

Is the word Lain a Gerund?

No, Lain is not a gerund. The gerund form of "lie" is "lying."

What is a stressed syllable in Lain?

The entire word "Lain" is stressed as it's a single syllable.

How is Lain used in a sentence?

"The book has lain on the table since morning."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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