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Imoral vs. Immoral — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Imoral" is incorrect; the correct spelling is "immoral," referring to actions or behavior not conforming to accepted standards of morality.
Imoral vs. Immoral — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Imoral or Immoral

How to spell Immoral?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Immoral" relates to "immortality," both starting with 'imm.'
Think of "moral" and add 'im' for its opposite, ensuring double 'm.'
Associate "immoral" with "impossible," both starting with 'imm.'
"Immoral" contains double 'm,' just like "immature."
Remember, "im-" prefix for negation often doubles the following consonant.

How Do You Spell Immoral Correctly?

Incorrect: He was accused of engaging in imoral activities.
Correct: He was accused of engaging in immoral activities.
Incorrect: She found the company's policies to be deeply imoral.
Correct: She found the company's policies to be deeply immoral.
Incorrect: The film was criticized for its imoral content.
Correct: The film was criticized for its immoral content.
Incorrect: The judge described the act as imoral and unjustifiable.
Correct: The judge described the act as immoral and unjustifiable.
Incorrect: His behavior was considered imoral by the community.
Correct: His behavior was considered immoral by the community.

Immoral Definitions

Contrary to accepted moral principles.
Stealing is considered an immoral act.
Lacking ethical values or principles.
His immoral behavior was condemned by the community.
Not conforming to accepted standards of morality.
Spreading rumors is an immoral way to handle conflict.
Involving actions that are not considered morally right.
They were involved in an immoral scheme to defraud investors.
Behaving or acting in ways considered to be morally wrong.
The company was accused of immoral business practices.
Contrary to established moral principles.
Breaching principles of natural law, rectitude, or justice, and so inconsistent with the demands of virtue, purity, or "good morals"; not right, not moral. Compare unethical, illegal.
Not moral; inconsistent with rectitude, purity, or good morals; contrary to conscience or the divine law; wicked; unjust; dishonest; vicious; licentious; as, an immoral man; an immoral deed.
Concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles;
Moral sense
A moral scrutiny
A moral lesson
A moral quandary
Moral convictions
A moral life
Not adhering to ethical or moral principles;
Base and unpatriotic motives
A base, degrading way of life
Cheating is dishonorable
They considered colonialism immoral
Unethical practices in handling public funds
Morally unprincipled;
Immoral behavior
Characterized by wickedness or immorality;
Led a very bad life
Marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good;
Depraved criminals
A perverted sense of loyalty
The reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat

Immoral Meaning in a Sentence

The book challenged the idea of what is considered immoral in society.
The politician's immoral actions led to a scandal.
It's immoral to break promises without a good reason.
Lying to your friends is considered immoral.
Stealing from the poor is an immoral act.
The teacher explained why bullying is immoral and harmful.
Many believe that cheating on a test is immoral.
Spreading rumors about others is an immoral way to act.
It is immoral to take advantage of someone's trust.
Using someone else's work without permission is considered immoral.
The community worked together to fight against immoral practices.
The documentary exposed the immoral practices of the industry.
The scandal revealed the immoral dealings of the corporation.
Watching someone struggle without helping can be seen as immoral.
The character in the movie faced a dilemma between moral and immoral choices.
It's important to teach children the difference between moral and immoral behavior.
It was an immoral decision that led to a lot of harm.
They debated whether lying for a good cause is still immoral.
Many religions teach about the dangers of immoral living.
He apologized for his immoral behavior and tried to make amends.
It's immoral to spread false information about someone.
The story illustrated the consequences of immoral decisions.
The law was put in place to prevent immoral business practices.
Ignoring someone's plea for help was seen as an immoral act by the bystanders.
The jury had to decide if the defendant's actions were immoral.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of immoral?

Immoral is pronounced as /ɪˈmɔːr.əl/.

Why is it called immoral?

It's called immoral because it denotes behavior that is not in accordance with accepted moral standards.

Which vowel is used before immoral?

Typically, 'an' is used before immoral.

What is the root word of immoral?

The root word is "moral."

What is the singular form of immoral?

The singular form is "immoral."

What is the verb form of immoral?

Immoral is an adjective; it doesn't have a verb form. The related verb might be "immoralize," though it's not commonly used.

Is immoral a negative or positive word?

Immoral is a negative word.

Is immoral an abstract noun?

No, immoral is an adjective, not a noun.

What is the plural form of immoral?

The plural form is "immorals," though it's rarely used as such.

Which conjunction is used with immoral?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" are often used with immoral.

Which preposition is used with immoral?

Prepositions like "of" and "in" are commonly used with immoral.

Is immoral a noun or adjective?

Immoral is an adjective.

Is immoral a countable noun?

Immoral is not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word immoral imperative?

No, immoral is not imperative; it's an adjective.

Is the word immoral a Gerund?

No, immoral is not a gerund; it's an adjective.

What is the stressed syllable in immoral?

The stressed syllable in immoral is 'mor.'

What part of speech is immoral?

Immoral is an adjective.

Is immoral an adverb?

No, immoral is not an adverb.

Is the word “immoral” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Immoral is an adjective and does not serve as an object.

What is another term for immoral?

Another term for immoral is "unethical" or "amoral."

Which article is used with immoral?

The article "an" is used before immoral.

Is immoral a collective noun?

No, immoral is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in immoral?

There are three syllables in immoral.

What is the opposite of immoral?

The opposite of immoral is "moral" or "ethical."

Is immoral a vowel or consonant?

The term 'immoral' starts with a vowel letter 'i,' but as a whole, it's an adjective, not a vowel or consonant.

Is the immoral term a metaphor?

Immoral can be used metaphorically but is not a metaphor itself.

How do we divide immoral into syllables?

Immoral is divided as im-mor-al.

Which determiner is used with immoral?

Determiners like "this," "that," "these," or "those" can be used with immoral.

How is immoral used in a sentence?

"The judge condemned the actions of the defendant as blatantly immoral."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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