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Misstake vs. Mistake — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Misstake" is an incorrect spelling, while "Mistake" is the correct form. A mistake refers to an error or wrong action.
Misstake vs. Mistake — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Misstake or Mistake

How to spell Mistake?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "take" and simply add "mis" at the beginning for "mistake."
There's only one situation (or "s") in a mistake, so only one "s" in the spelling.
Recollect common phrases like "make a mistake," which never have an extra "s."
A mistake is something you might miss, not "misss."
Visualize the word "take" with the prefix "mis-" which means wrongly; so you wrongly take, not wrongly stake.

How Do You Spell Mistake Correctly?

Incorrect: The misstake in the recipe ruined the cake.
Correct: The mistake in the recipe ruined the cake.
Incorrect: He made a misstake in his calculations.
Correct: He made a mistake in his calculations.
Incorrect: I think there's a misstake in your report.
Correct: I think there's a mistake in your report.
Incorrect: It was a misstake to trust him with the secret.
Correct: It was a mistake to trust him with the secret.
Incorrect: She realized her misstake too late to apologize.
Correct: She realized her mistake too late to apologize.

Mistake Definitions

A misconception or misunderstanding
It was a mistake to assume he was coming.
An error in action, calculation, or judgment
She made a mistake in the math problem.
A fault in understanding the true meaning of something
His interpretation of the poem was a mistake.
An act or judgement that is misguided or wrong
She made the mistake of thinking they were important
Coming here was a mistake
An incorrect decision or choice
Choosing that route was a big mistake.
A wrong or blunder in a performance or work
The actor's mistake during the play was barely noticeable.
Be wrong about
Because I was inexperienced I mistook the nature of our relationship
An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.
A misconception or misunderstanding.
To understand wrongly; misinterpret
Mistook my politeness for friendliness.
To recognize or identify incorrectly
He mistook her for her sister.
To make a mistake; err.
(transitive) To understand wrongly, taking one thing or person for another.
Sorry, I mistook you for my brother. You look very similar.
Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.
To misunderstand (someone).
To commit an unintentional error; to do or think something wrong.
To take or choose wrongly.
An error; a blunder.
There were too many mistakes in the test, that unfortunately you failed.
(baseball) A pitch which was intended to be pitched in a hard-to-hit location, but instead ends up in an easy-to-hit place.
To take in a wrong sense; to misunderstand misapprehend, or misconceive; as, to mistake a remark; to mistake one's meaning.
My father's purposes have been mistook.
To substitute in thought or perception; as, to mistake one person for another.
A man may mistake the love of virtue for the practice of it.
To have a wrong idea of in respect of character, qualities, etc.; to misjudge.
Mistake me not so much,To think my poverty is treacherous.
To err in knowledge, perception, opinion, or judgment; to commit an unintentional error.
Servants mistake, and sometimes occasion misunderstanding among friends.
An apprehending wrongly; a misconception; a misunderstanding; a fault in opinion or judgment; an unintentional error of conduct.
Infallibility is an absolute security of the understanding from all possibility of mistake.
Misconception, error, which when non-negligent may be ground for rescinding a contract, or for refusing to perform it.
A wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention;
He made a bad mistake
She was quick to point out my errors
I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults
An understanding of something that is not correct;
He wasn't going to admit his mistake
Make no mistake about his intentions
There must be some misunderstanding--I don't have a sister
Part of a statement that is not correct;
The book was full of errors
Identify incorrectly;
Don't mistake her for her twin sister
To make a mistake or be incorrect

Mistake Meaning in a Sentence

She realized the mistake and immediately stopped the machine.
He admitted his mistake and tried to make amends.
A small mistake in the code caused the whole program to crash.
She made a mistake in her email, sending it to the wrong person.
The mistake on the invoice was quickly corrected.
The teacher pointed out the mistake in his math problem.
It's a common mistake for beginners to make.
Apologizing for a mistake can help mend relationships.
Acknowledging the mistake was the first step towards fixing it.
They took responsibility for the mistake and learned from it.
Avoid making the same mistake twice.
He made the mistake of judging too quickly.
The mistake led to a discovery of a new solution.
The mistake was overlooked during the first review.
The history book contained a factual mistake.
The mistake cost the company a significant amount of money.
A typo mistake can change the meaning of a sentence.
The mistake in the contract was not detected until later.
The bank corrected the mistake in my account balance.
It was an honest mistake, so there were no hard feelings.
Miscommunication was the root of the mistake.
She forgave him for the mistake, understanding it was unintentional.

Mistake Idioms & Phrases

Make no mistake

Be sure or certain about something.
Make no mistake, this project is a top priority for our team.

By mistake

Done unintentionally or by accident.
I took your notebook by mistake, thinking it was mine.

A mistake in judgment

An error made in evaluating a situation or making a decision.
The oversight was a mistake in judgment on our part.

A rookie mistake

An error typical of someone new or inexperienced.
Leaving out the salt was a rookie mistake in the recipe.

Admit a mistake

To acknowledge and take responsibility for an error.
The company admitted its mistake and issued a recall.

A common mistake

An error that many people make.
Mixing up their and there is a common mistake.

At the expense of making a mistake

Taking a risk that might result in an error.
I'd rather try and fail at the expense of making a mistake than never try at all.

A costly mistake

An error that results in a significant loss or consequence.
Ignoring the warning signs was a costly mistake.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Mistake?

The verb form is "mistake" as in "to mistake something for something else."

Why is it called Mistake?

It's called "mistake" from Old Norse 'mistaka' meaning "take in error."

What is the pronunciation of Mistake?

It's pronounced as /mɪˈsteɪk/.

What is the root word of Mistake?

The root is derived from Old Norse 'mistaka'.

Which vowel is used before Mistake?

The vowel "a" is used before "mistake" in phrasings like "a mistake."

Is Mistake an abstract noun?

Yes, it represents an intangible concept of error.

Which preposition is used with Mistake?

"By" as in "by mistake."

Is Mistake a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Which conjunction is used with Mistake?

There isn't a specific conjunction exclusive to "mistake," but it can be used with any appropriate conjunction like "and," "or," etc.

What part of speech is Mistake?

It's primarily a noun, but can also be used as a verb.

What is another term for Mistake?

Error, blunder, oversight.

What is the opposite of Mistake?

Correct action or accuracy.

Which determiner is used with Mistake?

"A" or "the" can be used, among others.

What is the singular form of Mistake?

The singular form is "mistake."

What is the plural form of Mistake?

The plural form is "mistakes."

Which article is used with Mistake?

Typically "a" or "the" depending on context.

Is Mistake a noun or adjective?

"Mistake" is primarily a noun, but can also serve as a verb.

Is the word “Mistake” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be used as a direct object, as in "I made a mistake."

Is Mistake a negative or positive word?

It's generally perceived as a negative word since it refers to an error or wrong action.

Is Mistake a vowel or consonant?

"Mistake" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

Is Mistake a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one mistake or many mistakes.

Is the Mistake term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, but in itself, it's not a metaphor.

How do we divide Mistake into syllables?


What is the second form of Mistake?

As a verb, the second form is "mistook."

What is the third form of Mistake?

As a verb, the third form is "mistaken."

Is the word Mistake is Gerund?

No, it's not a gerund.

What is the first form of Mistake?

As a verb, the first form is "mistake."

How is Mistake used in a sentence?

"I realized my mistake after reviewing the document."

Is Mistake an adverb?

No, it's not an adverb.

Is the word Mistake is imperative?

No, it's not imperative.

How many syllables are in Mistake?

There are two syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in Mistake?

The second syllable "take" is stressed.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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