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Walk out Definition and Meaning

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Published on May 17, 2024
Walk out refers to leave suddenly, usually as a form of protest. e.g., The employees decided to walk out after negotiations failed.
Walk out

Walk out Definitions

Leave a place suddenly: To exit abruptly, especially to show displeasure.
He walked out of the meeting in anger.
Abandon responsibilities: To leave behind one's duties without notice.
The babysitter walked out, leaving the children alone.
Leave a performance or event before it ends: To exit a theater or event prematurely.
Disappointed by the play, several audience members walked out.
Withdraw from negotiations: To abruptly leave discussions or negotiations.
The talks collapsed after one party walked out.
To physically escort someone out: To lead someone out walking.
The guard walked the unruly guest out of the venue.
Walk outside: Simply to go outdoors by walking.
Let's walk out to the garden and enjoy the sunshine.
Go on strike: When workers leave their job to protest working conditions.
The factory workers walked out demanding better pay.
Leave to express a strong disagreement: Exiting as a sign of protest or disapproval.
Half the committee walked out in protest over the decision.
End a relationship suddenly: To suddenly leave or end a personal relationship.
She walked out on him after a heated argument.
Desert from military service: Leaving military duty without permission.
He was court-martialed after he walked out of the army.

Walk out Snonyms


To go out or leave a place.
He made a quick exit from the party.


To leave, especially on a journey.
She departed from the office early today.


To give up completely; leave behind.
He abandoned his car in the rush.


To run away suddenly.
The horse bolted from the stable unexpectedly.


To leave without permission or abandon duty.
The soldier deserted his post.


To remove oneself from participation.
She decided to withdraw from the competition.


To run away secretly to get married.
The couple eloped last weekend.


To leave a place empty or uninhabited.
They vacated the premises by the end of the month.


A refusal to work in protest against an employer.
The employees are on strike for better health benefits.


To run away from danger or trouble.
They fled the building when the fire alarm sounded.

Walk out Idioms & Phrases

Walk out of your life

To leave someone's life entirely.
After the argument, he just walked out of her life.

Walk out the clock

To use up time, as in sports, by walking or minimal activity.
The team walked out the clock to secure their win.

Walk out on a limb

To put oneself in a risky position.
She really walked out on a limb defending her controversial opinion.

Walk out the talk

To actually do what one claims they can do.
He needs to walk out the talk if he expects the staff to follow.

Walk out in style

To leave something with flair or noticeable presence.
She walked out in style, leaving everyone in awe.

Walk out the details

To finalize or sort out the details by discussing while walking.
Let's walk out the details during our hike tomorrow.

Walk out on someone

To leave someone suddenly, especially in a relationship.
He was devastated when she walked out on him.

Walk out the door

To leave a place or situation.
Everything changed the moment he walked out the door.

Walk out with your head held high

To leave with dignity, regardless of the circumstances.
Despite the loss, the captain walked out with his head held high.

Walk out Example Sentences

You shouldn't walk out every time things get tough.
She was tempted to walk out during the long pause.
If he doesn't apologize, I might just walk out.
They decided to walk out of the boring lecture.
It's not easy to walk out and start over.
She had to walk out to catch her breath.
They planned to walk out as a sign of solidarity.
It's rude to walk out while someone is speaking.
He said he would never walk out on his responsibilities.
Sometimes, the best choice is to walk out and clear your head.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called walk out?

The term "walk out" is used because it involves literally walking out of a place or situation, often to express protest or dissatisfaction.

What is a stressed syllable in walk out?

The stressed syllable in "walk out" is on the first syllable: "walk".

How do we divide walk out into syllables?

"Walk out" is divided as: walk-out.

What is the first form of walk out?

The first form of "walk out" is "walk out".

What is the root word of walk out?

The root word of "walk out" is "walk".

How many syllables are in walk out?

"Walk out" has two syllables.

What is the verb form of walk out?

"Walk out" itself is a verb phrase.

How is walk out used in a sentence?

"Walk out" is used to describe the action of leaving a place suddenly, often to make a statement. e.g., After hearing the unfair policy, the workers decided to walk out.

What is the third form of walk out?

The third form of "walk out" is "walked out".

What is the singular form of walk out?

"Walk out" does not have a singular or plural form as it is a verb phrase.

Is walk out an adverb?

No, "walk out" is not an adverb; it is a verb phrase.

What part of speech is walk out?

"Walk out" is a phrasal verb.

What is another term for walk out?

Another term for "walk out" could be "exit" or "depart".

Is walk out a collective noun?

No, "walk out" is not a collective noun; it is a verb phrase.

Is the word walk out Gerund?

No, "walk out" does not function as a gerund. Its gerund form would be "walking out."

Which determiner is used with walk out?

Determiners are not typically used with the verb phrase "walk out."

What is the pronunciation of walk out?

"Walk out" is pronounced /wɔːk aʊt/.

Is walk out an abstract noun?

No, "walk out" is not a noun; it is a verb phrase.

Is the word walk out imperative?

"Walk out" can be used in the imperative form, giving a command to someone to leave.

Is walk out a vowel or consonant?

"Walk out" contains both vowels and consonants; it is a phrase, not a single vowel or consonant.

Is walk out a countable noun?

"Walk out" is not a noun; it is a verb phrase.

Which vowel is used before walk out?

There is no specific vowel that is consistently used before "walk out"; it depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with walk out?

Prepositions commonly used with "walk out" include "on" (as in "walk out on someone") and "of" (as in "walk out of a meeting").

What is the second form of walk out?

The second form of "walk out" is "walked out".

What is the plural form of walk out?

"Walk out" does not have a plural form; it remains the same in all contexts.

What is the opposite of walk out?

The opposite of "walk out" could be "stay in" or "remain".

Is walk out a noun or adjective?

"Walk out" is neither a noun nor an adjective; it is a verb phrase.

Is walk out a negative or positive word?

"Walk out" generally carries a negative connotation, as it often implies dissatisfaction or protest.

Is the walk out term a metaphor?

"Walk out" can be used metaphorically to describe leaving any situation, not just physically walking out.

Is the word “walk out” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Walk out" is neither; it is a verb phrase.

Which conjunction is used with walk out?

Conjunctions such as "because" or "since" can be used with "walk out" to explain reasons for the action.

Which article is used with walk out?

As a verb phrase, "walk out" typically does not use an article.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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