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Bigginer vs. Beginner — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 20, 2024
"Bigginer" is incorrect, while "Beginner" is the right spelling. A "beginner" is someone new or inexperienced in a particular activity or field.
Bigginer vs. Beginner — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Bigginer or Beginner

How to spell Beginner?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember there's only one "g" in "begin" and apply the same to "beginner."
Think of the word "begin" and simply add "-er" for "beginner."
Associate "beginner" with the start of learning, both having two "n's."
Recollect that to "begin" means to start, and a "beginner" is starting a journey.
Visualize starting at the "beginning," not the "biggining."

How Do You Spell Beginner Correctly?

Incorrect: As a bigginer, she found the ski slopes quite challenging.
Correct: As a beginner, she found the ski slopes quite challenging.
Incorrect: She's a bigginer at playing the piano.
Correct: She's a beginner at playing the piano.
Incorrect: I'm a complete bigginer when it comes to cooking.
Correct: I'm a complete beginner when it comes to cooking.
Incorrect: He felt like a bigginer during his first yoga class.
Correct: He felt like a beginner during his first yoga class.

Beginner Definitions

A person just starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity
A beginner's guide
An absolute beginner
Language courses for beginners
"Beginner" refers to a person just starting to learn a skill or activity.
She's a beginner in playing the piano.
"Beginner" signifies one who is new to a job or profession.
Even as a beginner, she showed great potential in journalism.
In sports or games, a "beginner" is a novice or first-time player.
As a beginner in chess, he's still learning the basics.
"Beginner" can also denote a product or service tailored for newcomers.
This software comes with a beginner's guide to assist new users.
In the context of learning, a "beginner" denotes someone at the initial stages.
The book is written for beginners, with simple instructions.
One that begins.
One who is just starting to learn or do something; a novice.
Someone who is just starting at something, or has only recently started.
I'm new to learning Finnish: I'm just a beginner.
Someone who sets something in motion.
The beginner of the games lit the ceremonial torch.
(theatre) An actor who is present on stage in the first moments of a play.
One who begins or originates anything. Specifically: A young or inexperienced practitioner or student; a tyro.
A sermon of a new beginner.
Someone new to a field or activity
A person who founds or establishes some institution;
George Washington is the father of his country

Beginner Meaning in a Sentence

Every beginner starts with the basics before moving on to more complex tasks.
The beginner guitar lessons focus on simple chords and strumming patterns.
For a beginner, he picked up the rules of chess quite quickly.
She teaches a beginner yoga class every Monday evening.
Beginner piano books usually start with simple songs and exercises.
The beginner surf lesson covers basic techniques and safety tips.
Beginner cyclists should start with shorter distances and flat terrain.
As a beginner, it's important to practice regularly to improve.
The fitness trainer designed a beginner workout plan that's easy to follow.
In the beginner sewing class, students learn to make a simple tote bag.
Beginner skiers should start on the green slopes.
The beginner knitting class teaches how to cast on, knit, and purl.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Beginner?

It's called "Beginner" because it denotes someone who is starting or beginning an activity or skill.

Which vowel is used before Beginner?

It depends on context. There's no fixed vowel that always comes before "beginner."

What is the pronunciation of Beginner?


What is the root word of Beginner?

The root word is "begin."

What is the verb form of Beginner?

The related verb is "begin."

Which preposition is used with Beginner?

"For" as in "beginner in..."

Is Beginner a negative or positive word?


Which conjunction is used with Beginner?

There's no specific conjunction that always comes with "beginner." It can vary based on context.

Which article is used with Beginner?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, e.g., "a beginner" or "the beginner."

Is Beginner an abstract noun?


What is the plural form of Beginner?


Is the Beginner term a metaphor?


What is the singular form of Beginner?


Is Beginner a noun or adjective?


How do we divide Beginner into syllables?


What part of speech is Beginner?


Is Beginner an adverb?


Is the word Beginner a Gerund?


What is the first form of Beginner?

The term "beginner" doesn't have verb forms. However, for the related verb "begin," the first form is "begin."

Is Beginner a vowel or consonant?

It is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

What is the opposite of Beginner?


Is Beginner a countable noun?


Is Beginner a collective noun?


Is the word Beginner imperative?


Which determiner is used with Beginner?

Determiners like "this," "that," "a," or "the" can be used based on context.

Is the word “Beginner” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on sentence structure. E.g., "I taught the beginner" (direct) vs. "I gave the beginner a book" (indirect).

How many syllables are in Beginner?


What is a stressed syllable in Beginner?

The second syllable - "gin."

What is another term for Beginner?


What is the second form of Beginner?

For the verb "begin," the second form is "began."

What is the third form of Beginner?

For the verb "begin," the third form is "begun."

How is Beginner used in a sentence?

"As a beginner in guitar, he practiced for hours every day."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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