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Enviroment vs. Environmental — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Enviroment" is a common misspelling. The correct term is "Environmental," pertaining to the natural world or surroundings.
Enviroment vs. Environmental — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Enviroment or Environmental

How to spell Environmental?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "environment" as the base word, and add "-al" for the adjective.
Relate it to the word "elemental," which also ends in "-al."
Focus on the "-ron-" in the middle, which is the core of the correct spelling.
Think of "mental" at the end as referring to a state or quality.
Connect "environmental" with "mental awareness" of surroundings.

How Do You Spell Environmental Correctly?

Incorrect: Her interest in enviroment law led her to pursue a career in environmental activism.
Correct: Her interest in environmental law led her to pursue a career in environmental activism.

Environmental Definitions

Environmental can also signify factors or conditions related to the environment that are not biological, such as cultural or socioeconomic conditions.
The project considered both natural and environmental factors.
Environmental pertains to the natural world and the surroundings in which organisms live and interact.
The environmental impact of plastic is concerning.
Environmental relates to or arises from the external conditions or surroundings.
Environmental factors can influence a plant's growth.
Environmental refers to the conditions or factors surrounding an organism, affecting its growth and development.
The environmental conditions of the forest are perfect for various wildlife.
Relating to or associated with the environment.
Relating to or concerned with the impact of human activities on the natural environment
The environmental movement.
Relating to potentially harmful factors originating in the environment
Environmental illness.
Pertaining to the environment.
(computing) Any factor relating to the physical environment in which hardware is operated, such as the room temperature or the number of racks used to hold equipment.
Of or pertaining to the environment; as, environmental factors.
Of or pertaining to the environment (definition 2); as, environmental pollution; environmental disaster; environmental cleanup; environmental deterioration.
THOUSANDS of dead fish and other marine species, suffocated by a rotting, glutinous morass which spreads over kilometres of coral reefs. This scenario has all the hallmarks of a unnatural environmental disaster resulting from environmental negligence. However this isn't the case, instead the cause - coral spawn slick deoxygenation - is a natural event which has the potential to occur periodically on the reefs of the West Pilbara.
Concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment;
Environmental pollution
Of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings;
Environmental factors
Environmental indicates a concern for the protection of the natural world, especially from pollution or other harmful activities.
Environmental activism has gained traction in recent years.

Environmental Meaning in a Sentence

The program focuses on environmental education and awareness.
Legislation requires companies to assess the environmental impact of their operations.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Environmental?


Why is it called Environmental?

Derived from "environment," it denotes the relation to the surroundings or conditions in which something exists.

Which vowel is used before Environmental?

Depends on the context, but typically "the."

What is the plural form of Environmental?

Environmental doesn't have a plural form as it's an adjective.

Which preposition is used with Environmental?

"Of," as in "environmental of effects."

Is Environmental a noun or adjective?


What is the verb form of Environmental?

There isn't a direct verb form. However, "environmentalize" is a verb meaning to make something environmental in character.

Is Environmental a negative or positive word?

Neutral; depends on context.

What is the pronunciation of Environmental?


Which conjunction is used with Environmental?

No specific conjunction is tied to "Environmental."

Is the Environmental term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically.

Which article is used with Environmental?

"The" or "an" depending on context, e.g., "an environmental study."

What is the first form of Environmental?

Not applicable; it's an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.

What is the singular form of Environmental?


How do we divide Environmental into syllables?


What is another term for Environmental?


Which determiner is used with Environmental?

"This," "that," "these" depending on context.

Is Environmental a vowel or consonant?

"Environmental" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

How is Environmental used in a sentence?

"The environmental regulations aim to protect our natural resources."

Is Environmental a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is the word Environmental imperative?


How many syllables are in Environmental?


What is the opposite of Environmental?

Non-environmental or artificial.

What is the third form of Environmental?

Not applicable.

Is Environmental an adverb?


Is Environmental an abstract noun?


Is Environmental a collective noun?


Is the word Environmental a gerund?


Is the word “Environmental” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither, it's an adjective.

What is a stressed syllable in Environmental?

The third syllable "ron."

What part of speech is Environmental?


What is the second form of Environmental?

Not applicable.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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