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Competative vs. Competitive — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 22, 2024
"Competative" is incorrect. The right spelling is "Competitive," which means relating to or characterized by competition.
Competative vs. Competitive — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Competative or Competitive

How to spell Competitive?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember, there's no extra "a" between "t" and "ive."
Use the mnemonic: "I am positive it's competitive with an 'i'."
Link "competitive" with "active," both ending in "-tive."
Visualize a race, and think, "Everyone is competitive, not competatative."
Recall that "competitive" matches the root "compete" plus "-itive."

How Do You Spell Competitive Correctly?

Incorrect: We offer the most competative prices in the area.
Correct: We offer the most competitive prices in the area.
Incorrect: This is a highly competative industry to break into.
Correct: This is a highly competitive industry to break into.
Incorrect: She has a very competative spirit, always wanting to win.
Correct: She has a very competitive spirit, always wanting to win.
Incorrect: His competative nature makes him a great athlete.
Correct: His competitive nature makes him a great athlete.
Incorrect: The competative market requires constant innovation.
Correct: The competitive market requires constant innovation.

Competitive Definitions

Relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful.
The job market is highly competitive.
Priced or costing reasonably and able to rival others in the market.
They offer competitive prices.
Involving competition; contest-like.
A competitive examination.
Having a desire to win or be better than others.
She has a competitive nature.
Suitable for a rivalry.
A competitive sport.
Relating to or characterized by competition
A competitive sport
The intensely competitive newspaper industry
As good as or better than others of a comparable nature
A car industry competitive with any in the world
Of, involving, or determined by competition
Competitive games.
Liking competition or inclined to compete
A highly competitive teammate.
(Biochemistry) Relating to the inhibition of enzyme activity that results from an alternate compound binding reversibly to the site on an enzyme where the substrate would normally bind.
Of or pertaining to competition.
(of someone's character) Inclined to compete.
(economics) Capable of competing successfully.
(biochemistry) Inhibiting the action of an enzyme by binding with it.
Cheap, especially used of quality products.
Of or pertaining to competition; producing competition; competitory; as, a competitive examination.
Involving competition or competitiveness;
Competitive games
To improve one's competitive position
Subscribing to capitalistic competition
Showing a fighting disposition without self-seeking;
Highly competitive sales representative
Militant in fighting for better wages for workers
His self-assertive and ubiquitous energy

Competitive Meaning in a Sentence

The job market is extremely competitive right now.
He's always been very competitive, even in friendly games.
You need to have a competitive edge to succeed in business.
She thrives in competitive environments where she can challenge herself.
They're launching a new product in a very competitive market.
Competitive sports can teach valuable life lessons.
Our prices are competitive with other stores in the region.
The scholarship program is highly competitive.
Competitive analysis is crucial for understanding market dynamics.
To stay competitive, companies must embrace new technologies.
Their team is more competitive this season than last.
She's taking part in a competitive swimming meet this weekend.
To be competitive in this field, you need both experience and education.
The school has a competitive admissions process.
We need to improve our services to remain competitive.
The competitive landscape of the industry is changing rapidly.
The debate team is highly competitive and successful.
In a competitive market, customer satisfaction is key.
The company's competitive advantage lies in its customer service.
Keeping a competitive attitude can motivate you to achieve more.
They're known for their competitive spirit and determination.
He finds competitive video gaming to be as intense as physical sports.
Offering competitive salaries helps attract the best talent.
This game requires both competitive skill and strategic thinking.
Her competitive streak comes out when she plays chess.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Competitive?

Competitive is pronounced as /kəmˈpɛtɪv/.

What is the root word of Competitive?

The root word is "compete."

Which preposition is used with Competitive?

Commonly "in," as in "competitive in the market."

Which vowel is used before Competitive?

The vowel "e" is used.

What is the singular form of Competitive?

"Competitive" is an adjective, so it doesn't have a singular or plural form in the same way nouns do.

Why is it called Competitive?

The term "Competitive" derives from "compete," reflecting rivalry or contention.

What is the verb form of Competitive?

The verb form is "compete."

Is Competitive a noun or adjective?

"Competitive" is an adjective.

Is Competitive a negative or positive word?

It is neutral; its connotation can be either positive or negative based on context.

Which conjunction is used with Competitive?

No specific conjunction is inherently tied to "Competitive"; it depends on the context.

Is Competitive an adverb?

No, the adverbial form is "competitively."

Is Competitive a collective noun?

No, "Competitive" is an adjective.

How do we divide Competitive into syllables?


What is the opposite of Competitive?

The opposite is "noncompetitive" or "cooperative."

What is the plural form of Competitive?

Adjectives don't typically have plural forms.

Which article is used with Competitive?

Typically "a" or "the," as in "a competitive spirit" or "the competitive nature."

Is the Competitive term a metaphor?

Not in itself, but can be used metaphorically in sentences.

Is the word Competitive a Gerund?

No, "Competitive" is not a gerund.

Is the word “Competitive” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Competitive" is an adjective, so it typically wouldn't serve as either.

What is a stressed syllable in Competitive?

The second syllable, "pe," is stressed.

Is Competitive a vowel or consonant?

"Competitive" is a word that contains both vowels and consonants.

How many syllables are in Competitive?

Four syllables.

What part of speech is Competitive?

"Competitive" is an adjective.

What is another term for Competitive?

Another term is "rivalrous."

What is the first form of Competitive?

The word "competitive" is an adjective derived from the verb "compete."

Is Competitive a countable noun?

"Competitive" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word Competitive imperative?

No, "Competitive" is not in the imperative form.

Which determiner is used with Competitive?

Determiners like "this," "that," "a," and "the" can be used.

What is the second form of Competitive?

The verb "compete" has the forms: compete (base), competed (past), and competed (past participle).

Is Competitive an abstract noun?

No, "Competitive" is an adjective.

What is the third form of Competitive?

For the verb "compete," the third form (past participle) is "competed."

How is Competitive used in a sentence?

"Many athletes have a competitive streak that drives them to excel in their sport."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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