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Immitating vs. Imitating — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Immitating" is incorrect; the right spelling is "imitating," which means copying the behavior or actions of someone else.
Immitating vs. Imitating — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Immitating or Imitating

How to spell Imitating?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall that 'imitation' has one 'm,' just like "imitating."
Think of 'I mirror' to remind you of the single 'm' in "imitating."
"Immediate" has double 'm,' but "imitating" does not.
Remember, "imitating" has the same amount of 'm's as "imitation."
"Imitate" forms the base; add 'ing' without doubling the 'm.'

How Do You Spell Imitating Correctly?

Incorrect: The child was immitating the movements of a cat.
Correct: The child was imitating the movements of a cat.
Incorrect: He was caught immitating his teacher's voice.
Correct: He was caught imitating his teacher's voice.
Incorrect: She enjoys immitating her favorite singers.
Correct: She enjoys imitating her favorite singers.
Incorrect: Artists are often inspired by immitating the greats.
Correct: Artists are often inspired by imitating the greats.
Incorrect: They accused him of immitating his competitor's product design.
Correct: They accused him of imitating his competitor's product design.

Imitating Definitions

Reproducing someone else's way of speaking, moving, or behaving.
The comedian earned fame by imitating famous personalities.
Acting similarly to someone else as a form of learning or tribute.
Young athletes spend hours imitating their sports idols.
Emulating the characteristics or mannerisms of others.
The child enjoyed imitating his parents.
Copying someone's actions or behavior.
She was imitating her favorite singer's style.
Mimicking or replicating the appearance or traits of something.
Artists are skilled at imitating nature in their paintings.
To use or follow as a model
Your brother imitates you because he admires you.
To copy the mannerisms or speech of; mimic
Amused her friends by imitating the teachers.
To copy (mannerisms or speech)
Can you imitate his accent?.
To copy exactly; reproduce
"drugs that can imitate the hormone's positive effects while reducing its adverse effects" (The Scientist).
To appear like; resemble
A fishing lure that imitates a minnow.
Infl of imitate
An instance of imitation.

Imitating Meaning in a Sentence

Young children learn by imitating their parents and peers.
Birds are known for imitating sounds from their environment.
She perfected her craft by imitating the techniques of master painters.
Learning to speak involves imitating the sounds heard around you.
Magicians often discourage imitating dangerous tricks without proper training.
He made a career out of imitating famous politicians in skits.
The robot was capable of imitating human speech.
Imitating the style of another writer can be a form of flattery.
The comedian is famous for imitating celebrities.
Imitating a role model can be beneficial for personal development.
Some insects protect themselves by imitating more dangerous species.
The students were amused by the parrot imitating their laughter.
The documentary showed dolphins imitating human actions.
Imitating someone's accent can be seen as rude if not done respectfully.
The therapy involves imitating positive behaviors to improve social skills.
For Halloween, he enjoyed imitating his favorite superhero.
Imitating the success of others can sometimes lead to your own.
The designer was criticized for imitating trends rather than creating them.
Chefs often experiment by imitating flavors from different cuisines.
The skit involved imitating famous scenes from classic movies.
The child's drawing was an attempt at imitating his favorite cartoon character.
She honed her musical skills by imitating the great jazz vocalists.
The software was designed by imitating natural language processing.
The artist's early work was mainly imitating her mentors.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of imitating?

Imitating is pronounced as /ˈɪm.ɪ.teɪ.tɪŋ/.

What is the verb form of imitating?

The verb form is "imitate."

What is the root word of imitating?

The root word is "imitate."

Why is it called imitating?

It's called imitating because it involves copying or taking on someone's actions, behavior, or characteristics.

Is imitating an abstract noun?

No, it is not a noun; it's a verb form.

What is the plural form of imitating?

As a verb form, imitating does not have a plural.

Which preposition is used with imitating?

Prepositions like "of" and "from" are commonly used with imitating.

What is the singular form of imitating?

Imitating does not have a singular or plural form; it's the present participle of the verb "imitate."

Which conjunction is used with imitating?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" are often used with imitating.

Which vowel is used before imitating?

Typically, 'an' is used before imitating.

Is imitating a negative or positive word?

Imitating is neutral; it can be positive or negative depending on the context.

Is imitating a noun or adjective?

Imitating is a verb (present participle of "imitate").

Is imitating a collective noun?

No, imitating is not a noun.

What is the first form of imitating?

The first form is "imitate" (base form).

Is imitating a vowel or consonant?

The term 'imitating' starts with a vowel letter 'i.'

What is the opposite of imitating?

The opposite of imitating could be "originating" or "innovating."

Which determiner is used with imitating?

Determiners are not typically used directly with the verb form imitating.

Is imitating an adverb?

No, imitating is not an adverb.

Is the word imitating imperative?

No, imitating is not typically used as an imperative; it's the present participle of "imitate."

Is the word imitating a Gerund?

Yes, imitating can function as a gerund (noun) in sentences.

What is another term for imitating?

Another term for imitating is "mimicking."

What is the second form of imitating?

The second form is "imitated" (past tense).

How is imitating used in a sentence?

"He is good at imitating the accents of different countries."

Which article is used with imitating?

The article "an" can be used before imitating.

How many syllables are in imitating?

There are four syllables in imitating.

What part of speech is imitating?

Imitating is the present participle of the verb "imitate," and can also function as a gerund (noun).

What is the third form of imitating?

The third form is "imitated" (past participle).

Is imitating a countable noun?

Imitating is not a noun; it's a verb form.

Is the imitating term a metaphor?

Imitating can be used metaphorically but is not a metaphor itself.

Is the word “imitating” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Imitating can function as a direct object when used as a gerund.

How do we divide imitating into syllables?

Imitating is divided as im-i-tat-ing.

What is the stressed syllable in imitating?

The stressed syllable in imitating is 'im.'

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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