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Prooves vs. Proves — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Prooves" is the incorrect spelling, while "proves" is correct. "Proves" is the third person singular form of the verb "prove," meaning to demonstrate truth or validity.
Prooves vs. Proves — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Prooves or Proves

How to spell Proves?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "proves" like "moves"; both have one 'o' and end in "ves."
Visualize the sentence: "He proves a point." Notice the singular "he" matches with "proves."
Remember, verbs like "drives" or "dives" also use "ve," not "oove."
Think of "proof" as the noun form; just drop the "f" and add "ves" for the verb.
Mnemonic: "Prooves has too many 'o's to be true."

How Do You Spell Proves Correctly?

Incorrect: The experiment prooves the theory is correct.
Correct: The experiment proves the theory is correct.
Incorrect: His success prooves his dedication.
Correct: His success proves his dedication.
Incorrect: Her track record prooves she's the best candidate for the job.
Correct: Her track record proves she's the best candidate for the job.

Proves Definitions

Demonstrates the truth
The experiment proves the scientist's theory.
Undergoes testing
The material proves strong under pressure.
Establishes by argument or evidence
Her testimony proves his involvement in the crime.
Shows validity or authenticity
The signature proves the document's authenticity.
To establish the truth or validity of (something) by the presentation of argument or evidence
The novel proves that the essayist can write in more than one genre. The storm proved him to be wrong in his prediction.
To demonstrate the reality of (something)
He proved his strength by doing 50 pushups.
To show (oneself) to be what is specified or to have a certain characteristic
Proved herself to be a formidable debater.
Proved herself to be worthy of the task.
To establish by the required amount of evidence
Proved his case in court.
To establish the authenticity of (a will).
To demonstrate the validity of (a hypothesis or proposition).
To verify (the result of a calculation).
To subject (a gun, for instance) to a test.
(Printing) To make a sample impression of (type); proof.
(Archaic) To find out or learn (something) through experience.
To be shown to be such; turn out
A theory that proved impractical in practice.
A schedule that proved to be too demanding.
Plural of prove
Indicates a particular quality or characteristic
The challenge proves his determination.

Proves Meaning in a Sentence

The scientist proves his hypothesis with extensive research.
Her performance in the final game proves her exceptional talent.
This case study proves the importance of early childhood education.
The way he handled the crisis proves his leadership skills.
His quick recovery proves the effectiveness of the new treatment.
History proves that change is the only constant.
The smile on her face proves how happy she is.
The fact that the plant thrived in such conditions proves its resilience.
Winning the award proves their hard work paid off.
The decrease in pollution levels proves the new policy is working.
The testimony proves his presence at the scene.
The evidence proves beyond a doubt who was responsible.
The letter proves that the agreement was made years ago.
Their reunion proves that true friendships withstand the test of time.
His apology proves he's truly remorseful for his actions.
His mastery of the piano proves years of dedication.
That ancient artifact proves the existence of the lost civilization.
The high attendance at the event proves its significance.
This mistake proves the need for more careful review processes.
The verdict proves the jury's decision.
The feedback from customers proves the product's popularity.
The successful launch proves the engineers' expertise.
The increase in sales proves the effectiveness of the marketing campaign.
The way the community came together proves the strength of their bond.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Proves?

The root word of "proves" is "prove."

Which vowel is used before Proves?

The vowel "o" is used before "proves."

What is the verb form of Proves?

"Proves" is the third person singular present form of the verb "prove."

Which preposition is used with Proves?

Prepositions like "to" or "that" can be used with "proves," depending on the context.

What is the pronunciation of Proves?

Proves is pronounced as /pruːvz/.

Why is it called Proves?

Proves is derived from the Old French word "prover" which means to test or prove.

Is Proves an abstract noun?

No, "proves" is not an abstract noun.

What is the singular form of Proves?

The singular form is "proves" when referring to third person singular; otherwise, "prove."

Which conjunction is used with Proves?

Conjunctions like "and," "because," or "but" can be used, depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with Proves?

The word "proves" typically doesn't require an article, as it is a verb.

What is the plural form of Proves?

There isn't a plural form for the verb "proves." However, for subjects, the verb becomes "prove" (e.g., They prove).

Is Proves a noun or adjective?

Proves is a verb.

Is Proves a negative or positive word?

Neutral; "proves" itself is neither negative nor positive, but its context can determine its tone.

How many syllables are in Proves?

One syllable.

Is Proves a vowel or consonant?

"Proves" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

Is Proves a collective noun?

No, "proves" is not a collective noun.

Is the Proves term a metaphor?

No, "proves" is not a metaphor.

Is the word Proves is Gerund?

No, "proves" is not a gerund. The gerund form of "prove" is "proving."

How do we divide Proves into syllables?

Proves is one syllable, so it's not divided.

What is a stressed syllable in Proves?

The entire word "proves" is stressed as it's only one syllable.

Is Proves a countable noun?

No, "proves" is not a noun, thus not countable.

What is another term for Proves?

Demonstrates or shows.

What is the opposite of Proves?

Disproves or refutes.

What is the first form of Proves?


What is the third form of Proves?

Proven or proved.

How is Proves used in a sentence?

The evidence proves his innocence.

Is Proves an adverb?

No, "proves" is not an adverb.

Is the word Proves is imperative?

No, "proves" in its form is not imperative.

Is the word “Proves” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Proves" is a verb and cannot be a direct or indirect object.

What part of speech is Proves?

Proves is a verb.

Which determiner is used with Proves?

Determiners are not typically used directly with the verb "proves."

What is the second form of Proves?


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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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