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Doesnt vs. Does — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Doesnt" is an incorrect spelling. The correct form is "Does," a third person singular form of "do."
Doesnt vs. Does — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Doesnt or Does

How to spell Does?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "he/she/it does" as a rule for third person singular.
"Does" follows the pattern of verbs like "goes" and "throws."
Remember "Doesn't" has an apostrophe for contraction; "Doesnt" misses that.
If contracting "does not," always use the apostrophe: "doesn't."
The word "do" is the root, and "es" indicates third person singular.

How Do You Spell Does Correctly?

Incorrect: The car doesnt start in cold weather.
Correct: The car does not start in cold weather.
Incorrect: This rule doesnt apply to everyone.
Correct: This rule does not apply to everyone.
Incorrect: He doesnt like going to the beach on weekends.
Correct: He does not like going to the beach on weekends.
Incorrect: She doesnt know the answer to the question.
Correct: She does not know the answer to the question.
Incorrect: It doesnt make sense to leave without saying goodbye.
Correct: It does not make sense to leave without saying goodbye.

Does Definitions

Used to form questions.
Does she know the answer?
Emphasizes a positive verb in statements.
He does want to come to the party.
Acts as an auxiliary verb.
He does try his best.
Third person singular of "do."
He does his homework every evening.
Indicates habitual or repeated action.
She does run every morning.
Third person singular present tense of do1.
Plural of doe

Does Meaning in a Sentence

My brother does the cooking in our house.
The teacher does a great job explaining complex topics.
He does his homework every night without fail.
She does a lot of volunteer work on weekends.
The machine does all the work, making the process easier.
She does her best to be on time.
The gardener does the landscaping for the entire neighborhood.
The athlete does training exercises every morning.
The dog does tricks for treats.
The watch does not need a battery because it's solar-powered.
The computer does the calculations faster than we can.
The chef does a final taste test before serving the dish.
The team does a warm-up before the game starts.
The teacher does a headcount before leaving on field trips.
The system does an update every week.
The app does everything it promises and more.
The company does business in over fifty countries.
The phone does not have a good camera.
She does not understand why they were upset.
He does not enjoy going to parties much.
The software does a scan for viruses every day.
The car does great on gas mileage.
She does a lot of reading in her free time.
The artist does beautiful paintings.
He does the laundry every Sunday.

Does Idioms & Phrases

Does wonders

Means to have a very positive effect.
A little bit of kindness does wonders for someone's day.

What he does best

Refers to the activity someone excels at the most.
Playing the guitar is what he does best.

Does a double take

To look at something or someone and then look again because you suddenly recognize them or notice that something unusual is happening.
She did a double take when she saw the celebrity in the store.

Does the honors

To perform a task or duty, usually one that is ceremonious or special.
Would you do the honors and cut the cake?

Does the trick

To successfully achieve the desired result.
Adding a pinch of salt does the trick for this recipe.

Does not cut corners

To not take shortcuts; doing things thoroughly.
He does not cut corners when it comes to safety.

Does not add up

Something that does not make logical sense.
His explanation just does not add up.

Does justice to

To represent something faithfully or accurately.
The movie does justice to the book it's based on.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Does?

It's derived from the verb "do" for third person singular form.

What is the verb form of Does?

Third person singular present.

What is the root word of Does?

The root word is "Do."

Is Does a negative or positive word?


Which preposition is used with Does?

Depends on the context. No specific preposition is consistently associated.

Which conjunction is used with Does?

Conjunction use depends on the sentence.

What is the pronunciation of Does?


What is the singular form of Does?

Does is already singular.

Which vowel is used before Does?

No specific vowel; depends on sentence structure.

Is Does a noun or adjective?

Neither; it's a verb.

Is Does a countable noun?

It's not a noun.

Which article is used with Does?

Generally, "does" isn't used with an article.

Is Does an adverb?


How many syllables are in Does?

One syllable.

What part of speech is Does?


What is the plural form of Does?

There isn't a plural form. "Do" is used for plural subjects.

Is Does an abstract noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Does?

The whole word "Does" is stressed.

Which determiner is used with Does?

Determiner use depends on context.

What is the third form of Does?


What is the first form of Does?


Is Does a vowel or consonant?

It's a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Does a collective noun?


Is the Does term a metaphor?


How do we divide Does into syllables?

Does is a single-syllable word.

What is the opposite of Does?

Does not or Doesn't.

What is the second form of Does?


Is the word Does imperative?


What is another term for Does?


How is Does used in a sentence?

He does his chores diligently.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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