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Competiting vs. Competing — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Competiting" is an incorrect spelling, while "Competing" is the correct spelling denoting vying with others for an objective or advantage.
Competiting vs. Competing — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Competiting or Competing

How to spell Competing?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember, no second "i" after "t" in "competing."
The base word is "compete" – simply add "ing" to it.
In English "-iting" is uncommon, whereas "-ing" is common for verbs.
Think of "competing" as a race – short and fast, without the extra "it."
Visualize competitors racing; they don’t have time for extra letters like “-iting.”

How Do You Spell Competing Correctly?

Incorrect: He enjoys competiting in marathons around the country.
Correct: He enjoys competing in marathons around the country.
Incorrect: Our school is competiting against theirs in the debate competition.
Correct: Our school is competing against theirs in the debate competition.
Incorrect: They have been competiting in various contests throughout the year.
Correct: They have been competing in various contests throughout the year.
Incorrect: The teams were competiting for the championship title.
Correct: The teams were competing for the championship title.
Incorrect: She is competiting in the tennis tournament next week.
Correct: She is competing in the tennis tournament next week.

Competing Definitions

Taking part in a contest or rivalry.
The teams were competing for the championship title.
Striving against another or others for the same resource or aim.
Multiple firms are competing for the same contract.
Engaging in a contest.
She is competing in the national swimming finals.
Opposing, challenging, or rivalling something.
There are competing theories about the universe's origin.
Being in opposition or in contention.
Competing ideologies often lead to debates.
To strive against another or others to attain a goal, such as an advantage or victory.
Being in the state of competition (often unintentionally).
Present participle of compete
Being in competition;
Competing businesses

Competing Meaning in a Sentence

Athletes from around the world will be competing in the Olympics.
She's competing for a scholarship that would cover her entire college tuition.
Competing in the science fair, she presented her innovative project to the judges.
Competing for attention can be challenging in large families.
Startups are constantly competing for a share of the market.
Competing for the lead role in the play, she gave her best audition.
In the tech industry, companies are always competing to innovate first.
Musicians are competing in the festival to win the best performance award.
Small businesses are competing with large corporations for customer loyalty.
Students are competing for the top spot in their class rankings.
They're competing in a cooking competition to show off their culinary skills.
Competing against seasoned professionals can be intimidating for newcomers.
He's competing in a photography contest with his stunning landscape shots.
Competing for a cause, they aim to raise awareness through their campaign.
Competing in chess tournaments has improved his strategic thinking skills.
Competing for the same job, they both brought their A-game to the interview.
Designers are competing to have their work featured in a prestigious magazine.
Athletes are competing under extreme conditions to test their endurance.
Artists are competing in the exhibition for a chance to showcase their work internationally.
Competing in the debate club has sharpened her argumentative skills.

Competing Idioms & Phrases

Competing on a global scale

Participating in an activity or market that involves rivals from around the world.
The company is now competing on a global scale, facing challenges from international firms.

Competing theories

Different explanations or ideas that are in opposition.
Scientists are exploring competing theories to explain the phenomenon.

Competing for attention

Trying to be noticed above others.
In today's digital world, brands are constantly competing for attention on social media.

Competing interests

Conflicting priorities or goals among different parties.
Balancing the project required addressing competing interests from various stakeholders.

Competing priorities

When two or more tasks or goals are both considered important but conflict with each other.
She had to juggle competing priorities at work and home.

Competing against the odds

Striving for success despite facing significant challenges.
The underdog team was competing against the odds but managed to win the championship.

Competing strategies

Different plans or methods aiming to achieve success in a particular area.
Coaches from various teams discussed their competing strategies for the season.

Competing for market share

Efforts by companies to outdo each other in sales within a particular market.
Smartphone manufacturers are constantly competing for market share.

Competing narratives

Differing stories or accounts, especially in media or public discourse.
The incident sparked competing narratives in the news and on social media.

Competing for the spotlight

Striving to be the center of attention.
At the gala, several celebrities were competing for the spotlight with their extravagant outfits.

Competing for resources

Struggling to obtain a share of limited materials or funding.
In the dense forest, plants are competing for resources like sunlight and water.

Competing allegiances

Loyalties to different groups or causes that may conflict with each other.
The spy drama explores the theme of competing allegiances within the intelligence community.

Competing products

Goods that are in direct competition with each other in the market.
Consumers are comparing competing products to find the best smartphone.

Competing for influence

Efforts to gain power or sway over others, often in politics or business.
Nations are competing for influence in the rapidly developing region.

Competing visions

Different ideas about what the future should look like.
The election showcased competing visions for the nation's future.

Competing bids

Offers made by different parties, typically in the context of an auction or business deal.
The historic painting attracted competing bids from collectors around the world.

Competing ideologies

Systems of ideas or ideals, especially in politics or philosophy, that are in opposition.
The debate highlighted the competing ideologies between the two political parties.

Competing at the highest level

Participating in the most advanced or elite tier of competition.
After years of hard work, she was finally competing at the highest level of her sport.

Competing demands

When multiple tasks or needs require attention at the same time.
Balancing work and family life involves managing competing demands.

Competing on price

Offering goods or services at lower costs than competitors.
Retailers are competing on price during the holiday season to attract more customers.

Common Curiosities

What is the plural form of Competing?

"Competing" is a verb form, so it doesn't have a plural.

Which preposition is used with Competing?

Prepositions like "against" or "for" can be used with "Competing."

Which vowel is used before Competing?

There's no specific vowel that always precedes "Competing." It depends on the context of the sentence.

What is the verb form of Competing?

"Competing" is the present participle of the verb "compete."

What is the pronunciation of Competing?

Competing is pronounced as /kəmˈpiː.tɪŋ/.

Why is it called Competing?

It's called "Competing" because it's the act of taking part in a contest or rivalry.

What is the root word of Competing?

The root word is "compete."

Is Competing a negative or positive word?

"Competing" is neutral; its connotation depends on context.

What is the singular form of Competing?

"Competing" is not a noun, so it doesn't have a singular or plural form. But the base verb is "compete."

Which conjunction is used with Competing?

Any conjunction can be used with "Competing," depending on the sentence, e.g., "and," "but," "or."

Which article is used with Competing?

It depends on the context, but typically "the" can be used, as in "the competing teams."

Is Competing a noun or adjective?

"Competing" can be used as a verb or an adjective (as in "competing interests").

Is Competing an abstract noun?

No, "Competing" is not an abstract noun.

Is Competing a vowel or consonant?

"Competing" is a word and starts with a consonant "C."

What part of speech is Competing?

"Competing" can be a verb or an adjective.

What is another term for Competing?

Another term is "rivaling."

What is the second form of Competing?

The second form is "competed."

How is Competing used in a sentence?

For example: "Many brands are competing for the attention of the same audience."

Is Competing an adverb?

No, "Competing" is not an adverb.

Is Competing a collective noun?

No, "Competing" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Competing is imperative?

No, "Competing" is not in the imperative form.

How many syllables are in Competing?

"Competing" has three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in Competing?

The second syllable "pe-" is stressed in "Competing."

What is the opposite of Competing?

The opposite might be "collaborating" or "cooperating."

Which determiner is used with Competing?

It can be used with various determiners like "the," "this," "those," depending on the context.

Is Competing a countable noun?

"Competing" is not typically used as a noun. It's a verb or adjective.

Is the Competing term a metaphor?

By itself, no. But it can be used metaphorically, e.g., "competing emotions."

Is the word Competing is Gerund?

Yes, "Competing" is a gerund, which is the "-ing" form of a verb that functions as a noun.

Is the word “Competing” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Competing" can be either, depending on its use in a sentence.

How do we divide Competing into syllables?

Competing is divided as Com-pe-ting.

What is the first form of Competing?

The first form is "compete."

What is the third form of Competing?

The third form is "competed."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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