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Incestual vs. Incestuous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Munazza Shafiq — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 28, 2024
"Incestual" is the incorrect spelling of "incestuous," which refers to activities involving inappropriate closeness and relations between close relatives.
Incestual vs. Incestuous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Incestual or Incestuous

How to spell Incestuous?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Incestuous" correctly mirrors the structure of related words like "adventurous" and "treacherous," focusing on the suffix "-ous" which is common in adjectives.
Recall that "incestuous" ends with "-ous," typical for adjectives describing qualities or characteristics.

How Do You Spell Incestuous Correctly?

Incorrect: The novel explored the dark, incestual relationships in the family.
Correct: The novel explored the dark, incestuous relationships in the family.
Incorrect: It's important to recognize the signs of incestual behavior to intervene early.
Correct: It's important to recognize the signs of incestuous behavior to intervene early.
Incorrect: Rumors of incestual bonds within the royal family caused a scandal.
Correct: Rumors of incestuous bonds within the royal family caused a scandal.
Incorrect: She was researching historical laws regarding incestual relationships.
Correct: She was researching historical laws regarding incestuous relationships.
Incorrect: The movie depicted an incestual love that led to the family's downfall.
Correct: The movie depicted an incestuous love that led to the family's downfall.

Incestuous Definitions

Metaphorically too closely linked or overlapping in a way that is considered improper.
The incestuous nature of the small town’s politics alienated many residents.
Excessively close and resistant to outside influence.
The company’s incestuous hiring practices limited fresh ideas.
Involving or guilty of incest.
The ancient taboo against incestuous relationships is found in most cultures.
Of, involving, or suggestive of incest.
Having committed incest.
Improperly intimate or interconnected
"Press-politics relations are notoriously incestuous" (Boston Globe).
Pertaining to or engaging in incest.
If you engaged in an incestuous relationship with a family member, that would make you an inbreeder.
Characterized by mutual relationships that are intimate and exclusive to the detriment of outsiders.
Resembling incest as by excessive intimacy
Relating to or involving incest
Having an overly close and intertwined relationship that is deemed inappropriate.
The board’s decision was criticized for being incestuous, as many members had personal ties.

Incestuous Meaning in a Sentence

The play controversially portrayed an incestuous affair between two characters.
The community was rocked by the discovery of the incestuous relationship.
The film's portrayal of an incestuous relationship sparked debate.
Incestuous relationships are forbidden in many societies.
His novel dealt with complex themes, including incestuous love.
Laws against incestuous marriages exist to prevent genetic problems.
The incestuous nature of the village's relationships made outsiders wary.
The ancient king was rumored to have engaged in incestuous relationships.
The therapist specialized in cases arising from incestuous abuse.
Their incestuous dealings made the partners very wealthy.
The book's incestuous themes were considered controversial.
She gave a lecture on the psychological effects of incestuous abuse.
In many cultures, incestuous relationships are taboo.
The soap opera introduced an incestuous subplot that shocked viewers.
The community's incestuous nature kept it isolated from neighboring towns.
Historians sometimes uncover evidence of incestuous relationships in royal families.
The health risks associated with incestuous procreation are well-documented.
The scandal involved allegations of incestuous relationships.
The company was criticized for its incestuous promotion practices.
The documentary exposed a shocking, incestuous scandal within the family.
The psychologist discussed the trauma related to incestuous experiences.
The legal system deals strictly with cases of incestuous relationships.
Genetic studies often explore the consequences of incestuous breeding.
In literature, incestuous relationships are often used to heighten drama.
Incestuous relationships can lead to serious genetic disorders.

Incestuous Idioms & Phrases

Incestuous environment

A setting where too much interrelation can lead to negative outcomes.
The incestuous environment of the office led to conflicts of interest.

Break the incestuous chain

To stop continuing unhealthy close relationships.
The new CEO aimed to break the incestuous chain by bringing in outside executives.

Incestuous dealings

Business or personal interactions that are improperly close.
The investigation exposed the incestuous dealings that compromised the project.

Incestuous seed

A metaphor for ideas or practices that arise from too close a relationship within a group, leading to negative effects.
The incestuous seed of nepotism ruined the firm's reputation.

Incestuous ties

Connections between individuals that are too close for comfort, leading to unethical situations.
The audit revealed incestuous ties between the regulators and the company.

Incestuous network

A group of closely linked individuals often leading to a lack of new ideas or practices.
The industry’s incestuous network was criticized for stifling innovation.

Incestuous culture

A culture within an organization where close internal relationships prevent external influences.
The company’s incestuous culture was seen as a barrier to change.

Incestuous dynamics

The interactions among group members that are too interrelated, potentially leading to negative outcomes.
The team's incestuous dynamics hindered objective decision making.

Incestuous collusion

Cooperation that is too close between parties that should operate independently.
The committee was dissolved due to signs of incestuous collusion.

Incestuous circle

A group where everyone is closely connected, often negatively.
The political party was criticized for being an incestuous circle.

Incestuous competition

Competition among entities that are too closely linked, which can be unfair or biased.
The incestuous competition among the companies raised regulatory eyebrows.

Incestuous practices

Practices within an organization or group that are too closely interwoven, often leading to problems.
The audit aimed to eliminate the incestuous practices that clouded judgment.

Incestuous corruption

Corruption that arises from relationships that are too close, leading to unethical behavior.
The government faced accusations of incestuous corruption.

Incestuous pool

A limited group of options or resources that are all closely related, often negatively.
The candidate pool was criticized for being too incestuous.

Incestuous growth

Growth or development within a system that is derived from overly close connections or interdependencies.
The community's incestuous growth eventually led to its isolation.

Incestuous feedback

Feedback that comes from within a too-closely knit group, often not reflecting external perspectives.
The incestuous feedback on the project missed critical flaws.

Incestuous cycle

A recurring pattern of behavior or events within a closely interconnected group.
The incestuous cycle of hiring from within was broken by the new HR policy.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide incestuous into syllables?

Incestuous is divided as in-ces-tu-ous.

Why is it called incestuous?

"Incestuous" comes from the Latin word "incestus," which refers to unchaste or impure acts, particularly within families.

What is the verb form of incestuous?

There is no verb form of "incestuous"; it is only an adjective.

What is the root word of incestuous?

The root word of "incestuous" is "incest," which refers to relations between close relatives.

How is incestuous used in a sentence?

"Incestuous" is used to describe relationships or activities involving inappropriate closeness or relationships between close relatives.

What is another term for incestuous?

Another term for "incestuous" could be "inbred" or "endogamous."

What is the singular form of incestuous?

The singular form of "incestuous" is itself, as it is an adjective.

How many syllables are in incestuous?

Incestuous has four syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in incestuous?

The stressed syllable in "incestuous" is "ces."

What part of speech is incestuous?

Incestuous is an adjective.

Is incestuous a noun or adjective?

"Incestuous" is an adjective.

What is the pronunciation of incestuous?

Incestuous is pronounced as /ɪnˈsɛs.tʃu.əs/.

Which determiner is used with incestuous?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "an" can precede "incestuous" when it modifies a noun.

What is the opposite of incestuous?

The opposite of "incestuous" could be "nonrelated" or "unrelated."

Is incestuous an abstract noun?

No, "incestuous" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is incestuous a vowel or consonant?

The word "incestuous" starts with a vowel sound.

Is the word incestuous imperative?

No, "incestuous" is an adjective and does not have an imperative form.

Is the word “incestuous” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Incestuous" as an adjective does not serve as a direct or indirect object.

Is incestuous an adverb?

No, "incestuous" is not an adverb.

Is incestuous a negative or positive word?

"Incestuous" is generally a negative word as it refers to inappropriate or forbidden relationships.

Is incestuous a collective noun?

No, "incestuous" is an adjective, not a collective noun.

Is the word incestuous Gerund?

No, "incestuous" is an adjective, not a gerund.

What is the plural form of incestuous?

The plural form of "incestuous" is also "incestuous."

Is the incestuous term a metaphor?

"Incestuous" can be used metaphorically to describe relationships or interactions that are excessively close and potentially harmful.

Which preposition is used with incestuous?

Common prepositions used with "incestuous" include "in" and "with," depending on the context.

Is incestuous a countable noun?

"Incestuous" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before incestuous?

Typically, no vowel is used before "incestuous" unless it's part of a phrase where context dictates otherwise.

Which conjunction is used with incestuous?

Conjunctions such as "and" or "but" can be used when linking clauses involving "incestuous."

Which article is used with incestuous?

The article "an" is used with "incestuous" due to the initial vowel sound.

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