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Paraphenalia vs. Paraphernalia — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Paraphenalia" is a misspelling; the correct spelling is "paraphernalia". Paraphernalia: personal belongings or equipment associated with a specific activity.
Paraphenalia vs. Paraphernalia — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Paraphenalia or Paraphernalia

How to spell Paraphernalia?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Note the "ph" in the middle, which is consistent with other English words like "phantom" or "pharmacy."
Remember the first "r" by associating it with "personal," as paraphernalia often refers to personal belongings.
Break it down phonetically: par-a-pher-nal-ia, and remember the "pher" part, which sounds like "fear."
Think of the suffix "-alia" which is common in English for denoting a collection of something, like "memorabilia."
Associate it with other words having the "-ernalia" suffix to remember the second “r” and “n” sequence.

How Do You Spell Paraphernalia Correctly?

Incorrect: Her desk was cluttered with all sorts of office paraphenalia.
Correct: Her desk was cluttered with all sorts of office paraphernalia.
Incorrect: She packed her suitcase with all sorts of paraphenalia for her trip.
Correct: She packed her suitcase with all sorts of paraphernalia for her trip.
Incorrect: He showed me his collection of smoking paraphenalia.
Correct: He showed me his collection of smoking paraphernalia.
Incorrect: The police found various drug paraphenalia in the suspect's car.
Correct: The police found various drug paraphernalia in the suspect's car.
Incorrect: I need to buy some camping paraphenalia before our trip next month.
Correct: I need to buy some camping paraphernalia before our trip next month.

Paraphernalia Definitions

Accessories or equipment associated with a particular institution or activity.
The sorority's paraphernalia included banners and pins.
Various objects or equipment needed for a particular activity.
The artist had all her painting paraphernalia spread out on the table.
Miscellaneous articles or adornments.
She collected vintage paraphernalia from the 1960s.
Personal belongings, often relating to a specific hobby or interest.
His office was filled with sports paraphernalia.
Objects or items that accessorize or accompany something else.
She had a variety of tea paraphernalia, including infusers and strainers.
Miscellaneous items, especially the set of equipment required for a particular activity.
He has an impressive collection of bicycling paraphernalia, but he doesn't ride very often anymore.
Things a married woman owns, such as clothing and jewellery, apart from her dowry.
Something reserved to a wife, over and above her dower, being chiefly apparel and ornaments suited to her degree.
Personal belongings; ornaments; finery; sundry objects carried about for personal convenience.
The appendages, apparatus, or equipment used in a particular activity; as, surveyors unloading their paraphernalia from a van.
Equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.

Paraphernalia Meaning in a Sentence

Before the concert, the band's paraphernalia was carefully arranged on stage.
The artist had an impressive array of painting paraphernalia in his studio.
His backpack was filled with hiking paraphernalia, ready for the adventure.
In the corner of the room stood a mannequin dressed with magician's paraphernalia.
The detective's paraphernalia included a magnifying glass and a notebook.
The museum exhibit displayed historical fishing paraphernalia.
Her makeup paraphernalia took up most of the bathroom counter.
She keeps her sewing paraphernalia organized in a special box.
She gifted him a box of gardening paraphernalia for his birthday.
The science lab was equipped with all sorts of experimental paraphernalia.
The fishing boat was stocked with all the necessary paraphernalia for a long day at sea.
Every camper must have essential survival paraphernalia in their pack.
The teacher showed the students the paraphernalia used in ancient writing practices.
The kitchen drawer was a treasure trove of baking paraphernalia.
When moving into the dorm, she unpacked her box of decorative paraphernalia first.
A collector of vintage paraphernalia, he frequented auctions and estate sales.
The spy's paraphernalia included gadgets you'd only see in movies.
The Halloween decorations were just part of her extensive holiday paraphernalia.
The repairman's paraphernalia included various tools and spare parts.
The ceremonial paraphernalia was prepared for the annual festival.
The room was filled with the paraphernalia of a long life well-lived, from photos to mementos.
The photographer's paraphernalia was meticulously laid out for the shoot.
For the DIY project, they gathered all necessary crafting paraphernalia.
His desk was covered in computer repair paraphernalia.
On the table lay the paraphernalia for tea ceremony, neatly arranged.

Paraphernalia Idioms & Phrases

Part of the paraphernalia

Included as a component of the necessary equipment or items.
The compass is considered part of the paraphernalia for hiking.

A collector’s paraphernalia

The collection of items specific to a hobby or interest.
The stamps were the gem of his collector’s paraphernalia.

Every trick in the paraphernalia

Using every possible means or resource available.
To solve the mystery, the detective used every trick in the paraphernalia.

To pack one’s paraphernalia

To gather and pack one’s belongings or specific tools.
Before the camping trip, he made sure to pack all his paraphernalia.

To sort through one’s paraphernalia

To organize or sift through one’s belongings or tools.
After the move, she spent hours sorting through her paraphernalia.

To add to one’s paraphernalia

To acquire more items or tools, expanding one’s collection.
He couldn’t resist adding to his paraphernalia of vintage cameras.

Decked out in paraphernalia

Adorned or equipped with a specific set of gear or accessories.
For the theme party, she was decked out in 80s paraphernalia.

Paraphernalia of the trade

The tools and equipment associated with a particular profession.
The chef’s knives are an essential paraphernalia of the trade.

Laden with paraphernalia

Heavily burdened or equipped with a lot of gear.
The explorer was laden with paraphernalia for the journey ahead.

A mishmash of paraphernalia

A mixture or assortment of various items.
The attic was filled with a mishmash of paraphernalia from years gone by.

Common Curiosities

Which conjunction is used with paraphernalia?

Any conjunction can be used with paraphernalia based on the sentence structure, such as "and" or "or."

What is the verb form of paraphernalia?

Paraphernalia does not have a verb form.

Which vowel is used before paraphernalia?

The vowel used before paraphernalia is usually "a", as in "a piece of paraphernalia."

Which preposition is used with paraphernalia?

Various prepositions can be used with paraphernalia depending on the context, such as "of," "with," or "for."

Is paraphernalia an adverb?

No, paraphernalia is not an adverb.

Why is it called paraphernalia?

It is called paraphernalia from Latin “paraphernalia”, which referred to a bride's property beyond her dowry, later extending to mean personal belongings.

What is the singular form of paraphernalia?

Paraphernalia is used as both singular and plural; however, "a piece of paraphernalia" can denote a singular item.

Which article is used with paraphernalia?

Both "the" and "a" (when referring to a piece or an item of paraphernalia) can be used.

Is paraphernalia a noun or adjective?

Paraphernalia is a noun.

What is the pronunciation of paraphernalia?

The pronunciation of paraphernalia is /ˌpærəfərˈneɪliə/.

What is the root word of paraphernalia?

The root word is from the Medieval Latin "paraphernalia", which originally referred to a bride's property.

Is paraphernalia an abstract noun?

No, it is a concrete noun as it refers to physical items.

What is the plural form of paraphernalia?

Paraphernalia serves as both singular and plural.

Is the word paraphernalia imperative?

No, the word paraphernalia is not imperative.

What is the stressed syllable in paraphernalia?

The stressed syllable is "na" in paraphernalia.

What part of speech is paraphernalia?

Paraphernalia is a noun.

Is paraphernalia a negative or positive word?

It is neutral but can have negative or positive connotations based on context.

Is paraphernalia a countable noun?

Generally, it is an uncountable noun, but one can refer to "a piece of paraphernalia" to count individual items.

Is paraphernalia a collective noun?

Yes, paraphernalia is a collective noun as it refers to a collection of various items.

What is another term for paraphernalia?

Another term for paraphernalia is "accoutrements."

Which determiner is used with paraphernalia?

Determiners like "the," "some," or "any" can be used with paraphernalia.

Is paraphernalia a vowel or consonant?

Paraphernalia is a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide paraphernalia into syllables?

Paraphernalia can be divided as: par-a-pher-na-lia.

What is the opposite of paraphernalia?

The opposite would be a lack of accessories or equipment, possibly referred to as "absence of belongings" or "bareness."

What is the first form of paraphernalia?

The word "paraphernalia" does not have forms as it is a noun.

What is the third form of paraphernalia?

Paraphernalia does not have forms as it is a noun.

Is the paraphernalia term a metaphor?

No, it is not a metaphor; it refers to actual objects or belongings.

How many syllables are in paraphernalia?

There are 5 syllables in paraphernalia.

What is the second form of paraphernalia?

Paraphernalia does not have forms as it is a noun.

How is paraphernalia used in a sentence?

The detective sifted through the paraphernalia found at the suspect's residence.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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