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Premission vs. Permission — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 24, 2024
"Premission" is an incorrect spelling, while "Permission" is correct. Permission refers to granting consent or approval.
Premission vs. Permission — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Premission or Permission

How to spell Permission?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "permission" with the act of allowing, helping to solidify the correct spelling.
The word "mission" is different from "permission."
Visualize "permission" as "per-mission", emphasizing the “per” at the start.
Remember the root word "permit" which naturally leads to "permission."
Think of "permit" and add "ion" to get "permission."

How Do You Spell Permission Correctly?

Incorrect: She didn't have the premission to access those files.
Correct: She didn't have the permission to access those files.
Incorrect: Do we have premission to start the project?
Correct: Do we have permission to start the project?
Incorrect: The teacher granted premission for a field trip next week.
Correct: The teacher granted permission for a field trip next week.
Incorrect: I need your premission to leave early today.
Correct: I need your permission to leave early today.
Incorrect: He sought premission from his parents before going to the party.
Correct: He sought permission from his parents before going to the party.

Permission Definitions

Permission signifies the state of being allowed or approved.
With your permission, I'll proceed.
Permission refers to a formal authorization or license.
He got permission to leave early.
Permission can mean the document or token that shows authorization.
He had a permission slip to attend the trip.
The action of officially allowing someone to do a particular thing; consent or authorization
They had entered the country without permission
He received permission to go to Brussels
The act of permitting, especially in giving formal consent; authorization
Do they have permission to leave?.
An authorization to do something, as to quote from a book under copyright.
Authorisation; consent (especially formal consent from someone in authority)
Sire, do I have your permission to execute this traitor?
The act of permitting.
(computing) Flags or access control lists pertaining to a file that dictate who can access it, and how.
I used the "chmod" command to change the file's permission.
(transitive) To grant or obtain authorization for.
The act of permitting or allowing; formal consent; authorization; leave; license or liberty granted.
High permission of all-ruling Heaven.
You have given me your permission for this address.
Approval to do something;
He asked permission to leave
The act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
Permission is the approval or consent to do something.
I need your permission to access these files.
Permission is the act of permitting or allowing.
The teacher gave permission for a classroom party.

Permission Meaning in a Sentence

Getting permission from your parents is important before going on a trip.
She asked for permission to use the car on Saturday.
Obtaining permission for the event took longer than expected.
She needed her supervisor's permission before publishing the article.
Getting permission to access the archives was a crucial step for the research.
Without permission, you cannot borrow equipment from the lab.
He wrote a letter requesting permission to conduct the research.
Teachers often need parents' permission to take students on field trips.
Did you get permission to leave class early?
After much deliberation, permission was granted for the new construction.
Without explicit permission, copying someone else's work is plagiarism.
With the manager's permission, they rearranged the office space.
Permission slips for the school trip need to be signed by a guardian.
Asking for permission is a sign of respect towards others' rights and property.
She thanked her mentor for giving her permission to pursue the project independently.
The artist sought permission to use the song in his video.
You should always ask for permission before posting photos of others online.
To install the software, you need the administrator's permission.
Parents must give permission for their children to participate in the study.
Before making any changes, they had to get permission from the committee.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Permission?

The verb form of "Permission" is "permit."

What is the root word of Permission?

The root word is "permit."

Why is it called Permission?

It's called "Permission" because it comes from the Latin word "permissio", signifying the act of granting consent.

What is the singular form of Permission?

The singular form is "Permission."

Which preposition is used with Permission?

"Without" is commonly used with "Permission", as in "without permission."

Which vowel is used before Permission?

The vowel "a" is often used before "Permission" as in "a permission."

Which article is used with Permission?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on the context.

What is the plural form of Permission?

The plural form is "Permissions."

Is Permission an adverb?

No, "Permission" is not an adverb.

What is the pronunciation of Permission?

The pronunciation is /pərˈmɪʃən/.

Is Permission a collective noun?

No, "Permission" is not a collective noun.

Which conjunction is used with Permission?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the context, for example, "and" in "permission and consent."

Is Permission a vowel or consonant?

"Permission" is a word, not a single vowel or consonant.

What part of speech is Permission?

"Permission" is a noun.

What is the opposite of Permission?

The opposite could be "prohibition" or "denial."

Is Permission an abstract noun?

Yes, as it represents an idea or quality, making it abstract.

Is the word “Permission” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Permission" can function as either, depending on the sentence.

Which determiner is used with Permission?

Determiners like "this", "that", "my", or "some" can be used with "Permission."

What is the first form of Permission?

The base form related to "Permission" is "permit."

Is the word Permission a Gerund?

No, "Permission" is a noun, not a gerund.

What is the stressed syllable in Permission?

The second syllable "mis" is stressed.

What is another term for Permission?

Another term is "consent."

Is Permission a negative or positive word?

"Permission" is neutral; its connotation depends on context.

Is the word Permission imperative?

No, "Permission" is not imperative.

What is the second form of Permission?

The past form related to "Permission" is "permitted."

Is Permission a noun or adjective?

"Permission" is a noun.

Is Permission a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one permission or multiple permissions.

Is the Permission term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

How many syllables are in Permission?

"Permission" has three syllables.

How do we divide Permission into syllables?

It's divided as Per-mis-sion.

What is the third form of Permission?

The past participle form is also "permitted."

How is Permission used in a sentence?

Example: "He asked for permission before borrowing the book."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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