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Bufoon vs. Buffoon — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Bufoon" is an incorrect spelling; "Buffoon" correctly denotes a person who acts comically or foolishly.
Bufoon vs. Buffoon — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Bufoon or Buffoon

How to spell Buffoon?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Envision a clown with two fluffy shoes, representing the two "f"s in "buffoon."
Remember: "Bufoon" lacks the effort; a "buffoon" gives extra with an extra "f."
Think of a "full" buffoon, and remember the double "f."
Relate "buffoon" to "buffet"; both have double "f."
Think of "buffoon" as being "big" in its antics, needing two "f"s.

How Do You Spell Buffoon Correctly?

Incorrect: His bufoon-like behavior made everyone laugh.
Correct: His buffoon-like behavior made everyone laugh.
Incorrect: He was acting like a bufoon at the party last night.
Correct: He was acting like a buffoon at the party last night.
Incorrect: She didn't want to look like a bufoon in front of her colleagues.
Correct: She didn't want to look like a buffoon in front of her colleagues.
Incorrect: The movie character is a lovable bufoon who gets into silly situations.
Correct: The movie character is a lovable buffoon who gets into silly situations.
Incorrect: Everyone thought he was a bufoon for his outrageous jokes.
Correct: Everyone thought he was a buffoon for his outrageous jokes.

Buffoon Definitions

Someone who tries to be funny but often becomes the object of laughter.
He played the role of a buffoon in the play.
A person who amuses others through ridiculous behavior.
The class buffoon always had a joke ready.
An individual who lacks judgment or sense.
Don't be such a buffoon; think before you act!
A clown; a jester
A court buffoon.
A person given to clowning and joking.
A ludicrous or bumbling person; a fool.
One who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion; a clown or fool.
(pejorative) An unintentionally ridiculous person.
To behave like a buffoon
A man who makes a practice of amusing others by low tricks, antic gestures, etc.; a droll; a mimic; a harlequin; a clown; a merry-andrew.
Characteristic of, or like, a buffoon.
To divert the audience with buffoon postures and antic dances.
To act the part of a buffoon.
To treat with buffoonery.
A rude or vulgar fool
A person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
A clownish, silly person.
Every group has a buffoon who lightens the mood.
An entertainer known for antics and jesting.
The medieval court had a buffoon to entertain the royals.

Buffoon Meaning in a Sentence

The character of the buffoon in literature often symbolizes the folly of man.
Historically, the court buffoon was employed to entertain the royalty with humor.
Sometimes, acting like a buffoon is a way to hide one's true feelings or insecurities.
The class clown is often seen as a buffoon, but he just likes making people laugh.
He regretted acting like a buffoon when he saw the disapproval in his boss's eyes.
The novel features a wise buffoon who imparts wisdom through his absurd actions.
The buffoon in the movie misunderstands everything, leading to hilarious situations.
Being a buffoon at a formal event can be embarrassing for others around you.
Every group of friends seems to have one person who plays the role of the buffoon.
At the medieval fair, the buffoon juggled and told jokes to amuse the crowd.
The teacher cautioned the student about being a buffoon in class, as it disrupted learning.
The buffoon character in the film provides a critique of societal norms and behaviors.
A buffoon might seem foolish, but often their role is to speak truths others are afraid to utter.
Wearing oversized shoes and a colorful hat, the circus buffoon entertained the children.
In many cultures, the buffoon or fool character is central to storytelling and moral lessons.
The politician was criticized for behaving like a buffoon during the debate.
The buffoon at the party was actually a professional comedian entertaining the guests.
The new TV show features a charming buffoon who inadvertently solves mysteries.
She dressed up as a buffoon for Halloween, complete with a comical wig and makeup.
Being the office buffoon can be fun, but it's important to know when to be serious.
A true buffoon knows how to make people laugh without offending anyone.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Buffoon?

There isn't a commonly used verb form for "buffoon."

What is the root word of Buffoon?

Derived from the French word "buffon," which means jester or clown.

What is the singular form of Buffoon?

Buffoon itself is singular.

Which preposition is used with Buffoon?

Prepositions like "of" or "like" can be used.

Why is it called Buffoon?

It's called "Buffoon" from the French "buffon," meaning jester or clown.

What is the pronunciation of Buffoon?

It's pronounced as /bəˈfuːn/.

Is Buffoon a noun or adjective?

Buffoon is a noun.

Is Buffoon an adverb?

No, Buffoon is not an adverb.

Is Buffoon an abstract noun?

No, it's not an abstract noun.

Which conjunction is used with Buffoon?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the sentence.

Which vowel is used before Buffoon?

The vowel "o" is used.

What is the plural form of Buffoon?

The plural form is "buffoons."

Which article is used with Buffoon?

Both "a" and "the" can be used.

Is the Buffoon term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically to describe someone's behavior.

What is the second form of Buffoon?

Buffoon doesn't have verb forms.

Is Buffoon a vowel or consonant?

Buffoon is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Buffoon a countable noun?

Yes, you can refer to one buffoon or several buffoons.

Is the word Buffoon imperative?

No, it's not imperative.

Is Buffoon a negative or positive word?

Generally negative, but can be neutral in some contexts.

What part of speech is Buffoon?

Buffoon is a noun.

What is another term for Buffoon?

Jester or clown.

What is the opposite of Buffoon?

Serious person or sage.

What is the third form of Buffoon?

Buffoon doesn't have verb forms.

How many syllables are in Buffoon?

There are two syllables.

How do we divide Buffoon into syllables?

It's divided as bu-ffoon.

What is the stressed syllable in Buffoon?

The second syllable, "foon," is stressed.

How is Buffoon used in a sentence?

Mark acted like a buffoon at the party, making everyone laugh with his antics.

Is Buffoon a collective noun?

No, Buffoon is not a collective noun.

Which determiner is used with Buffoon?

Determiners like "this," "that," or "each" can be used.

What is the first form of Buffoon?

Buffoon itself, as it's primarily a noun.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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