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Pyscho vs. Psycho — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Pyscho" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "psycho," a term for someone displaying extreme mental instability.
Pyscho vs. Psycho — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Pyscho or Psycho

How to spell Psycho?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The 'h' follows the 'c' just like in the word "school."
Link it with "psychology," which starts the same way.
Remember "psycho" starts with the prefix "psy-" related to the mind.
“Psycho” rhymes with “tyco,” also spelled with a 'y' followed by a consonant and an 'o.'
Think of the famous movie "Psycho," where the spelling is well-publicized.

How Do You Spell Psycho Correctly?

Incorrect: Her pyscho ex-boyfriend showed up unannounced.
Correct: Her psycho ex-boyfriend showed up unannounced.
Incorrect: Pyscho is not an appropriate way to refer to someone.
Correct: Psycho is not an appropriate way to refer to someone.
Incorrect: He called the villain in the story a pyscho.
Correct: He called the villain in the story a psycho.
Incorrect: The movie "Pyscho" is famous for its shower scene.
Correct: The movie "Psycho" is famous for its shower scene.
Incorrect: I don't like horror films; they're too pyscho for me.
Correct: I don't like horror films; they're too psycho for me.

Psycho Definitions

A person with severe mental disorders.
He was deemed a psycho by the court.
Pertaining to the mind or psychology.
Psycho-social factors affect health.
A prefix denoting relation to the mind.
Psychoanalysis is a therapy method.
An affectionate nickname, often ironic.
You finished the whole pizza? You're a psycho!
A psychopath.
Mentally deranged; crazy.
Or otherwise insane.
A person who is psychotic or otherwise insane.
The loony bin up on the hill is full of psychos.
A person who acts in a bizarre or dangerous manner.
She complained that he was a psycho for driving at such a high speed in heavy traffic.
(informal) A class, at a college or university, in which psychology is taught.
I've got anthro, socio, lunch, and psycho.
A person afflicted with psychosis
A character in a story displaying extreme behaviors.
Norman Bates is the psycho in the movie Psycho.

Psycho Meaning in a Sentence

She described the book's antagonist as a complete psycho.
The documentary delved into the psyche of a person labeled as a psycho by society.
He jokingly called his cat a psycho when it wildly chased shadows.
The series portrayed the transformation of a normal man into a psycho very convincingly.
The term "psycho" should be used with caution, as it can stigmatize mental health issues.
Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" is considered a masterpiece of suspense.
That horror movie was too intense for me; it was filled with psycho characters.
The twist in the movie reveals the seemingly normal neighbor as a psycho.
In the game, the character known as "The Psycho" turned out to have a tragic backstory.
He played the role of a psycho in the play, which was both thrilling and challenging.
"Psycho" is often misused in casual conversation without understanding its real implications.
The psycho killer in the film evaded capture by blending into society.
The story explores the mind of a psycho with surprising empathy.
Critics argue that labeling characters as psycho oversimplifies complex mental health issues.
He has a collection of psycho thrillers that would give you nightmares.
Dealing with a psycho character in literature requires a deep understanding of human psychology.
Understanding the psycho behavior in psychological thrillers can be fascinating.
The new neighbor's behavior was odd, but calling him a psycho was a stretch.
The psycho villain in the comic book has a cult following among fans.
They used the term "psycho" to describe the unpredictable weather.
She's writing a thesis on the portrayal of psycho characters in modern cinema.
The book's chilling narrative makes you empathize with the so-called psycho.
That roller coaster is psycho; it's the scariest one I've ever ridden!
In the video game, players have to escape from a mansion run by a psycho.
"Psycho" tropes in movies can be both compelling and controversial.

Psycho Idioms & Phrases

Going psycho

Losing control or acting in an extreme, irrational way.
She went psycho when she found out her favorite show was canceled.

Psycho killer

A term used in media and conversation to describe a person who kills with apparent insanity or irrationality.
The movie's antagonist was a classic psycho killer, unpredictable and terrifying.


A method of analyzing and treating mental and emotional disorders by discussing the patient's dreams, thoughts, and feelings.
He underwent psychoanalysis to understand the roots of his fears.


A situation or sequence of events that involves intense psychological conflict or problems.
Their relationship was like a psycho-drama, full of ups and downs.

Psycho babble

Complex, technical language used by psychologists, often seen as incomprehensible or pretentious.
The book was filled with psycho babble that made it hard to understand.

Psychopath" vs. "Sociopath

Both terms refer to individuals with antisocial personality disorders, but nuances distinguish them in psychological discourse.
In crime dramas, characters often debate whether the villain is a psychopath or a sociopath.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of psycho?

The root word is from the Greek "psyche," meaning mind.

What is the verb form of psycho?

There's no standard verb form. Slang uses include "psychoing out."

What is the pronunciation of psycho?

Psycho is pronounced as /ˈsaɪ.koʊ/.

Which vowel is used before psycho?

"A" as in "a psycho."

Which preposition is used with psycho?

"Of," as in "psycho of a person."

Is psycho an abstract noun?

No, it refers to a person or attribute, so it's concrete.

Why is it called psycho?

The term comes from the Greek word "psyche," meaning mind or soul, and describes someone with extreme mental instability.

Which article is used with psycho?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with psycho.

What is the plural form of psycho?


Which conjunction is used with psycho?

Context-specific; "and" or "or" could be used.

Is psycho a vowel or consonant?

It's a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.

Is psycho a collective noun?

No, it is not a collective noun.

What is another term for psycho?

Maniac or lunatic.

What is the singular form of psycho?


Is psycho a noun or adjective?

"Psycho" can be both a noun and an adjective.

Is psycho an adverb?

No, it's not an adverb.

Is psycho a negative or positive word?

Generally negative, but can be affectionate slang.

How do we divide psycho into syllables?


What part of speech is psycho?

Noun and sometimes an adjective.

Is the psycho term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, but it is not inherently a metaphor.

Is the word psycho imperative?

No, it is not imperative.

Is psycho a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one psycho or multiple psychos.

How many syllables are in psycho?

Two syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in psycho?

The first syllable, "psy," is stressed.

What is the opposite of psycho?

Sane or stable person.

How is psycho used in a sentence?

"Everyone was shocked to find out he was a psycho."

Which determiner is used with psycho?

"That" as in "that psycho," or "this" as in "this psycho."

What is the first form of psycho?

N/A; it's not a verb.

What is the second form of psycho?

N/A; it's not a verb.

What is the third form of psycho?

N/A; it's not a verb.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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