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Giveing vs. Giving — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Giveing" is an incorrect spelling, while "Giving" is the correct form, denoting the act of bestowing or granting something.
Giveing vs. Giving — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Giveing or Giving

How to spell Giving?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall "give" and simply add "-ing": give + ing = giving.
Remember that "e" before "ing" is dropped in verbs like "give."
Think of the phrase "giving gifts." Double "g's" but not double "e's."
Associate "giving" with the holiday, "Thanksgiving," not "Thanksgiveing."
Remember the rule: For most verbs, the "e" is dropped before adding "-ing."

How Do You Spell Giving Correctly?

Incorrect: The season of giveing brings joy to many people.
Correct: The season of giving brings joy to many people.
Incorrect: They organized a giveing circle to support local nonprofits.
Correct: They organized a giving circle to support local nonprofits.
Incorrect: He believes in giveing back to his community.
Correct: He believes in giving back to his community.
Incorrect: The act of giveing can be more rewarding than receiving.
Correct: The act of giving can be more rewarding than receiving.
Incorrect: She was praised for her generous giveing to the charity.
Correct: She was praised for her generous giving to the charity.

Giving Definitions

Giving denotes the act of transferring possession.
The charity focuses on giving aid to the needy.
Giving can also be a reference to generosity or benevolence.
Her spirit of giving is well-known in the community.
Giving can be used to describe the yielding or flexibility of a material.
The mattress is soft and giving, ensuring a comfortable sleep.
To make a present of
We gave her flowers for her birthday.
To place in the hands of; pass
Give me the scissors.
To deliver in exchange or recompense; pay
Gave five dollars for the book.
To let go for a price; sell
Gave the used car away for two thousand dollars.
To administer
Give him some cough medicine.
To convey by a physical action
Gave me a punch in the nose.
To inflict as punishment
Was given life imprisonment for the crime.
To bestow, especially officially; confer
The Bill of Rights gives us freedom of speech.
To accord or tender to another
Give him your confidence.
To put temporarily at the disposal of
Gave them the cottage for a week.
To entrust to another, usually for a specified reason
Gave me the keys for safekeeping.
To communicate, convey, or offer for conveyance
Give him my best wishes. Give us the latest news.
To endure the loss of; sacrifice
Gave her son to the war.
Gave her life for her country.
To devote or apply completely
Gives herself to her work.
To furnish or contribute
Gave their time to help others.
To offer in good faith; pledge
Give me your word.
To allot as a portion or share.
To bestow (a name, for example).
To attribute (blame, for example) to someone; assign.
To award as due
Gave us first prize.
To emit or utter
Gave a groan.
Gave a muted response.
To submit for consideration, acceptance, or use
Give an opinion.
Give an excuse.
To proffer to another
Gave the toddler my hand.
To consent to engage (oneself) in sexual intercourse with another person.
To perform for an audience
Give a recital.
To present to view
Gave the sign to begin.
To offer as entertainment
Give a dinner party.
To propose as a toast.
To be a source of; afford
His remark gave offense. Music gives her pleasure.
To cause to catch or be subject to (a disease or bodily condition)
The draft gave me a cold.
To guide or direct, as by persuasion or behavior. Used with an infinitive phrase
You gave me to imagine you approved of my report.
To yield or produce
Cows give milk.
To bring forth or bear
Trees that give fruit.
To produce as a result of calculation
5 × 12 gives 60.
To manifest or show
Gives promise of brilliance.
Gave evidence of tampering.
To carry out (a physical movement)
Give a wink.
Give a start.
To permit one to have or take
Gave us an hour to finish.
To take an interest to the extent of
"My dear, I don't give a damn" (Margaret Mitchell).
To make gifts or donations
Gives generously to charity.
To yield to physical force
The sail gave during the storm.
To collapse from force or pressure
The roof gave under the weight of the snow.
To yield to change
Both sides will have to give on some issues.
To afford access or a view; open
The doors give onto a terrace.
(Slang) To be in progress; happen
What gives?.
Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure.
The quality or condition of resilience; springiness
"Fruits that have some give ... will have more juice than hard ones" (Elizabeth Schneider).
Present participle of give
Having the tendency to give; generous
The act of bestowing as a gift; a conferring or imparting.
A gift; a benefaction.
The act of softening, breaking, or yielding.
The act of giving
The imparting of news or promises etc.;
He gave us the news and made a great show of the giving
Giving his word of honor seemed to come too easily
Disposing of property by voluntary transfer without receiving value in return;
The alumni followed a program of annual giving
Given or giving freely;
Was a big tipper
The bounteous goodness of God
Bountiful compliments
A freehanded host
A handsome allowance
Saturday's child is loving and giving
A liberal backer of the arts
A munificent gift
Her fond and openhanded grandfather
Giving refers to the act of presenting something voluntarily.
The act of giving presents during holidays is cherished.
Giving can mean showing a particular characteristic.
The results are giving hope to researchers.

Giving Meaning in a Sentence

Giving to those in need is an important value for many people.
The company's culture emphasizes giving back to the community.
She dedicated her life to giving to others and making a difference.
The festival is a time of giving, sharing, and celebrating together.
There is a special joy in giving without expecting anything in return.
The tradition of giving gifts on birthdays is practiced worldwide.
Their annual giving campaign raised thousands for charity.
During the holiday season, many focus on giving rather than receiving.
He found that giving his time as a volunteer was incredibly fulfilling.
In giving we receive; this principle is at the heart of many spiritual teachings.
The foundation focuses on giving scholarships to deserving students.
The challenge of giving up something temporarily can lead to personal growth.
The book discusses the psychology behind giving and generosity.
By giving our best effort, we can achieve great things.
Giving compliments freely can brighten someone's day.
She's known for her giving spirit and compassionate heart.
Giving someone the benefit of the doubt can preserve relationships.
Her giving nature is evident in all her actions.
The act of giving advice is sometimes more complex than it seems.
By giving a little, we can help a lot.
The art of giving and receiving feedback is essential in the workplace.
The ceremony included a traditional giving of gifts to the guests.
He stressed the importance of giving credit where it's due.
Many cultures have rituals centered around giving thanks.
They are giving away free books at the library event.

Giving Idioms & Phrases

Giving it your all

To put in maximum effort.
She was determined to succeed, giving it her all.

Giving someone a piece of your mind

To openly express one's opinion, often in anger.
After the meeting, he was ready to give his boss a piece of his mind.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Giving?

The vowel "i" is used before "giving."

What is the verb form of Giving?

The verb form of "giving" is "give."

What is the root word of Giving?

The root word of "giving" is "give."

Why is it called Giving?

It is called "giving" because it denotes the action or process of bestowing something to someone, derived from the verb "give."

Is Giving a noun or adjective?

"Giving" can be a noun (as in the act of bestowing) or an adjective (as in a giving person).

Is Giving an adverb?

No, "giving" is not an adverb.

What is the singular form of Giving?

"Giving" is already in its singular form.

What is the pronunciation of Giving?

"Giving" is pronounced as /ˈɡɪv.ɪŋ/.

Which article is used with Giving?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "giving," depending on the context.

Is Giving a negative or positive word?

"Giving" is generally perceived as a positive word.

Is Giving a collective noun?

No, "giving" is not a collective noun.

Which preposition is used with Giving?

"To" is commonly used with "giving," as in "giving to charity."

Is Giving a countable noun?

Typically, "giving" is uncountable, but in some contexts, it might be countable.

How many syllables are in Giving?

There are two syllables in "giving."

What is the plural form of Giving?

There isn't a standard plural form for "giving" as it is typically a singular gerund or noun, but contextually, one might say "givings" to refer to multiple acts or instances of giving.

Which conjunction is used with Giving?

Any conjunction can be used with "giving," depending on the sentence, e.g., "and," "but," "or."

Is the Giving term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

What is another term for Giving?

Another term for "giving" could be "bestowing" or "donating."

Is the word Giving a Gerund?

Yes, "giving" is a gerund when used as a noun to describe the act of "give."

Is the word “Giving” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Giving" can be either, depending on the sentence. E.g., "I appreciate your giving" (direct) vs. "He thanked me for giving him advice" (indirect).

What is the first form of Giving?

The first form of "giving" is "give."

What is the third form of Giving?

The third form is "given."

Is Giving an abstract noun?

Yes, when referring to the act or process of bestowing, it is an abstract noun.

Is Giving a vowel or consonant?

"Giving" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide Giving into syllables?

"Giving" is divided as giv-ing.

Which determiner is used with Giving?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "my" can be used with "giving."

Is the word Giving imperative?

No, "giving" is not in the imperative form.

What is a stressed syllable in Giving?

The first syllable, "giv," is stressed in "giving."

What part of speech is Giving?

"Giving" can be a noun or an adjective.

What is the opposite of Giving?

The opposite of "giving" could be "taking" or "withholding."

What is the second form of Giving?

The second form is "gave."

How is Giving used in a sentence?

"Her consistent giving to charity is truly commendable."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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