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Passionated vs. Passionate — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 18, 2024
"Passionated" is an incorrect spelling; the correct term is "Passionate," which describes having or showing strong emotions or beliefs.
Passionated vs. Passionate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Passionated or Passionate

How to spell Passionate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the word "passion" and just add "-ate."
Remember that adding "-ed" typically implies past tense, but "Passionate" is an adjective, not a verb in past tense.
"Passion-ate" sounds like "passionate," helping you recall the correct spelling.
Note that "Passionate" ends with "-ate," which is common for adjectives.
If you remember the term "passion," then simply adding an "-ate" will suffice, as there's no past tense.

How Do You Spell Passionate Correctly?

Incorrect: His speech was very passionated.
Correct: His speech was very passionate.
Incorrect: She showed a passionated interest in painting.
Correct: She showed a passionate interest in painting.
Incorrect: The teacher is passionated about teaching.
Correct: The teacher is passionate about teaching.
Incorrect: He is very passionated about playing the guitar.
Correct: He is very passionate about playing the guitar.
Incorrect: They are all passionated about their project.
Correct: They are all passionate about their project.

Passionate Definitions

Passionate means having or displaying strong emotions or convictions.
She is passionate about animal rights.
Passionate refers to being intensely devoted or enthusiastic.
The coach was passionate about the team's success.
Passionate denotes being driven by strong feelings or beliefs.
The activists were passionate in their quest for justice.
Passionate signifies an ardent or zealous attitude towards something.
He's passionate about cooking and loves experimenting with recipes.
Passionate describes being deeply affected by emotions or love.
They shared a passionate kiss.
Having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs
He's passionate about football
Passionate pleas for help
Capable of, having, or dominated by powerful emotions
A family of passionate personalities.
Wrathful by temperament; choleric.
Showing or expressing strong emotion; ardent
A passionate speech against injustice.
Arising from or marked by passion
A teacher who is passionate about her subject.
Fired with intense feeling.
(obsolete) Suffering; sorrowful.
A passionate individual.
(obsolete) To fill with passion, or with another given emotion.
(obsolete) To express with great emotion.
Capable or susceptible of passion, or of different passions; easily moved, excited or agitated; specifically, easily moved to anger; irascible; quick-tempered; as, a passionate nature.
Homer's Achilles is haughty and passionate.
Characterized by passion; expressing passion; ardent in feeling or desire; vehement; warm; as, a passionate friendship.
Suffering; sorrowful.
To affect with passion; to impassion.
Great pleasure, mixed with pitiful regard,The godly king and queen did passionate.
To express feelingly or sorrowfully.
Having or expressing strong emotions

Passionate Meaning in a Sentence

My brother is passionate about playing soccer.
She wrote a passionate letter to the editor about environmental issues.
She is passionate about animal rights.
He becomes passionate when he talks about music.
The chef is passionate about using fresh ingredients.
They had a passionate debate about politics.
The director is passionate about making meaningful films.
She's passionate about writing poetry.
He's passionate about traveling and exploring new cultures.
The community is passionate about keeping the park clean.
My teacher is passionate about encouraging students to read.
She's passionate about running marathons.
He's passionate about collecting vintage cars.
She's passionate about helping homeless animals.
She's passionate about baking and decorating cakes.
The team is passionate about winning the championship.
He's passionate about learning new languages.
She's passionate about teaching yoga.
The gardener is passionate about growing organic vegetables.
They are passionate about advocating for human rights.
The artist is passionate about creating realistic portraits.
They're passionate about preserving historic buildings.
He's passionate about playing the piano.
The scientist is passionate about researching climate change.
He's passionate about designing eco-friendly buildings.

Passionate Idioms & Phrases

Passionate about someone's craft

Having a strong love and dedication for one's work or hobby.
The carpenter is passionate about his craft, always delivering exquisite furniture.

To become passionate about something

To develop a strong interest or love for an activity or cause.
After her trip to the rainforest, she became passionate about conservation efforts.

A passionate plea

A very emotional and sincere request to persuade someone.
The activist made a passionate plea for environmental protection at the conference.

Passionate intensity

The quality of having strong feelings or beliefs.
The speaker's passionate intensity captivated the audience.

To have a passionate interest in something

To be very interested and emotionally invested in a topic or activity.
She has a passionate interest in ancient history.

A passionate follower

Someone who supports a cause, person, or team with great enthusiasm and zeal.
He's a passionate follower of the local football team, never missing a game.

A passionate embrace

A hug that expresses strong emotions or affection.
After being apart for months, they shared a passionate embrace at the airport.

A passionate argument

A heated dispute fueled by strong emotions or beliefs.
They had a passionate argument about the best approach to solve the issue.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Passionate?

The root word is "passion."

Which vowel is used before Passionate?

Depends on context, but often 'a,' as in "a passionate speech."

Which conjunction is used with Passionate?

Context-dependent, but often "and," as in "passionate and dedicated."

What is the verb form of Passionate?

The base verb is "to passion," although it's rarely used in modern English.

Why is it called Passionate?

It's called "Passionate" to describe the intense emotions or strong convictions one possesses.

What is the pronunciation of Passionate?

Pronounced as "PASH-uh-nit."

What is the plural form of Passionate?

Passionate (adjectives don't have plural forms).

Is Passionate a negative or positive word?

Generally considered positive.

Which article is used with Passionate?

Generally, "a" or "the" can be used, depending on the context.

What is the singular form of Passionate?


Is Passionate a countable noun?

It's not a noun.

Is Passionate a collective noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is the word Passionate is imperative?


How do we divide Passionate into syllables?


What part of speech is Passionate?


What is another term for Passionate?


What is the opposite of Passionate?


Which preposition is used with Passionate?

"About" is commonly used, as in "passionate about."

Is Passionate a noun or adjective?


Is Passionate an abstract noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Passionate?

The first syllable, "Pas."

Which determiner is used with Passionate?

"This" or "that" can be used, among others.

Is Passionate a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, not a single letter.

Is Passionate an adverb?


Is the Passionate term a metaphor?


Is the word Passionate is Gerund?


Is the word “Passionate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither; it's an adjective.

How many syllables are in Passionate?

3 syllables.

How is Passionate used in a sentence?

"She is passionate about environmental conservation."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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