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Breakfeast vs. Breakfast — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Breakfeast" is a misspelling, while "Breakfast" is the correct form, denoting the first meal of the day.
Breakfeast vs. Breakfast — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Breakfeast or Breakfast

How to spell Breakfast?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Feast" has an extra "e," which is unnecessary for your morning meal.
Think of "break" and "fast," as in breaking the nighttime fast.
Remember the phrase "Fast in the night, break it in the morning."
"Feast" is a large meal, but the morning meal is a "fast" break.
Visualize the sunrise when breaking a fast, linking it to breakfast.

How Do You Spell Breakfast Correctly?

Incorrect: My favorite breakfeast food is waffles with strawberries and cream.
Correct: My favorite breakfast food is waffles with strawberries and cream.
Incorrect: The breakfeast buffet at the hotel was amazing.
Correct: The breakfast buffet at the hotel was amazing.
Incorrect: On weekends, we love to have a late breakfeast together as a family.
Correct: On weekends, we love to have a late breakfast together as a family.
Incorrect: She always makes time for breakfeast, no matter how busy she is.
Correct: She always makes time for breakfast, no matter how busy she is.
Incorrect: We had a big breakfeast with pancakes and eggs.
Correct: We had a big breakfast with pancakes and eggs.

Breakfast Definitions

A morning event where this meal is provided.
The conference offers a complimentary breakfast.
Food items typically consumed in the morning.
Cereal is a common breakfast choice.
The act of eating the morning meal.
We breakfast at 7 a.m. daily.
A time characterized by morning activity.
The streets were bustling at breakfast.
The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
(Informal) Food traditionally consumed for breakfast, such as eggs or pancakes
We made breakfast for dinner.
To eat breakfast
We breakfasted on the terrace.
To provide breakfast for.
(by extension) A meal consisting of food normally eaten in the morning, which may typically include eggs, sausages, toast, bacon, etc.
We serve breakfast all day.
The celebratory meal served after a wedding (and occasionally after other solemnities e.g. a funeral).
A meal eaten after a period of (now often religious) fasting.
(intransitive) To eat the morning meal.
(transitive) To serve breakfast to.
The first meal in the day, or that which is eaten at the first meal.
A sorry breakfast for my lord protector.
A meal after fasting, or food in general.
The wolves will get a breakfast by my death.
To break one's fast in the morning; too eat the first meal in the day.
First, sir, I read, and then I breakfast.
To furnish with breakfast.
The first meal of the day (usually in the morning)
Eat an early morning meal;
We breakfast at seven
Provide breakfast for

Breakfast Meaning in a Sentence

I’m trying a new breakfast recipe this morning.
For breakfast, I prefer something light like yogurt and fruit.
Do you know any good breakfast spots around here?
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day.
They serve continental breakfast from 7 to 10 a.m.
Breakfast in bed is my idea of a perfect morning.
Making breakfast for the whole family is my weekend tradition.
We have breakfast together every Sunday morning.
What’s your go-to breakfast when you’re in a hurry?
The smell of coffee is an essential part of my breakfast routine.
Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling lethargic.
She packed her breakfast to eat after her early morning workout.
For a healthy breakfast, try avocado toast.
Are eggs and bacon your idea of an ideal breakfast?
They're serving a vegan breakfast at the seminar.
Breakfast burritos are a great on-the-go meal.
Let’s meet for breakfast and catch up.
Breakfast tacos are my favorite weekend treat.
He missed breakfast and was starving by lunchtime.
Breakfast cereals aren’t just for kids.
We're having a full English breakfast to start the day right.
I love adding cinnamon to my breakfast oatmeal.
He’s cooking a special breakfast for her birthday.
I read the newspaper over breakfast each day.
They chatted over breakfast at the cozy café.

Breakfast Idioms & Phrases

Breakfast of champions

Refers to a substantial or hearty breakfast.
On marathon day, she had a breakfast of champions to fuel up.

Music is my breakfast

Saying music is an essential start to one’s day.
I can't start my day right without my tunes; music is my breakfast.

To breakfast like a king

To have a large and luxurious breakfast.
On vacation, we like to breakfast like a king, enjoying all the different options available.

No breakfast, no strength

Highlighting the importance of breakfast for energy.
He always says, No breakfast, no strength, to encourage the kids to eat in the morning.

Breakfast club

A group of people who meet regularly in the morning to eat breakfast together.
We've formed a breakfast club at work to discuss projects before our day begins.

Eat someone for breakfast

To easily dominate or defeat someone.
In the debate, he was so prepared he could eat his opponents for breakfast.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Breakfast?

The term is derived from the words "break" and "fast."

What is the singular form of Breakfast?

"Breakfast" is already in singular form.

What is the plural form of Breakfast?

The plural form is "breakfasts."

What is the verb form of Breakfast?

The verb form is "to breakfast."

What is the pronunciation of Breakfast?

It is pronounced as /ˈbrɛk.fəst/.

Which vowel is used before Breakfast?

The vowel "a" is used before the "k" in "Breakfast."

Which conjunction is used with Breakfast?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence structure.

Why is it called Breakfast?

It's called "Breakfast" because it means to "break the fast" of the night.

Is Breakfast an adverb?

No, "Breakfast" is not an adverb.

Is Breakfast an abstract noun?

No, "Breakfast" is a concrete noun.

Which preposition is used with Breakfast?

"For" is commonly used, as in "for breakfast."

Is Breakfast a collective noun?

No, "Breakfast" is not a collective noun.

Is Breakfast a noun or adjective?

"Breakfast" is primarily a noun but can be used as an adjective in contexts like "breakfast cereal."

What part of speech is Breakfast?

"Breakfast" is primarily a noun.

What is the first form of Breakfast?

As a verb, the first form is "breakfast."

Is Breakfast a negative or positive word?

It is neutral, but often viewed positively as it's associated with nourishment.

Is Breakfast a vowel or consonant?

"Breakfast" is a word, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the Breakfast term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically in expressions like "breakfast of champions."

Is the word Breakfast is imperative?

No, but it can be used in an imperative sentence like "Breakfast now!"

What is a stressed syllable in Breakfast?

The stressed syllable is "Break."

What is the opposite of Breakfast?

The opposite in terms of meals is "dinner" or "supper" in some contexts.

Is Breakfast a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to multiple instances or types, e.g., "different breakfasts."

How many syllables are in Breakfast?

There are two syllables in "Breakfast."

How do we divide Breakfast into syllables?

It is divided as Break-fast.

What is another term for Breakfast?

Another term is "morning meal."

What is the second form of Breakfast?

As a verb, the second form is "breakfasted."

What is the third form of Breakfast?

As a verb, the third form is also "breakfasted."

Which article is used with Breakfast?

"The" and "a" can be used depending on context, e.g., "the breakfast menu" or "a breakfast item."

Is the word Breakfast is Gerund?

No, but "breakfasting" would be its gerund form.

Is the word “Breakfast” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Breakfast" can be a direct object, as in "I ate breakfast." It isn't an indirect object by itself.

Which determiner is used with Breakfast?

Determiners like "my," "the," and "a" can be used based on context.

How is Breakfast used in a sentence?

Example: "Every morning, I enjoy my breakfast with a cup of coffee."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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