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Debutant vs. Debutante — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 17, 2024
Debutant is the incorrect spelling of debutante, which refers to a young woman making her formal entrance into society.
Debutant vs. Debutante — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Debutant or Debutante

How to spell Debutante?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Debutante contains an extra 'e' at the end, aligning with feminine endings in words like "fiancée."
Recall that in French, from which the word is derived, feminine nouns often end in "-e," hence "debutante."
Remember that debutante ends in "-ante," similar to "elegante," suggesting femininity in both sound and association.

How Do You Spell Debutante Correctly?

Incorrect: The debutant made a stunning entrance at the ball.
Correct: The debutante made a stunning entrance at the ball.
Incorrect: He mistakenly referred to her as a debutant.
Correct: He mistakenly referred to her as a debutante.
Incorrect: Many photographs were taken of the debutant at the event.
Correct: Many photographs were taken of the debutante at the event.

Debutante Definitions

Can imply a certain socioeconomic class associated with such ceremonies.
She comes from a family where becoming a debutante is a tradition.
Sometimes used to denote the beginning phase of a woman's public life or career.
Her debutante year marked the start of her active role in community service.
Often refers specifically to participants in debutante balls.
As a debutante, she participated in many charity events throughout the year.
Used figuratively to describe someone new to a particular field or area.
Although a debutante in politics, she handled the debate with seasoned tact.
A young woman who is presented to society at a formal debut.
Sarah was the most talked-about debutante at this year's debutante ball.
A debutante (from French: débutante, "female beginner") or deb is a young woman of aristocratic or upper-class family background who has reached maturity and, as a new adult, comes out into society at a formal "debut" or possibly debutante ball. Originally, the term meant that the woman was old enough to be married, and part of the purpose of her coming out was to display her to eligible bachelors and their families, with a view to marriage within a select circle.
A young woman making a formal debut into society.
A young woman who makes her first formal appearance in society.
A female debutant, especially in sport and entertainment.
A young woman making her first appearance in society, especially one who is one of the honorees at a debutante cotillion. See cotillion{4}.
A young woman making her debut into society

Debutante Meaning in a Sentence

She was nervous on the day of her debutante ball.
Her parents threw a grand party to celebrate her debutante introduction.
She met her future husband at her debutante ball.
The debutante practiced her walk and posture weeks before the event.
As the debutante, she wore a beautiful white gown.
She saved her debutante gown as a keepsake.
Planning a debutante ball requires attention to numerous details.
The debutante received many gifts from family and friends.
The debutante ball is a significant event in her community.
Each debutante had a special dance with her father during the ball.
It was her dream to be a debutante since she was a little girl.
All eyes were on her as the debutante of the evening.
The debutante thanked everyone for making her evening special.
She looked up to her older sister, a former debutante.
As a debutante, she felt a mix of excitement and responsibility.

Debutante Idioms & Phrases

Debutante's delight

The joy and celebration surrounding a young woman's debut.
The debutante's delight was evident as she danced through the night at the ball.

Debutante ball

A formal event where debutantes are introduced to society.
She spent months preparing for her debutante ball.

Debutante's dance

The special dance performed by the debutante at her debut.
The debutante's dance was the culmination of the evening's festivities.

Debutante's gown

The formal dress worn by a debutante.
Her debutante's gown was custom-made and featured intricate lace detailing.

Debutante season

The period during which multiple debutante events are held.
During the debutante season, the city is alive with numerous social gatherings.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide debutante into syllables?


How many syllables are in debutante?

Debutante has three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in debutante?

The stressed syllable in "debutante" is the second syllable, "bu."

Why is it called debutante?

The term "debutante" comes from the French word "débutante," meaning a female beginner.

What is another term for debutante?

Another term for debutante is "deb."

How is debutante used in a sentence?

She was officially introduced as a debutante at the annual gala.

What is the plural form of debutante?

The plural form is debutantes.

What is the pronunciation of debutante?

Debutante is pronounced as /ˌdebjuˈtɑːnt/.

What is the root word of debutante?

The root word is "debut," referring to a first appearance.

Is debutante an abstract noun?

No, debutante is a concrete noun, referring to a specific type of person.

Is debutante a vowel or consonant?

The word debutante starts with a consonant.

Is the debutante term a metaphor?

No, debutante is not used metaphorically; it has a specific literal meaning.

What is the verb form of debutante?

There is no verb form for "debutante"; it is only a noun.

What is the singular form of debutante?

The singular form is debutante.

What is the opposite of debutante?

There is no direct opposite, but "veteran" could be considered contextually opposite in terms of experience.

Which determiner is used with debutante?

Determiners like "a," "the," or "each" can be used with debutante.

Which vowel is used before debutante?

Typically, the vowel 'a' is used before debutante (e.g., a debutante).

What part of speech is debutante?

Debutante is a noun.

Is debutante an adverb?

No, debutante is not an adverb.

Is debutante a negative or positive word?

Debutante is a neutral word, with no inherent negative or positive connotations.

Is the word debutante imperative?

No, debutante cannot be imperative as it is a noun.

Which conjunction is used with debutante?

Conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used with debutante.

Is debutante a noun or adjective?

Debutante is a noun.

Is debutante a countable noun?

Yes, debutante is a countable noun.

Is debutante a collective noun?

No, debutante is not a collective noun.

Is the word “debutante” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Debutante" can be used as a direct object in a sentence.

Is the word debutante a Gerund?

No, debutante is not a gerund; it remains a noun.

Which preposition is used with debutante?

The preposition "at" is commonly used with debutante (e.g., at the debutante ball).

Which article is used with debutante?

The indefinite article "a" is often used with debutante (e.g., a debutante).

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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