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Strown vs. Strewn — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 18, 2024
"Strown" is the incorrect spelling of "strewn," which refers to things scattered or spread out over a surface.
Strown vs. Strewn — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Strown or Strewn

How to spell Strewn?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "strewn" ends with "-ewn," a common ending for past participles like "drawn" and "flown."
Think of "strewn" as related to "strew," which is the base form of the verb meaning to scatter.
Associate "strewn" with similar sounding words like "new" and "crew," which also feature a prominent 'ew' sound.

How Do You Spell Strewn Correctly?

Incorrect: His clothes were strown across the floor of his room.
Correct: His clothes were strewn across the floor of his room.
Incorrect: Leaves had been strown all over the lawn by the wind.
Correct: Leaves had been strewn all over the lawn by the wind.
Incorrect: The room was strown with toys and books.
Correct: The room was strewn with toys and books.
Incorrect: The table was strown with papers and magazines.
Correct: The table was strewn with papers and magazines.
Incorrect: Flowers were strown down the aisle at the wedding.
Correct: Flowers were strewn down the aisle at the wedding.

Strewn Definitions

To be lying about in a disordered manner.
Books and clothes were strewn across her bedroom floor.
Scattered or spread untidily over a surface or area.
After the party, the ground was strewn with confetti and balloons.
To distribute something liberally over an area.
The field was strewn with wildflowers each spring.
To have thrown or spread things around in various directions.
The explosion had strewn debris over a wide area.
To spread here and there; scatter or distribute
Strewing flowers down the aisle.
To distribute something over (an area or surface)
"Italy ... was strewn thick with the remains of Roman buildings" (Bernard Berenson).
To be or become dispersed over (a surface)
"Enemy is retiring ... His dead men and horses strew the roads" (Jeb Stuart).
To spread (something) over a wide area; disseminate.
Past participle of strew
Unwashed dishes and dirty laundry were strewn about the room.
(used with `with' or in combination) covered by or as if by something scattered over or on;
The forest floor strewn with boulders
The petal-strewn aisle
Being distributed here and there without order;
Scattered leaves littered the sidewalk
Don't forget to pick up the clothes lying strewn all over the floor
Dispersed or spread out at intervals within an area.
The path was strewn with petals for the wedding procession.

Strewn Meaning in a Sentence

The beach was strewn with shells and seaweed.
After the storm, the streets were strewn with branches and leaves.
His manuscripts were strewn about his study in a haphazard fashion.
The festival ground was strewn with litter by the end of the night.
His desk is always strewn with all sorts of papers and notes.
She strewn the bed with rose petals for a romantic effect.
The riverbanks were strewn with smooth stones and driftwood.
Old photographs were strewn on the table as they reminisced.
The aftermath of the parade left the streets strewn with candy and streamers.
The meadow was beautifully strewn with a variety of wildflowers.
Her jewelry was strewn over the dresser carelessly.
Papers were strewn across the office floor after the raid.
The hurricane had strewn debris across the coastal town.
The road was strewn with glass from the accident.
The floor was strewn with toys, making it hard to walk.
Confetti was strewn all over the city square during the celebration.
The lawn was strewn with party decorations the morning after.
The hiking trail was strewn with boulders and roots.
The kitchen counter was strewn with ingredients for the recipe.
They found the cave floor strewn with ancient pottery shards.
After the concert, the venue was strewn with lost items.
The forest path was strewn with fallen leaves.
The battleground was strewn with remnants from the fight.
The children's room was strewn with clothes and books.
The valley was strewn with boulders left by the glacier.

Strewn Idioms & Phrases

Strewn about

Scattered around a place.
Clothes and shoes were strewn about her apartment.

Strewn with traps

Littered with hidden dangers or pitfalls.
The negotiation was like a field strewn with traps.

Carelessly strewn

Thrown or laid down haphazardly.
Magazines were carelessly strewn on the coffee table.

Strewn across

Spread out over a large area.
His belongings were strewn across the entire room.

Strewn underneath

Hidden or covered under something.
The lost ring was strewn underneath piles of clothes.

Strewn in disarray

Scattered in a disorderly manner.
After the earthquake, furniture was strewn in disarray.

Strewn with dangers

Containing many risks or hazards.
The old factory was strewn with dangers, from broken glass to unstable floors.

Strewn with obstacles

Full of difficulties or challenges.
The path to success is often strewn with obstacles.

Strewn along

Scattered along a path or route.
Broken branches were strewn along the hiking trail.

Randomly strewn

Spread randomly without any apparent order.
Rocks were randomly strewn across the landscape.

Strewn before

Laid out in front of someone or something.
A carpet of flowers was strewn before the bride as she walked.

Strewn with challenges

Filled with many challenges to overcome.
His new role at the company was strewn with challenges.

Strewn with memories

Filled with things that evoke memories.
The old house was strewn with memories of their childhood.

Purposefully strewn

Deliberately scattered or placed in a spread-out manner.
The clues were purposefully strewn throughout the room.

Strewn aside

Tossed or thrown to the side.
Old toys were strewn aside as the child grew older.

Artfully strewn

Arranged or scattered in an artistic manner.
The table was artfully strewn with decorations.

Strewn with gems

Literally or figuratively dotted with valuable or attractive items.
The novel was strewn with gems of wisdom.

Strewn with hardships

Faced with many difficulties.
Their journey was strewn with hardships, yet they persevered.

Strewn with evidence

Covered with proof or indications of something.
The crime scene was strewn with evidence pointing to the perpetrator.

Lavishly strewn

Generously or extravagantly scattered or spread out.
The banquet table was lavishly strewn with gourmet foods.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called strewn?

"Strewn" is called so because it is the past participle of "strew," which comes from the Old English word "strēowian," meaning to scatter.

How is strewn used in a sentence?

"Strewn" is typically used to describe items scattered or spread across an area.

What is another term for strewn?

Another term for "strewn" could be "scattered" or "dispersed."

What is the verb form of strewn?

The verb form from which "strewn" is derived is "strew," and "strewn" is the past participle.

How many syllables are in strewn?

"Strewn" has one syllable.

How do we divide strewn into syllables?

Strewn is a single-syllable word and is not divided.

What is the root word of strewn?

The root word of "strewn" is "strew."

What part of speech is strewn?

"Strewn" is a verb, specifically the past participle of "strew."

What is a stressed syllable in strewn?

In "strewn," the entire word is the stressed syllable, as it is monosyllabic.

What is the pronunciation of strewn?

Strewn is pronounced as /struːn/.

What is the second form of strewn?

The second form of "strewn" is "strewed."

What is the opposite of strewn?

The opposite of "strewn" could be "gathered" or "collected."

What is the first form of strewn?

The first form of "strewn" is "strew."

What is the plural form of strewn?

The plural form is "strewn"; it does not change.

Is strewn a noun or adjective?

"Strewn" is a verb (past participle) and can also function as an adjective.

Is strewn a negative or positive word?

"Strewn" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context in which it is used.

Is strewn a vowel or consonant?

The word "strewn" starts with a consonant.

What is the third form of strewn?

The third form of "strewn" is "strewn."

What is the singular form of strewn?

The singular form is "strewn."

Is strewn an adverb?

No, "strewn" is not an adverb.

Is strewn an abstract noun?

No, "strewn" is not a noun; it is a verb and an adjective in its usage.

Which determiner is used with strewn?

Determiners like "the" or "a" can be used with "strewn" when it functions as an adjective.

Is strewn a countable noun?

"Strewn" is not a noun; it is a verb and adjective.

Is the word strewn imperative?

"Strewn" is not an imperative form; it is a past participle.

Which article is used with strewn?

Articles such as "the" are commonly used with "strewn" when it functions as an adjective, e.g., "the strewn papers."

Is strewn a collective noun?

No, "strewn" is not a collective noun.

Is the strewn term a metaphor?

"Strewn" can be used metaphorically to describe things being spread out or scattered in non-literal contexts.

Is the word strewn a Gerund?

No, "strewn" is not a gerund; the gerund form of "strew" is "strewing."

Which vowel is used before strewn?

Typically, no vowel is used before "strewn" as it functions as a verb or adjective.

Which preposition is used with strewn?

Common prepositions used with "strewn" include "with" (the floor was strewn with papers) and "across" (papers were strewn across the floor).

Which conjunction is used with strewn?

Conjunctions such as "and" or "but" can be used with "strewn" depending on the sentence structure.

Is the word “strewn” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Strewn" can serve as an adjective or part of the verb phrase and is not typically an object.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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