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Excemption vs. Exception — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Excemption" is an incorrect spelling, while "Exception" is the correct spelling referring to someone or something that is excluded from a general statement or rule.
Excemption vs. Exception — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Excemption or Exception

How to spell Exception?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think "Except" when you hear "Exception." The root word "Except" gives the correct spelling.
Picture the word "Accept" and add an "Ex" before it, forming "Exception."
Remember, "Exception" has no "m" in it.
Use the phrase, "With the exception of..." to recall the correct spelling.
Think about the fact that an "Exception" is an "Ex" to the "rule," omitting the unnecessary "m."

How Do You Spell Exception Correctly?

Incorrect: This is an excemption to the policy.
Correct: This is an exception to the policy.
Incorrect: He's an excemption to the role.
Correct: He's an exception to the rule.

Exception Definitions

Strong objection; criticism.
He took exception to her remark.
A person or thing that is excluded from a general rule.
She was an exception to the rule.
A statement that does not follow a previous pattern.
The sudden rainstorm was an exception to the sunny forecast.
An instance of a condition not being met.
There are no exceptions to this policy.
A short remainder after division.
When you divide 7 by 3, the exception is 1.
A person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule
The administrator made an exception in the Colonel's case and waived the normal visiting hours
He always plays top tunes, and tonight was no exception
The act of excepting or the condition of being excepted; exclusion.
One that is excepted, especially a case that does not conform to a rule or generalization.
An objection or a criticism
Opinions that are open to exception.
(Law) A formal protest against a ruling of the trial court on a question of law, such as the admissibility of a certain piece of evidence, to make clear for the record that the issue is being preserved for a potential appeal.
The act of excepting or excluding; exclusion; restriction by taking out something which would otherwise be included, as in a class, statement, rule.
The exception of a rule
That which is excluded from others; a person, thing, or case, specified as distinct, or not included.
That rule is usually true, but there are a few exceptions.
(legal) An objection, on legal grounds; also, as in conveyancing, a clause by which the grantor excepts or reserves something before the right is transferred.
An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; — usually followed by to or against.
(computing) An interruption in normal processing, typically caused by an error condition, that can be raised ("thrown") by one part of the program and handled ("caught") by another part.
That which is excepted or taken out from others; a person, thing, or case, specified as distinct, or not included; as, almost every general rule has its exceptions.
Such rare exceptions, shining in the dark,Prove, rather than impeach, the just remark.
That proud exception to all nature's laws.
An objection, oral or written, taken, in the course of an action, as to bail or security; or as to the decision of a judge, in the course of a trail, or in his charge to a jury; or as to lapse of time, or scandal, impertinence, or insufficiency in a pleading; also, as in conveyancing, a clause by which the grantor excepts something before granted.
An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; - usually followed by to or against.
I will never answer what exceptions they can have against our account [relation].
He . . . took exception to the place of their burial.
She takes exceptions at your person.
A deliberate act of omission;
With the exception of the children, everyone was told the news
An instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization;
All her children were brilliant; the only exception was her last child
An exception tests the rule
Grounds for adverse criticism;
His authority is beyond exception

Exception Meaning in a Sentence

This law applies to everyone, with no exception.
She was the only exception in a family of artists.
Every rule has its exception.
The teacher made an exception for him due to his circumstances.
Your case is a rare exception to our policy.
She's always punctual, today being an unusual exception.
Exceptions prove the rule, as the saying goes.
As an exception, we will accept submissions until tomorrow.
In the world of fashion, he is certainly an exception.
Without exception, everyone must follow these guidelines.
He's an exception to the stereotype.
The museum is open every day, Christmas being the only exception.
The club normally restricts entry, but I was an exception.
As a special exception, we will extend the deadline.
With the exception of one, all the answers were correct.
Her talent makes her an exception in her peer group.
This rule is universal, without any exception.
He was made an exception due to his unique situation.
They made an exception and allowed her to compete.
As an exception, the library will stay open late tonight.
They granted her an exception based on her performance.
He's the exception that disproves the common belief.

Exception Idioms & Phrases

Make an exception

To allow something not usually permitted.
I don't usually lend out my books, but I'll make an exception for you.

Take exception to

To be offended or annoyed by something.
She took exception to the rude comment made by her coworker.

Exception to the rule

Something that does not follow an established rule.
Cats usually hate water, but mine loves swimming—an exception to the rule.

The exception proves the rule

An occurrence that does not follow the general rule can indicate that the rule exists.
Everyone in the choir has to attend practice, but Alice's absence because she's ill is the exception that proves the rule.

With the exception of

Excluding; not including.
Everyone, with the exception of John, agreed to the plan.

A notable exception

An exception that is significant and worthy of attention.
Most of the paintings in the museum were modern, with the notable exception of a few medieval pieces.

Without exception

Applying to all cases, with no exceptions.
All students, without exception, must submit their homework by Friday.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Exception?

It is pronounced as /ɪkˈsɛpʃən/.

Which vowel is used before Exception?

It depends on the context; there's no fixed vowel.

What is the plural form of Exception?

The plural form is "Exceptions."

What is the root word of Exception?

The root word is "Except."

Which conjunction is used with Exception?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence.

Why is it called Exception?

The term "Exception" originates from the Latin word "exceptionem," referring to an exclusion.

What is the verb form of Exception?

The verb form related to "Exception" is "Except."

Which preposition is used with Exception?

Commonly "of" as in "exception of."

Is the word Exception imperative?

No, it's not imperative.

Is Exception an abstract noun?

Yes, it represents a concept rather than a tangible object.

How do we divide Exception into syllables?


What is the opposite of Exception?

Norm or standard.

Which determiner is used with Exception?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," "his," "our" can be used.

What is the singular form of Exception?

The singular form is "Exception."

Is Exception a noun or adjective?

"Exception" is a noun.

Is the word Exception a Gerund?

No, "Exception" is not a gerund.

Is Exception an adverb?

No, "Exception" is not an adverb.

Is Exception a vowel or consonant?

"Exception" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is Exception a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Is the word “Exception” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Exception" can be either, depending on its role in a sentence.

What is a stressed syllable in Exception?

The second syllable, "cep."

Is Exception a negative or positive word?

Neutral; the connotation depends on the context.

Is Exception a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one exception or several exceptions.

How many syllables are in Exception?

Three syllables.

What is another term for Exception?

Anomaly or outlier.

Which article is used with Exception?

Both "a" and "the" can be used.

Is the Exception term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, like "an exception to the norm."

What part of speech is Exception?

"Exception" is a noun.

How is Exception used in a sentence?

With the exception of Jake, everyone attended the party.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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