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Sentimental Definition and Meaning

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Published on May 13, 2024
Sentimental refers to being led by feelings of nostalgia or tenderness, often to an excessive or exaggerated degree. e.g., The movie's ending was so sentimental that it brought tears to my eyes.

Sentimental Definitions

Pertaining to or influenced by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.
The song had a sentimental value for them, reminding them of their first dance.
Relating to or characterized by emotions or feelings.
The gift was more sentimental than expensive, but it meant a lot to her.
Characterized by or showing sentiment or refined feeling.
She kept the letters as sentimental keepsakes.
Exhibiting a preference for the emotional over the rational.
He made a sentimental choice rather than a practical one.
Having a susceptibility to emotions of tenderness or nostalgia, especially to an excessive extent.
The book's sentimental tone appealed to those who yearn for simpler times.
Marked by or given to sentiment or sentimentality.
The film's sentimental approach to the story touched the hearts of many.
Overly emotional or nostalgic in attitude or behavior.
His speeches often strike a sentimental chord with his audience.
Having, showing, or caused by emotion, especially tender or affectionate feeling
I have sentimental ties to the small town I grew up in.
Having, showing, or caused by strong or extravagant tenderness or sadness, often in an idealized way
"He had no sentimental illusions about poverty's virtues" (Sherill Tippins).
Characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion.
Derived from emotion rather than reason; of or caused by sentiment.
Having, expressing, or containing a sentiment or sentiments; abounding with moral reflections; containing a moral reflection; didactic.
Nay, ev'n each moral sentimental stroke,Where not the character, but poet, spoke,He lopped, as foreign to his chaste design,Nor spared a useless, though a golden line.
Inclined to sentiment; having an excess of sentiment or sensibility; indulging the sensibilities for their own sake; artificially or affectedly tender; - often in a reproachful sense.
A sentimental mind is rather prone to overwrought feeling and exaggerated tenderness.
Addressed or pleasing to the emotions only, usually to the weaker and the unregulated emotions.
Given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality
Effusively or insincerely emotional;
A bathetic novel
Maudlin expressons of sympathy
Mushy effusiveness
A schmaltzy song
Sentimental soap operas
Slushy poetry
Having or expressing strong feelings of love, nostalgia, or pity, sometimes more than is reasonable.
His sentimental speech about friendship moved everyone.
Easily moved to feelings of sadness or sympathy.
She's quite sentimental and cries at weddings.
Inclined toward emotionalism or romanticism; not pragmatic.
Her sentimental nature often led her to romanticize the past.

Sentimental Snonyms


Longing for the past; homesick.
The nostalgic theme of the reunion brought back many memories.


Pertaining to or characterized by emotion.
Her emotional response to the painting was unexpected.


Showing gentleness, kindness, and affection.
His tender words comforted her in her time of grief.


Characterized by, or suggestive of, an idealized view of reality.
They enjoyed a romantic evening watching the sunset.


Characterized by or causing sadness; mournful.
The melancholic melody echoed her own feelings.


Excessively sentimental.
The soppy love letters made her blush.


Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing.
She gave a wistful look towards the house she grew up in.


Sentimentally emotional or romantic.
They exchanged mushy Valentine’s Day gifts.


Excessively sentimental or cheesy.
The movie was so schmaltzy that it was hard to take seriously.


Overly sentimental, often through drunkenness.
The party took a maudlin turn as he began to reminisce.

Sentimental Example Sentences

She's very sentimental about her childhood home.
The gift was small but had sentimental value.
That movie is too sentimental for my taste.
She kept all his letters for sentimental reasons.
She has a sentimental attachment to her grandmother's ring.
The story struck a sentimental chord with the audience.
He's known for his sentimental nature.
She gave a sentimental speech at the graduation.
He wrote a sentimental poem for her birthday.
He tends to get sentimental during the holidays.
The photo album was filled with sentimental memories.
The place holds a lot of sentimental significance for them.
Their wedding song is a sentimental choice.
That old, tattered book is very sentimental to him.
They shared a sentimental moment on their anniversary.

Common Curiosities

How do we divide sentimental into syllables?

"Sentimental" is divided into syllables as sen-ti-men-tal.

What is a stressed syllable in sentimental?

The stressed syllable in "sentimental" is the second syllable, -ti-.

How is sentimental used in a sentence?

"Sentimental" is used to describe actions, objects, or attitudes that are driven by feelings of nostalgia or tenderness.

Why is it called sentimental?

It's called "sentimental" because it relates to sentiments, which are feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.

How many syllables are in sentimental?

There are four syllables in "sentimental."

What is the root word of sentimental?

The root word of "sentimental" is "sentiment," which refers to feelings and emotions.

What is the singular form of sentimental?

"Sentimental" remains unchanged as it is an adjective and does not have a singular or plural form.

What is the verb form of sentimental?

"Sentimental" does not have a direct verb form; it is an adjective. The related verb would be "sentimentalize."

What is another term for sentimental?

Another term for "sentimental" is "emotional" or "nostalgic."

What is the plural form of sentimental?

As an adjective, "sentimental" does not have a plural form.

Is the sentimental term a metaphor?

"Sentimental" can be used metaphorically to describe actions or objects that evoke deep feelings.

Which vowel is used before sentimental?

The use of a vowel before "sentimental" depends on the preceding word; it is not specific to "sentimental" itself.

What is the pronunciation of sentimental?

"Sentimental" is pronounced as /ˌsen.tɪˈmen.təl/.

Is sentimental an adverb?

No, "sentimental" is not an adverb.

What part of speech is sentimental?

"Sentimental" is an adjective.

Is sentimental a noun or adjective?

"Sentimental" is an adjective.

Is sentimental an abstract noun?

"Sentimental" is an adjective; "sentimentality" would be the abstract noun form.

Is sentimental a negative or positive word?

"Sentimental" can be either positive or negative, depending on the context and the extent of sentimentality.

What is the opposite of sentimental?

The opposite of "sentimental" could be "unemotional" or "stoic."

Is the word sentimental Gerund?

No, "sentimental" is not a gerund; it's an adjective.

Is the word “sentimental” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Sentimental" is an adjective and does not serve as an object in a sentence.

Which determiner is used with sentimental?

Determiners used with "sentimental" can vary, such as "a," "the," or possessive determiners like "my," depending on the noun it modifies.

Which conjunction is used with sentimental?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used in sentences that include "sentimental."

Is sentimental a vowel or consonant?

The word "sentimental" starts with a consonant sound.

Is sentimental a countable noun?

"Sentimental" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is sentimental a collective noun?

No, "sentimental" is not a collective noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word sentimental imperative?

"Sentimental" is an adjective and does not have an imperative form.

Which preposition is used with sentimental?

Prepositions like "about" or "over" can be used with "sentimental," depending on the context.

Which article is used with sentimental?

The definite article "the" or indefinite articles "a" or "an" can be used with "sentimental," depending on the context and the noun it modifies.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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