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Buret vs. Burette — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Urooj Arif — By Sumaia Saeed — Updated on April 17, 2024
Buret is the incorrect spelling of burette, a graduated glass tube used for delivering measured volumes of liquid.
Buret vs. Burette — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Buret or Burette

How to spell Burette?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the connection to precision in measurement, with the extra e signifying exactness.
Think of the French origin of the word, where many terms end in -ette.
Recall that burette ends with -ette, a common ending in English for tools or small items.
Visualize the two e's in burette as two eyes carefully reading the scale on the tube.

How Do You Spell Burette Correctly?

Incorrect: He used a buret to measure the acid.
Correct: He used a burette to measure the acid.
Incorrect: Fill the buret to the zero mark before starting.
Correct: Fill the burette to the zero mark before starting.
Incorrect: The buret is washed and ready for the next experiment.
Correct: The burette is washed and ready for the next experiment.
Incorrect: Make sure to record the volume on the buret accurately.
Correct: Make sure to record the volume on the burette accurately.
Incorrect: She noted the final reading on the buret incorrectly.
Correct: She noted the final reading on the burette incorrectly.

Burette Definitions

An apparatus with a spigot at one end for laboratory use in titration.
During the titration, he observed the color change closely through the liquid in the burette.
A calibrated tube for delivering known volumes of a fluid, especially in chemistry labs.
She recorded the exact amount of sodium hydroxide dispensed from the burette.
A glass cylinder with fine graduations and a stopcock for controlled liquid dispensing.
Accurate readings from the burette are crucial for the success of the chemical experiment.
A glass tube marked with a scale and used to dispense precise volumes of a liquid.
The chemist carefully adjusted the stopcock of the burette to release the acid drop by drop.
A piece of lab equipment used in quantitative chemical analysis.
The student cleaned the burette thoroughly after the experiment to avoid contamination.
A burette is a graduated glass tube with a tap at one end, for delivering known volumes of a liquid, especially in titrations. It is a long, graduated glass tube, with a stopcock at its lower end and a tapered capillary tube at the stopcock's outlet.
A glass tube with fine, volumetric graduations and a stopcock at the bottom, used especially in laboratory procedures for accurate fluid dispensing and measurement.
(chemistry) A glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock at the bottom, used in laboratory procedures for accurate fluid dispensing and titration.
(religion) An altar cruet.
An apparatus for delivering measured quantities of liquid or for measuring the quantity of liquid or gas received or discharged. It consists essentially of a graduated glass tube, usually furnished with a small aperture and stopcock.
Measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube with a tap at the bottom; used for titration

Burette Meaning in a Sentence

Calibration of the burette is essential for high-precision experiments.
The clarity of the markings on the burette helps ensure precise volume adjustments.
The burette must be vertical to get accurate measurements.
Always note the initial level of liquid in the burette for accurate calculations.
He adjusted the stopcock of the burette to get a slow and steady flow.
After each experiment, the burette should be cleaned and dried.
The burette is typically made of glass to resist strong chemicals.
Always check for air bubbles in the burette before starting the titration.
She taught the new students how to properly handle the burette.
For precise work, the burette is the preferred tool over a beaker.
It's important to avoid parallax error when reading the scale on the burette.
Rinse the burette with the solution it will dispense to ensure consistency.
Fill the burette to above the zero mark and then open the stopcock to drain it to zero.
Using a funnel, she carefully poured the solution into the burette.
She found a crack in the burette and replaced it before the experiment.
She demonstrated how to clamp the burette correctly to the stand.
Record every change in the burette reading in your lab notebook.
Verify that the burette does not leak before starting the experiment.
He slowly opened the burette’s stopcock to avoid splashing.
Before the lab test, he double-checked the alignment of the burette.
Make sure the burette is properly secured in its stand.
The new digital burette on display offers even more precision.
The stopcock on the burette controls the release of the liquid.
The final step of the experiment involves collecting the burette's discharge.
Accuracy in handling the burette is key to a successful titration.

Burette Idioms & Phrases

Burette blues

Frustration or difficulties faced when using a burette, especially by beginners.
The new lab intern was experiencing burette blues, struggling to get the correct flow rate.

Top up the burette

To add more liquid to reach the desired level.
Before the trial run, he topped up the burette with distilled water.

Read between the lines of the burette

To observe or infer small, often missed details during experiments.
The experienced chemist could read between the lines of the burette, noticing even the slightest discoloration.

Set the burette to zero

To prepare or start from a standardized position in measurements.
Always set the burette to zero before adding your solution to ensure accuracy.

Drain the burette

To empty the burette, usually after an experiment.
After recording her final measurement, she drained the burette and cleaned it for the next user.

Common Curiosities

How many syllables are in burette?

There are two syllables in "burette".

How do we divide burette into syllables?

Burette is divided into syllables like this: bu-rette.

What is the root word of burette?

The root word of "burette" is the French "burette".

Why is it called burette?

The term "burette" comes from the French word "burette", meaning small vessel.

What is the verb form of burette?

Burette does not have a verb form as it is a noun.

What is a stressed syllable in burette?

The stressed syllable in "burette" is the second syllable, -rette.

How is burette used in a sentence?

The burette was carefully adjusted to ensure no liquid was lost during the titration.

What part of speech is burette?

Burette is a noun.

Is burette an abstract noun?

No, burette is a concrete noun, as it refers to a physical object.

What is the pronunciation of burette?

Burette is pronounced as /byoo-RET/.

What is another term for burette?

Another term for burette is "titration tube".

Is burette a noun or adjective?

Burette is a noun.

Is the burette term a metaphor?

No, "burette" is not a metaphor; it directly refers to a lab apparatus.

Is the word burette Gerund?

No, "burette" is not a gerund.

Is burette an adverb?

No, burette is not an adverb.

Which vowel is used before burette?

The vowel used before "burette" can vary, but it is often "a" as in "a burette".

What is the singular form of burette?

The singular form of burette is "burette".

What is the plural form of burette?

The plural form of burette is "burettes".

Is burette a negative or positive word?

Burette is a neutral word; it is neither negative nor positive.

Is burette a vowel or consonant?

The word "burette" starts with a consonant.

Is the word burette imperative?

No, "burette" is not imperative; it is a noun.

Is the word “burette” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In a sentence, "burette" can be a direct object, as in "She cleaned the burette."

Which determiner is used with burette?

Determiners like "the", "a", or "an" can be used with "burette".

Which article is used with burette?

The article "the" is commonly used with "burette", as in "the burette".

What is the opposite of burette?

There isn't an exact opposite of "burette", as it is a specific lab instrument.

Is burette a collective noun?

No, burette is not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with burette?

Prepositions like "with" or "in" are used with "burette", as in "experiments with a burette".

Is burette a countable noun?

Yes, burette is a countable noun.

Which conjunction is used with burette?

Conjunctions such as "and" or "or" can be used with "burette".

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Written by
Sumaia Saeed
Edited by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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