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Hussle vs. Hustle — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 20, 2024
Incorrectly, some spell it "Hussle". The correct spelling is "Hustle", referring to eager or quick activity, often in business or obtaining money.
Hussle vs. Hustle — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Hussle or Hustle

How to spell Hustle?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Mentally link "Hustle" with "muscle", both have one 's' and connote action.
Imagine someone hustling in a rush, where both words have one 's'.
Think of the phrase, "Single 's' for success" to recall "Hustle".
Consider the word "hush". Remove the "h" and add "tle" to get "Hustle".
Remember the word "bustle", which also has a single 's' and a similar meaning.

How Do You Spell Hustle Correctly?

Incorrect: Her ability to hussle in the business world is admirable.
Correct: Her ability to hustle in the business world is admirable.
Incorrect: They hussle hard to make ends meet.
Correct: They hustle hard to make ends meet.
Incorrect: It takes a lot of hussle to succeed in this industry.
Correct: It takes a lot of hustle to succeed in this industry.
Incorrect: The team showed a lot of hussle during the game.
Correct: The team showed a lot of hustle during the game.
Incorrect: He's always on the grind, looking for ways to hussle.
Correct: He's always on the grind, looking for ways to hustle.

Hustle Definitions

A form of dance characterized by quick steps.
They danced the Hustle at the disco.
A swift, energetic effort; especially in making a living.
She's always on the hustle, trying to make ends meet.
To move or act rapidly and hurriedly.
We need to hustle to catch the train.
To obtain by energetic activity, sometimes deceitfully.
He hustled some extra tickets for the show.
Pushing someone gently, especially in a crowd.
She was hustled out of the busy marketplace.
Push roughly; jostle
They were hissed and hustled as they went in
Obtain illicitly or by forceful action
Linda hustled money from men she met
A state of great activity
The hustle and bustle of the big cities
A fraud or swindle
The hustles being used to avoid the draft
To move or act energetically and rapidly
We hustled to get dinner ready on time.
To push or force one's way.
To act aggressively, especially in business dealings.
To obtain something by deceitful or illicit means; practice theft or swindling.
To misrepresent one's ability in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling.
To push or convey in a hurried or rough manner
Hustled the prisoner into a van.
To cause or urge to proceed quickly; hurry
Hustled the board into a quick decision.
To sell or get by questionable or aggressive means
Hustled stolen watches.
Hustling spare change.
To pressure into buying or doing something
A barfly hustling the other customers for drinks.
To misrepresent one's skill in (a game or activity) in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling
Hustle pool.
The act or an instance of jostling or shoving.
Energetic activity; drive.
To push someone roughly; to crowd; to jostle.
(intransitive) To rush or hurry.
I'll have to hustle to get there on time.
(transitive) To bundle; to stow something quickly.
(transitive) To con, swindle, or deceive; especially financially.
The guy tried to hustle me into buying into a bogus real estate deal.
To play deliberately badly at a game or sport in an attempt to encourage players to challenge.
(informal) To obtain by illicit or forceful action.
To dance the hustle, a disco dance.
(informal) To work.
(informal) To put a lot of effort into one's work.
A state of busy activity.
A propensity to work hard and get things done; ability to hustle.
(preceded by definite article) A type of disco dance, commonly danced to the Van McCoy song The Hustle.
To shake together in confusion; to push, jostle, or crowd rudely; to handle roughly; as, to hustle a person out of a room.
To push or crows; to force one's way; to move hustily and with confusion; a hurry.
Leaving the king, who had hustled along the floor with his dress worfully arrayed.
A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
A rapid bustling commotion
Cause to move furtively and hurriedly;
The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater
Move or cause to move energetically or busily;
The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance
Sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity

Hustle Meaning in a Sentence

She showed great hustle on the basketball court.
She has a side hustle selling handmade jewelry.
They worked with hustle to get the project done on time.
He turned his passion for photography into a profitable hustle.
To succeed, you need more than talent; you need hustle.
The hustle needed to excel in academics is significant.
His hustle is inspiring to those who know his background.
The hustle of the city life energizes some people.
Balancing a full-time job and a side hustle takes a lot of energy.
He always admired the hustle of successful entrepreneurs.
The early bird catches the worm is a motto that encourages hustle.
The coach praised the team for their hustle during the game.
The hustle of everyday life can be overwhelming for many.
Networking is a critical part of the hustle for many professionals.
The hustle culture has become prominent in many industries.
She balances her studies, job, and side hustle with impressive efficiency.
With hustle and determination, she built her business from scratch.
They teach their children the value of hustle and hard work.
She managed to hustle her way through difficult times.
She has the hustle it takes to be a top salesperson.
Many artists hustle to turn their passion into a career.
Their hustle is evident in how quickly they rise in their careers.
The hustle to meet the deadline was intense but rewarding.
His morning hustle includes a workout and reading before work.

Hustle Idioms & Phrases

Side hustle

A secondary job or business that brings in extra income.
Her side hustle as a graphic designer is really taking off.

Hustle and bustle

Busy and lively activity.
The hustle and bustle of the city never sleeps.

The daily hustle

The routine work and effort put into everyday life.
The daily hustle is tiring, but it pays off.

Hustle for that muscle

Working hard, especially in fitness, to achieve results.
He lives by the motto hustle for that muscle at the gym.

On the hustle

Actively looking for ways to earn money or succeed.
She's always on the hustle, finding new clients for her business.

Hustle up

To hurry up or move quickly.
Hustle up, or we'll be late for the movie.

Hustle culture

A societal trend that values excessive work and effort to achieve success.
He's deeply ingrained in the hustle culture, working day and night.

Make the hustle

To put in the effort to succeed.
You have to make the hustle if you want to achieve your dreams.

Pure hustle

An action or effort that is purely driven by hard work.
Winning the competition was pure hustle.

Hustle hard

To work very hard and diligently.
You have to hustle hard if you want to stand out in this industry.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Hustle?

Typically, the indefinite article "a" is used before "hustle".

What is the pronunciation of Hustle?

Hustle is pronounced as /ˈhʌsl/.

Why is it called Hustle?

Hustle originated from the Dutch word "husselen", meaning "to shake or to toss".

Is Hustle a noun or adjective?

"Hustle" can be both a noun and a verb.

Is Hustle an abstract noun?

No, "hustle" is a concrete noun when referring to the act itself.

What is the root word of Hustle?

The root word is derived from the Dutch "husselen".

What is the singular form of Hustle?

The singular form is "hustle".

What is the plural form of Hustle?

The plural form is "hustles".

Which preposition is used with Hustle?

Various prepositions can be used with "hustle", such as "in", "to", or "with", depending on the context.

Is Hustle a negative or positive word?

"Hustle" can be neutral but is often viewed positively, implying hard work or initiative.

What is the verb form of Hustle?

The verb form is "hustle".

Which conjunction is used with Hustle?

Any conjunction can be used with "hustle", such as "and", "but", or "or", based on the sentence structure.

What is the first form of Hustle?

The first form is "hustle".

Which article is used with Hustle?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "hustle" based on context.

Is Hustle a vowel or consonant?

"Hustle" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Is Hustle a countable noun?

Yes, when referring to specific instances or types of hustles.

How many syllables are in Hustle?

There are two syllables in "hustle".

Is Hustle an adverb?

No, "hustle" is not an adverb.

Is Hustle a collective noun?

No, "hustle" is not a collective noun.

Is the Hustle term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically to describe vigorous effort or activity.

Is the word Hustle a Gerund?

No, but "hustling" is the gerund form of the verb "hustle".

Is the word “Hustle” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Hustle" can be used as a direct object, e.g., "I admire her hustle." It depends on the sentence structure.

How do we divide Hustle into syllables?

Hustle is divided as "hus-tle".

What is another term for Hustle?

Another term could be "grind" or "endeavor".

Which determiner is used with Hustle?

Any determiner can be used with "hustle" based on context, such as "this", "that", "my", etc.

What part of speech is Hustle?

"Hustle" can be a noun or a verb.

How is Hustle used in a sentence?

"He has the hustle to turn his dreams into reality."

Is the word Hustle imperative?

It can be used in the imperative mood, e.g., "Hustle up!"

What is a stressed syllable in Hustle?

The first syllable "hus-" is stressed.

What is the opposite of Hustle?

The opposite could be "laziness" or "inactivity".

What is the second form of Hustle?

The second form is "hustled".

What is the third form of Hustle?

The third form is also "hustled".

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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