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Targeted vs. Targetted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Targeted vs. Targetted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Targeted or Targetted

How to spell Targeted?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Targeted Definitions

An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice.
Something aimed or fired at.
An object of criticism or verbal attack.
One to be influenced or changed by an action or event
Children were the target of the new advertising campaign.
A desired goal
Achieved our target for quarterly sales.
A railroad signal that indicates the position of a switch by its color, position, and shape.
The sliding sight on a surveyor's leveling rod.
A small round shield.
A usually metal part in an x-ray tube on which a beam of electrons is focused and from which x-rays are emitted.
(Biochemistry) A molecule or molecular structure, such as a protein or a nucleic acid, that a drug or other compound interacts with and modulates the activity of.
To aim at or identify as a target
Targeted the airport hangar.
To identify or treat as the object of action, criticism, or change
Targeted the molecule for study.
Targeted teenagers with the ad campaign.
To design for or direct toward a specific object or audience
Targeted the ad campaign toward seniors.
(Biochemistry) To interact with as a target
Drugs that target estrogen receptors.
Simple past tense and past participle of target#Verb|target
Having something aimed at it.
The targeted objects include two military bases and an airfield.
Aimed at something; focused.
Our targeted interventions are aimed at the students who need help the most.
Furnished, armed, or protected, with a target.

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