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Ususal vs. Usual — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 24, 2024
"Ususal" is an incorrect spelling. The right form is "Usual," referring to something common or expected.
Ususal vs. Usual — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ususal or Usual

How to spell Usual?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Reinforce that there's no extra "s" after "usu" in "usual."
Associate it with the phrase "as usual," which is commonly used.
Remember that "usual" has only two 'u's, not three.
Think of the word "use" at the beginning of "usual."
Note that "usual" is similar in spelling to "casual," both ending in "-ual."

How Do You Spell Usual Correctly?

Incorrect: He goes to the gym at an ususal time every morning.
Correct: He goes to the gym at a usual time every morning.
Incorrect: Their response was quite ususal, given the situation.
Correct: Their response was quite usual, given the situation.
Incorrect: It's ususal for them to have dinner by 6 PM.
Correct: It's usual for them to have dinner by 6 PM.
Incorrect: My mom makes ususal dishes for Thanksgiving.
Correct: My mom makes usual dishes for Thanksgiving.
Incorrect: The teacher gave us an ususal assignment today.
Correct: The teacher gave us a usual assignment today.

Usual Definitions

Usual denotes the norm or standard.
The shop opens at its usual time of 8 am.
Usual refers to the typical or expected state of things.
It's usual for him to arrive late.
Usual signifies what is habitually or typically done or observed.
They sat in their usual seats.
Usual is what is regularly encountered or typical.
The conference went on its usual course.
Usual indicates something that is common or customary.
We met at our usual coffee shop.
Commonly encountered, experienced, or observed
The usual summer heat.
Regularly or customarily used
Ended the speech with the usual expressions of thanks.
In conformity with regular practice or procedure
Come at the usual time.
Most commonly occurring; typical.
The preference of a boy to a girl is a usual occurrence in some parts of China.
It is becoming more usual these days to rear children as bilingual.
The typical state of something, or something that is typical.
(colloquial) A specific good or service (e.g. a drink) that someone typically orders.
I'll just have the usual.
Such as is in common use; such as occurs in ordinary practice, or in the ordinary course of events; customary; ordinary; habitual; common.
Consultation with oracles was a thing very usual and frequent in their times.
We can make friends of these usual enemies.
Occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure;
Grew the usual vegetables
The usual summer heat
Came at the usual time
The child's usual bedtime
Commonly encountered;
A common (or familiar) complaint
The usual greeting

Usual Meaning in a Sentence

The teacher's usual way of starting the class is with a fun fact.
I wake up at the usual time every day, around 7 AM.
For breakfast, it's usual for me to have cereal and milk.
During the weekends, it's usual for us to visit my grandparents.
For lunch, the usual choice is a sandwich and some fruit.
It's usual for movies to start with previews of other films.
It's usual for the bus to arrive at 8:15 AM.
The usual outcome of not doing homework is a lower grade.
It's usual for my dog to greet me at the door when I come home.
My usual spot in the cafeteria is by the window.
In our school, it's usual to have a quiz on Fridays.
The usual weather in July is hot and sunny.
In math class, it's usual to begin with a review of yesterday's lesson.
For most people, it's usual to brush their teeth twice a day.
The usual procedure for borrowing a book involves scanning your library card.
The usual path to school involves crossing two streets.
It's usual for the park to be crowded on a sunny day.
It's usual for us to have a family dinner on Sunday nights.
The library's usual closing time is 6 PM.
The usual dress code for school is casual.
The usual response to "Thank you" is "You're welcome."
When I'm late, it's usual for me to skip breakfast.
In the morning, it's usual to hear birds chirping outside.

Usual Idioms & Phrases

Out of the usual

Something that is different from what is typically expected.
The magician's act was out of the usual and amazed everyone.

The same old usual

A phrase used to describe a situation that is familiar and unchanged, often boringly so.
It was the same old usual routine of homework and chores after school.

Make it the usual

A request to receive what one typically orders or prefers.
At the cafe, he said, Make it the usual, and the barista started preparing his regular coffee order.

Usual for the course

A phrase indicating that a situation or behavior is typical or expected.
The heavy traffic on Mondays is usual for the course.

Nothing out of the usual

A phrase indicating that everything is as it typically is, with no surprises.
Aside from a slight delay, the event went on with nothing out of the usual.

Keep to the usual

To adhere to what is commonly done or what has been agreed upon.
Regarding our project, let's keep to the usual guidelines.

A notch above the usual

Slightly better or more impressive than what is typical.
The hotel service was a notch above the usual, with staff going out of their way to ensure comfort.

A cut above the usual

Better than what is normally expected or experienced.
The gourmet burger at the new restaurant is a cut above the usual fast-food options.

The usual round

A habitual or typical circuit or set of visits or stops.
On Saturday mornings, his usual round includes the bakery, the farmer's market, and the coffee shop.

The usual suspects

The typical people or things that are suspected or expected in a particular context.
When the prank happened, the teacher immediately looked to the usual suspects.

Stick to the usual

To continue with what is commonly done or preferred.
For dinner, let's stick to the usual pizza and salad.

Beyond the usual

To exceed what is normal or expected.
The support from the community was beyond the usual during the charity event.

Break from the usual

To do something different from what is typically done.
This weekend, we decided to break from the usual and go hiking instead of shopping.

The usual drill

A set of actions or procedures typically followed in a given situation.
Every morning, the usual drill is to check emails before the team meeting.

Within the usual range

Falling within what is typically expected or normal.
The temperatures this summer were all within the usual range.

According to the usual

In accordance with what is typical or expected.
The meeting started late, according to the usual.

Fall into the usual pattern

To revert to a habitual way of doing something.
After trying a new study method, she quickly fell into the usual pattern of cramming the night before exams.

Against the usual

Contrary to what is typical or expected.
Against the usual, the quiet student led the class discussion with enthusiasm.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Usual?

There isn't a direct verb form for "usual." However, it's derived from the verb "use."

Which vowel is used before Usual?

"A" as in "a usual day."

Why is it called Usual?

The term "usual" is derived from the Latin word "usualis," meaning customary.

Which conjunction is used with Usual?

No specific conjunction is tied to "usual."

What is the singular form of Usual?


Is Usual a noun or adjective?


What is the pronunciation of Usual?


What is the root word of Usual?

The verb "use."

What is the plural form of Usual?

Usuals, but it's rarely used in plural form.

Is Usual an adverb?

No, but "usually" is the adverbial form.

Is Usual an abstract noun?


Is the Usual term a metaphor?


Is the word Usual imperative?


Which article is used with Usual?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is Usual a vowel or consonant?

"Usual" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

How do we divide Usual into syllables?


Which preposition is used with Usual?

"As" as in "as usual."

What part of speech is Usual?


What is the first form of Usual?

Usual is an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.

Is Usual a countable noun?


How many syllables are in Usual?

Three syllables.

Which determiner is used with Usual?

"This," "that," "my," etc., depending on context.

What is the second form of Usual?


Is Usual a negative or positive word?


Is Usual a collective noun?


Is the word “Usual” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither. It's an adjective.

What is a stressed syllable in Usual?

The first syllable "U."

What is the opposite of Usual?


What is the third form of Usual?


How is Usual used in a sentence?

"He arrived later than usual today."

Is the word Usual a Gerund?


What is another term for Usual?


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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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