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Popple vs. Poplar — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Sumaia Saeed — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 17, 2024
Popple is the incorrect spelling of poplar. Poplar refers to a type of tree known for its tall stature and fast growth.
Popple vs. Poplar — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Popple or Poplar

How to spell Poplar?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The word "poplar" contains the letter 'a,' which can help you visualize the tree's tall, straight trunk.
Remember "poplar" by associating it with "popular," both having similar beginnings and endings.

How Do You Spell Poplar Correctly?

Incorrect: She noticed that the leaves of the popple were turning yellow.
Correct: She noticed that the leaves of the poplar were turning yellow.
Incorrect: The popple trees lined the street beautifully.
Correct: The poplar trees lined the street beautifully.
Incorrect: He carved his initials into the popple tree.
Correct: He carved his initials into the poplar tree.
Incorrect: He thought the popple tree in his yard needed trimming.
Correct: He thought the poplar tree in his yard needed trimming.
Incorrect: Can we plant a popple here?
Correct: Can we plant a poplar here?

Poplar Definitions

A tree with broad, flat leaves that flutter in the slightest breeze.
The poplar leaves rustled pleasantly in the wind.
The genus Populus, which includes various species such as the white and black poplars.
The black poplar is particularly noted for its resilience and height.
These trees are often used as windbreaks or for privacy due to their dense, rapid growth.
They planted a row of poplars along the edge of their property.
A tall, fast-growing tree of North temperate regions, used in manufacturing and landscaping.
The new park was planted with poplars to provide quick shade.
Poplars are known for their light, soft wood that is used in various industries.
The carpenter used poplar wood because it is easy to shape and sand.
Any of several fast-growing deciduous trees of the genus Populus, having unisexual flowers borne in catkins and seeds with cottony tufts.
The wood of any of these trees.
See tulip tree.
Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus.
(uncountable) Wood from the poplar tree.
Any tree of the genus Populus; also, the timber, which is soft, and capable of many uses.
The timber of the tulip tree; - called also white poplar.
Soft light-colored nondurable wood of the poplar
Any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins

Poplar Meaning in a Sentence

Leaves of the poplar fluttered gently on a breezy day.
The poplar tree stood tall against the setting sun.
Poplar trees are common in urban landscapes due to their attractive form.
Birds nested in the high branches of the poplar.
The poplar wood was perfect for making lightweight furniture.
In autumn, the poplar leaves turned a brilliant yellow.
They chose poplar trees for the street because they grow quickly.
A carving on the poplar tree marked the spot where they first met.
The poplar stood resilient through the storm.
The shade beneath the poplar was her favorite spot to read.
Kids loved to play hide and seek around the poplar trees.
The farmer used poplar trees to break the wind on his farm.
The poplar was home to many species of birds.
Fallen poplar leaves carpeted the path.
She admired the straight, tall silhouette of the poplar.
Wind rustling through poplar leaves sounded like rain.
He planted a poplar at each corner of his property.
Snow rested lightly on the thin branches of the poplar.
A young poplar grew quickly, reaching for the sky.
Bees buzzed around the blossoms of the poplar tree.

Poplar Idioms & Phrases

Poplar sentiment

A widely held or popular opinion.
Planting trees has become a poplar sentiment in urban areas.

Tall as a poplar

Very tall, typically referring to a person.
He stood tall as a poplar, towering over his classmates.

Under the poplar

Under consideration or discussion.
The proposal has been under the poplar among the committee members.

Poplar appeal

General attractiveness or likability.
The idea has a lot of poplar appeal for both young and old.

Poplar wisdom

Common knowledge or generally accepted beliefs.
According to poplar wisdom, drinking plenty of water is beneficial for health.

Shake like a poplar leaf

To tremble or shake, usually from fear or cold.
He was shaking like a poplar leaf during the thunderstorm.

Poplar justice

Justice that is broadly supported or endorsed by the general public.
The verdict was seen as a triumph of poplar justice.

As popular as a poplar

Very popular or well-liked.
She was as popular as a poplar in her community for her charitable work.

Poplar lore

Traditional knowledge or beliefs associated with poplars.
According to poplar lore, these trees bring peace and prosperity.

Poplar standing

Being in a position of favor or popularity.
His poplar standing in the polls increased after the debate.

With the speed of a growing poplar

Very quickly or rapidly.
The technology sector is advancing with the speed of a growing poplar.

Lean against a poplar

To rely on something stable or reliable.
In tough times, he could always lean against a poplar like his family's support.

Grow like a poplar

To develop or expand very quickly.
The startup company grew like a poplar within a year.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in poplar?

The stressed syllable in "poplar" is "pop."

Why is it called poplar?

The term "poplar" derives from the Latin word "populus," which refers to the people's tree, popularly planted in public areas for quick growth and shade.

What is the pronunciation of poplar?

Poplar is pronounced as /ˈpɒplər/.

How is poplar used in a sentence?

Poplar is used as a noun to refer to a type of tree known for its rapid growth and tall, slender appearance.

How do we divide poplar into syllables?

Poplar is divided into syllables as pop-lar.

What is the verb form of poplar?

Poplar does not have a verb form; it is used as a noun.

How many syllables are in poplar?

Poplar has two syllables.

What is the root word of poplar?

The root of "poplar" is from the Latin "populus," referring to the tree.

What part of speech is poplar?

Poplar is a noun.

What is another term for poplar?

Another term for "poplar" could be "tree," specifically referring to this type of fast-growing, tall tree.

Is poplar a countable noun?

Yes, poplar is a countable noun.

Is poplar a collective noun?

No, poplar is not a collective noun.

What is the singular form of poplar?

The singular form is "poplar."

Is poplar an abstract noun?

No, poplar is a concrete noun, referring to a tangible type of tree.

Is the poplar term a metaphor?

While "poplar" can be used metaphorically in phrases, it primarily refers to the actual type of tree.

Is the word poplar imperative?

No, "poplar" is not typically used in the imperative mood.

What is the plural form of poplar?

The plural form is "poplars."

Is poplar a noun or adjective?

Poplar is a noun.

Is poplar an adverb?

No, poplar is not an adverb.

Is the word “poplar” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

In sentences where "poplar" is used as a noun, it can function as a direct object.

Which preposition is used with poplar?

Common prepositions used with "poplar" include "of," "with," and "by."

Which conjunction is used with poplar?

Conjunctions like "and," "but," and "or" can be used in sentences involving "poplar."

What is the opposite of poplar?

The opposite of a "poplar" (tree) might be considered a "cactus," representing a type of plant that grows slowly and requires different environmental conditions.

Is poplar a negative or positive word?

Poplar is generally a neutral word, but it can have positive connotations when associated with natural beauty and environmental benefits.

Is the word poplar Gerund?

No, "poplar" does not function as a gerund; it is primarily a noun.

Is poplar a vowel or consonant?

Poplar starts with a consonant.

Which determiner is used with poplar?

Determiners such as "a," "the," "some," and "any" can be used with "poplar."

Which vowel is used before poplar?

The vowels "a" or "an" are used before "poplar" depending on the sound of the word following it in a sentence.

Which article is used with poplar?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite "a" can be used with "poplar" depending on the context.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Edited by
Sumaia Saeed

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