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Towel vs. Towell — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 20, 2024
"Towel" is the correct spelling, referring to a piece of cloth used for drying, while "towell" is incorrect. Ensure proper usage for clarity in communication.
Towel vs. Towell — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Towel or Towell

How to spell Towel?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Key Differences

Avoid adding unnecessary letters; keep words concise.
Visualize a towel hanging on a wall with a single 'L' shape.
"Well" uses two 'l's but "towel" does not – differentiate between them.
Remember "towel" has the same number of letters as "dry," its primary function.
Think of "el" at the end as in "hotel" or "motel" – places where you'd find a towel.

How Do You Spell Towell Correctly?

Incorrect: The gym provides a fresh towell for each member.
Correct: The gym provides a fresh towel for each member.
Incorrect: Please hand me a towell after my shower.
Correct: Please hand me a towel after my shower.
Incorrect: She wrapped her hair in a small towell.
Correct: She wrapped her hair in a small towel.
Incorrect: He dried off with a beach towell.
Correct: He dried off with a beach towel.

Towel Definitions

A cloth for drying the body or objects
She grabbed a towel after her shower.
A paper used for cleaning hands or surfaces
He used a paper towel to clean the spill.
A representation of hospitality or service
The hotel laid a fresh towel on the bed.
An absorbent fabric for various uses
The mechanic reached for his grease towel.
A cloth used in exercises or sports
He brought his gym towel to the workout.
A towel is a piece of absorbent fabric or paper used for drying or wiping a body or a surface. It draws moisture through direct contact.
A piece of thick absorbent cloth or paper used for drying oneself or wiping things dry
A paper towel
A bath towel
A sanitary towel.
Wipe or dry with a towel
She towelled her hair dry
Thrash or beat (someone)
They've dragged her off the bus and towelled her up
A piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for wiping or drying.
To wipe or rub dry with a towel.
To dry oneself with a towel.
A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying anything wet, such as a person after a bath.
To hit with a towel.
To dry by using a towel.
He got out of the shower and toweled himself dry.
(transitive) To block up (a door, etc.) with a towel, to conceal the fumes of a recreational drug.
To beat with a stick, or "oaken towel".
A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying anything wet, as the person after a bath.
To beat with a stick.
A rectangular piece of absorbent cloth (or paper) for drying or wiping
Wipe with a towel;
Towel your hair dry

Towel Meaning in a Sentence

She used a paper towel to clean up the spill.
He hung his wet towel on the rack to dry.
I always pack an extra towel when I go to the gym.
He wiped his face with a towel after the intense workout.
After swimming, she wrapped herself in a large, soft towel.
They spread a towel on the sand and sat down to watch the sunset.
The kitten was wrapped in a towel after its bath.
In hot yoga, bringing a towel is essential to manage sweat.
The artist dabbed his brush on a towel to remove excess paint.
He prefers using a microfiber towel for drying his car.
The towel rack is made of stainless steel to prevent rust.
The beach towel had a colorful pattern of palm trees and sunsets.
She embroidered the baby's name on a small towel as a gift.
A cooling towel is great for outdoor sports in the summer.
The kitchen towel featured a cute design of cats and dogs.
A hand towel is perfect for guests to use in the powder room.
He threw the towel in the ring as a sign that he had given up.

Towel Idioms & Phrases

Under the towel

Keeping something hidden or secret, sometimes implying illicit activities.
The deal was kept under the towel until it was finalized.

Wrapped up in a towel

Covered or enveloped in a towel, often after bathing or swimming.
She came out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel.

Throw in the towel

To give up or admit defeat.
After hours of trying to fix the computer, he finally threw in the towel.

On the towel

Referring to something that is laid out on a towel, often to dry or be displayed.
She placed the seashells on the towel to dry in the sun.

Towel service

A service provided, often in gyms or hotels, where towels are supplied for use.
The gym offers complimentary towel service to all its members.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before towel?

Context-dependent; no fixed vowel.

Why is it called towel?

It derives from Old French "toaille", referring to a cloth for washing or wiping.

What is the verb form of towel?

"Towel" can be used as a verb, as in "to towel off."

What is the pronunciation of towel?


What is the root word of towel?

Derived from the Old French word "toaille."

Which preposition is used with towel?

Depends on context (e.g., "with a towel," "on the towel").

What is the singular form of towel?


Is towel an adverb?


What is the plural form of towel?


Is towel a negative or positive word?


Is towel an abstract noun?


Is towel a noun or adjective?

Towel is primarily a noun, but can be used adjectivally in compound terms like "towel rack."

Is towel a collective noun?


Is the word towel is Gerund?

No. "Toweling" would be.

What is another term for towel?

Cloth, rag (depending on context).

What is the opposite of towel?

No direct opposite, context-dependent.

Which conjunction is used with towel?

No specific conjunction is inherently associated with "towel."

Which article is used with towel?

Both "a" and "the" can be used.

Is the word towel is imperative?


How many syllables are in towel?


What part of speech is towel?

Primarily a noun.

Which determiner is used with towel?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my" can be used.

Is towel a vowel or consonant?

It is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide towel into syllables?


What is the third form of towel?

Toweled (American English).

Is towel a countable noun?


Is the towel term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

What is the first form of towel?

Towel (when used as a verb).

Is the word “towel” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Towel" can serve as both, depending on the sentence.

What is a stressed syllable in towel?

The first syllable, "tow."

What is the second form of towel?

Toweled (American English).

How is towel used in a sentence?

"After swimming, he dried off with his blue towel."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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