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Rejuvinate vs. Rejuvenate — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
Rejuvinate is an incorrect spelling of Rejuvenate. Rejuvenate means to make someone or something look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively.
Rejuvinate vs. Rejuvenate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Rejuvinate or Rejuvenate

How to spell Rejuvenate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the correct word "juven" which relates to youth.
Use word association with "generate" – both end in “-enate.”
Picture a rejuvenated garden; plants don't "inate" they "enate."
Think of "renew" when thinking of "rejuvenate," focusing on the "e" before the "u."
Envision someone becoming young again, emphasizing the “ejuv” part.

How Do You Spell Rejuvenate Correctly?

Incorrect: The project aimed to rejuvinate the old neighborhood.
Correct: The project aimed to rejuvenate the old neighborhood.
Incorrect: A good night's sleep can rejuvinate your mind and body.
Correct: A good night's sleep can rejuvenate your mind and body.
Incorrect: I went to the spa to rejuvinate after a stressful week.
Correct: I went to the spa to rejuvenate after a stressful week.
Incorrect: She uses a special cream to rejuvinate her skin.
Correct: She uses a special cream to rejuvenate her skin.
Incorrect: The company is looking into ways to rejuvinate its brand.
Correct: The company is looking into ways to rejuvenate its brand.

Rejuvenate Definitions

It describes making something look or feel better, younger, or more vital.
The spa treatment rejuvenated her skin.
Rejuvenate means to give new energy or vitality to.
Vacations can rejuvenate the mind and body.
In botany, to rejuvenate means to make young again, as by pruning.
Regularly trimming the hedges will rejuvenate them.
In geology, rejuvenate describes a renewed activity in a stream.
The river's course was altered, causing it to rejuvenate.
Rejuvenate can refer to restoring to a former state.
The project aims to rejuvenate the old theater.
To restore to youthful vigor or appearance; make young again.
To restore to an original or new condition
Rejuvenate an old sofa.
To stimulate (a stream) to renewed erosive activity, as by uplift of the land.
To develop youthful topographic features in (a previously leveled area).
To render young again.
To give new energy or vigour to; to revitalise.
Cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land
Develop youthful topographical features;
The land rejuvenated
Make younger or more youthful;
The contact with his grandchildren rejuvenated him
Return to life; get or give new life or energy;
The week at the spa restored me
Become young again;
The old man rejuvenated when he became a grandfather

Rejuvenate Meaning in a Sentence

Drinking plenty of water and getting enough rest can help rejuvenate your body.
This moisturizer claims to rejuvenate the skin by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
A weekend getaway to the countryside can rejuvenate anyone feeling the stress of urban life.
Implementing new technology can rejuvenate a business by improving efficiency and productivity.
The wellness retreat offers various treatments designed to rejuvenate the spirit.
Regular exercise is a powerful way to rejuvenate your health and increase energy levels.
Gardening is not only therapeutic but can also rejuvenate the soil with the right practices.
The city's plan to rejuvenate the downtown area includes adding more green spaces.
Sometimes, changing your routine is all it takes to rejuvenate your interest in a hobby or activity.
A spa day with massages and facials can rejuvenate your mind and leave you feeling relaxed.
Sometimes, a simple change in decor can rejuvenate a room and give it a fresh look.
Engaging in creative activities like painting or writing can rejuvenate your soul and express emotions.
Artists often seek new experiences that can rejuvenate their creativity and inspire new works.
Practicing meditation regularly can rejuvenate your mental clarity and reduce stress.
The conservation efforts helped to rejuvenate the wildlife population in the national park.
Volunteering can rejuvenate your sense of purpose by contributing to meaningful causes.
Reading a good book can rejuvenate your imagination and transport you to other worlds.
The community garden project helped to rejuvenate the neighborhood and bring residents together.
The rain seemed to rejuvenate the parched land, bringing the garden back to life.
Taking a break from screens before bed can help rejuvenate your sleep patterns.
Adopting a pet can rejuvenate a home with energy and unconditional love.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Rejuvenate?

"Rejuvenate" itself is a verb.

Which vowel is used before Rejuvenate?

The article "a" is used before "rejuvenate."

What is the root word of Rejuvenate?

The root word is "juvenis," which means "young" in Latin.

What is the singular form of Rejuvenate?

Rejuvenate itself is singular.

What is the plural form of Rejuvenate?

Verbs don't have a plural form.

Which preposition is used with Rejuvenate?

Prepositions like "with" or "by" can be used with "rejuvenate."

Is Rejuvenate a negative or positive word?

It is typically considered a positive word.

Why is it called Rejuvenate?

It's called Rejuvenate because it derives from Latin roots that mean "to make young again."

Which conjunction is used with Rejuvenate?

Any conjunction can be used with "rejuvenate" based on sentence structure.

What is the pronunciation of Rejuvenate?

It's pronounced as "ri-JOO-vuh-nayt."

Is the Rejuvenate term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

What is a stressed syllable in Rejuvenate?

The second syllable, "ju."

What is the third form of Rejuvenate?


Which article is used with Rejuvenate?

Either "a" or "the" can be used, depending on context.

What is the opposite of Rejuvenate?

Degenerate or deteriorate.

What is the second form of Rejuvenate?


Is Rejuvenate a noun or adjective?

Rejuvenate is primarily a verb but can be used as an adjective in certain contexts.

Is Rejuvenate an abstract noun?

No, it's primarily a verb and sometimes an adjective.

Is Rejuvenate a countable noun?

Rejuvenate is not typically used as a noun.

How do we divide Rejuvenate into syllables?


How is Rejuvenate used in a sentence?

"After the refreshing rain, the parched land seemed to rejuvenate instantly."

Is Rejuvenate an adverb?

No, "rejuvenate" is not an adverb.

Is Rejuvenate a vowel or consonant?

"Rejuvenate" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is Rejuvenate a collective noun?

No, "rejuvenate" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Rejuvenate imperative?

It can be, depending on its usage in a sentence (e.g., "Rejuvenate the garden!").

What is another term for Rejuvenate?


Which determiner is used with Rejuvenate?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "a" can be used.

What is the first form of Rejuvenate?

Rejuvenate itself is the base form.

How many syllables are in Rejuvenate?

Four syllables.

What part of speech is Rejuvenate?

Rejuvenate is primarily a verb.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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