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Missuse vs. Misuse — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Missuse" is incorrect; the right spelling is "misuse," meaning the improper use of something.
Missuse vs. Misuse — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Missuse or Misuse

How to spell Misuse?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think "one S" for "single error"; so "misuse" has just one S.
"Use" is correct as it is; don't add extra letters.
"Miss" usually precedes a name, like Miss Jane. "Mis-" means wrong.
Visualize "misuse" as "mis" + "use"; both parts have single S.
Remember: the error is in the "mis" not in the "use".

How Do You Spell Misuse Correctly?

Incorrect: There was a clear missuse of power by the officials.
Correct: There was a clear misuse of power by the officials.
Incorrect: The missuse of company resources is strictly prohibited.
Correct: The misuse of company resources is strictly prohibited.
Incorrect: The drug's missuse can lead to serious health problems.
Correct: The drug's misuse can lead to serious health problems.
Incorrect: The report highlighted the missuse of public funds.
Correct: The report highlighted the misuse of public funds.
Incorrect: Many accidents are caused by the missuse of equipment.
Correct: Many accidents are caused by the misuse of equipment.

Misuse Definitions

"Misuse" means the wrong or improper application of something.
He faced criticism for his misuse of funds.
"Misuse" can also mean mismanagement or abuse.
The misuse of natural resources is alarming.
"Misuse" is using something in a way not intended or harmful.
The misuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance.
"Misuse" implies a deviation from acceptable standards or norms.
The document highlighted the widespread misuse of the drug.
"Misuse" signifies incorrect or inappropriate behavior.
The misuse of authority was evident in his decisions.
To use incorrectly.
To mistreat or abuse.
Improper, unlawful, or incorrect use; misapplication.
An incorrect, improper or unlawful use of something.
(transitive) To use (something) incorrectly.
(transitive) To abuse or mistreat (something or someone).
To abuse verbally, to insult.
To treat or use improperly; to use to a bad purpose; to misapply; as, to misuse one's talents.
The sweet poison of misused wine.
To abuse; to treat ill.
O, she misused me past the endurance of a block.
Wrong use; misapplication; erroneous or improper use.
Words little suspected for any such misuse.
Violence, or its effects.
Improper or excessive use
Apply to a wrong thing or person; apply badly or incorrectly;
The words are misapplied in this context
You are misapplying the name of this religious group
Change the inherent purpose or function of something;
Don't abuse the system
The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers

Misuse Meaning in a Sentence

The policy aims to reduce the misuse of plastic.
Environmental laws prevent the misuse of natural resources.
She warned against the misuse of personal information.
The article discusses the misuse of social media.
Misuse of the software could violate the license agreement.
The government is tackling the misuse of drugs in sports.
Misuse of water in agriculture can lead to scarcity.
The misuse of pesticides is a threat to wildlife.
Misuse of this machine can result in injury.
The teacher explained the misuse of certain words in English.
He faced criticism for the misuse of public statements.
Parents should teach children about the misuse of technology.
Educational programs focus on the misuse of the internet among teenagers.
Regulations are in place to prevent the misuse of drones.
The misuse of historical facts can alter public perception.
Campaigns raise awareness about the misuse of alcohol.
Legal actions were taken against the misuse of trademarks.
The misuse of power often leads to corruption.
The misuse of historical events for propaganda is dangerous.
There are growing concerns about the misuse of artificial intelligence.
The audit revealed misuse of public office.
Misuse of these chemicals poses environmental hazards.

Misuse Idioms & Phrases

Misuse of authority

To use one’s power or control in a way that is not fair or just.
The leader's misuse of authority led to widespread protests.

Misuse of trust

To betray the confidence someone has placed in you.
The scandal was a clear misuse of trust by the official.

Open to misuse

Susceptible to being used in the wrong way.
The vague law is open to misuse by those in power.

Misuse one's talents

To use one’s abilities in a way that is not productive or morally right.
It's sad to see someone misuse their talents on trivial endeavors.

Misuse of privilege

To take unfair advantage of one’s advantageous position.
Celebrities often face accusations of misuse of privilege.

Misuse of information

To use information in a harmful or unethical way.
The company was fined for the misuse of customer information.

Misuse of power

To exercise one’s power in a harmful or unjust manner.
The film explores themes of corruption and misuse of power.

Misuse of funds

To spend money in ways that are not authorized or intended.
The charity came under fire for misuse of funds.

Misuse of resources

To use resources in a wasteful or inappropriate manner.
The project failed due to misuse of resources.

Misuse of technology

To use technology in ways that are harmful or not intended.
The novel warns against the misuse of technology for surveillance.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Misuse?

The pronunciation of "misuse" is /mɪsˈjuːz/ (mis-YOOZ).

What is the plural form of Misuse?

The plural form of "misuse" is "misuses."

Which vowel is used before Misuse?

No specific vowel is intrinsically used before "misuse." It depends on the sentence or phrase.

Which conjunction is used with Misuse?

Any conjunction can be used with "misuse" depending on the context of the sentence.

What is the root word of Misuse?

The root word of "misuse" is "use."

Which preposition is used with Misuse?

The preposition "of" is commonly used with "misuse," as in "misuse of power."

Which article is used with Misuse?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "misuse," depending on context.

Is Misuse an abstract noun?

Yes, "misuse" is an abstract noun as it represents a concept rather than a physical entity.

Why is it called Misuse?

Misuse is called so because it denotes the incorrect or inappropriate use of something.

What is the verb form of Misuse?

The verb form of "misuse" is "misuse" itself.

Is Misuse a negative or positive word?

"Misuse" is generally considered a negative word.

Is the word Misuse is imperative?

No, "misuse" is not imperative.

Is Misuse a noun or adjective?

"Misuse" is primarily a noun, but it can also be a verb.

Is Misuse a vowel or consonant?

"Misuse" is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Misuse a collective noun?

No, "misuse" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Misuse is Gerund?

No, "misuse" is not a gerund.

Is the word “Misuse” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Misuse" can function as either a direct or indirect object depending on its placement in a sentence.

Which determiner is used with Misuse?

Any determiner like "this," "that," "a," "the," etc., can be used with "misuse" depending on the context.

What is the first form of Misuse?

The first form (base form) of "misuse" is "misuse."

What is the singular form of Misuse?

The singular form of "misuse" is "misuse."

Is the Misuse term a metaphor?

No, "misuse" is not a metaphor. However, it can be used metaphorically in sentences.

What is another term for Misuse?

Another term for "misuse" is "abuse."

What is the opposite of Misuse?

The opposite of "misuse" is "proper use" or "correct use."

How many syllables are in Misuse?

There are two syllables in "misuse."

Is Misuse an adverb?

No, "misuse" is not an adverb.

What is the third form of Misuse?

The third form (past participle) of "misuse" is "misused."

How is Misuse used in a sentence?

"Misuse of power can lead to societal discontent."

Is Misuse a countable noun?

Yes, "misuse" is a countable noun.

How do we divide Misuse into syllables?

"Misuse" can be divided as mis-use.

What is a stressed syllable in Misuse?

The second syllable, "-use," is stressed in "misuse."

What part of speech is Misuse?

"Misuse" can be both a noun and a verb.

What is the second form of Misuse?

The second form (past simple) of "misuse" is "misused."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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