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Puting vs. Putting — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 22, 2024
"Puting" is a misspelling. The correct form is "Putting," which refers to the action of placing or the act of making a golf ball move toward the hole.
Puting vs. Putting — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Puting or Putting

How to spell Putting?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "putt" in golf, which clearly has two 't's.
Associate "putting" with "setting," both end with "ting."
Recollect “putting on” a jacket, where the emphasis is on putting.
Remember "put" becomes "putting" by just adding -ing.
“Put in” effort to remember the double 't' in "putting."

How Do You Spell Putting Correctly?

Incorrect: They were puting up decorations for the party.
Correct: They were putting up decorations for the party.
Incorrect: She is puting her shoes on.
Correct: She is putting her shoes on.
Incorrect: I am puting together a puzzle.
Correct: I am putting together a puzzle.
Incorrect: She was puting the books back on the shelf.
Correct: She was putting the books back on the shelf.
Incorrect: He kept puting off his homework until the last minute.
Correct: He kept putting off his homework until the last minute.

Putting Definitions

Introducing into a particular state or condition.
He's putting himself at risk.
Moving to a specific direction or position.
She's putting her hair up.
The action of placing something somewhere.
She is putting her books on the shelf.
To place in a specified location; set
She put the books on the table.
To cause to be in a specified condition
His gracious manners put me at ease.
To cause (one) to undergo something; subject
The interrogators put the prisoner to torture.
To assign; attribute
They put a false interpretation on events.
To estimate
We put the time at five o'clock.
To impose or levy
The governor has put a tax on cigarettes.
(Games) To wager (a stake); bet
Put $50 on a horse.
(Sports) To hurl with an overhand pushing motion
Put the shot.
To bring up for consideration or judgment
Put a question to the judge.
To express; state
I put my objections bluntly.
To render in a specified language or literary form
Put prose into verse.
To adapt
The lyrics had been put to music.
To urge or force to an action
A mob that put the thief to flight.
To apply
We must put our minds to it.
To force the purchase of (a stock or commodity) by exercising a put option.
(Nautical) To proceed
The ship put into the harbor.
To hit (a golf ball) with a light stroke on the green.
To putt a golf ball.
(Sports) An act of putting the shot.
An option to sell a stipulated amount of stock or securities within a specified time and at a fixed price.
A light golf stroke made on the putting green in an effort to place the ball into the hole.
Fixed; stationary
Stay put.
Present participle of put
(golf) putt
(obsolete) Instigation or incitement; enticement.
The action or result of the verb put.
(golf) The action of the verb to putt.
(golf) A variety of golf in which balls are tapped into holes over short distances using a putter.
The throwing of a heavy stone, shot, etc., with the hand raised or extended from the shoulder; - originally, a Scottish game.
Hitting a golf ball on the putting surface with a putter;
His putting let him down today
The act of hitting a golf ball on the green using a putter.
His putting skills won him the game.
Making an effort towards something.
He's putting a lot into the project.

Putting Meaning in a Sentence

I'm putting away my clothes in the dresser.
She enjoys putting her thoughts down in a journal.
She's putting the finishing touches on her painting.
They were putting out snacks for the guests.
Putting the key in the lock, she turned it slowly.
They're putting on a play at the local theater.
He was putting up a fence around his yard.
He's putting a lot of effort into his studies lately.
We're putting together a team for the project.
They're putting down new carpet in the living room.
He's looking forward to putting his plan into action.
He's putting in extra hours to finish the project.
She's putting up her friends for the weekend.
They were putting their ideas into a coherent plan.
He's putting all his belongings into storage.
The teacher is putting together a curriculum for the new school year.
They enjoy putting on music and dancing in the living room.
Putting off difficult tasks can lead to more stress.
The chef is putting a new spin on traditional recipes.
She's putting a lot of thought into her decision.
They're putting effort into making the event a success.
I'm putting the groceries away in the kitchen.
He's putting money aside for his vacation.
She's putting her knowledge to good use in her new job.
Putting his arm around her, he smiled reassuringly.

Putting Idioms & Phrases

Putting your best foot forward

Trying as hard as you can; making a great effort.
She's putting her best foot forward in her new job.

Putting it mildly

Saying something in a gentle or less severe way than could be.
Saying he's not the best communicator is putting it mildly.

Putting on airs

Acting in a way that pretends one is more important or sophisticated than one actually is.
Despite his success, he's never been one for putting on airs.

Putting all your eggs in one basket

Relying on a single solution, person, or plan for success, which is risky.
Investing all your money in one company is like putting all your eggs in one basket.

Putting the finishing touches on

Completing the final details or improvements of something.
We're just putting the finishing touches on the new website.

Putting two and two together

Drawing a conclusion from the evidence available.
Once I saw the email, I started putting two and two together about their surprise party.

Putting the cart before the horse

Doing things in the wrong order or with the wrong priorities.
By focusing on details before understanding the project's scope, you're putting the cart before the horse.

Putting someone on the spot

Forcing someone to answer a difficult question or make a decision quickly.
Asking her to choose between the two options in front of everyone was really putting her on the spot.

Putting your foot in your mouth

Saying something embarrassing or tactless.
I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked about his job, not knowing he had been fired.

Putting down roots

Settling down in a place and establishing one's home or business there.
After years of traveling, they're finally putting down roots in a small coastal town.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Putting?

"Putting" is the present continuous tense of the verb "put."

What is the root word of Putting?

The root word is "put."

Which vowel is used before Putting?

It depends on context. Vowels like "a" or "e" can be used as in "a putting challenge" or "she is putting."

What is the pronunciation of Putting?


Why is it called Putting?

It comes from the verb "put," meaning to place or set, and "-ing" indicating an ongoing action.

What is the singular form of Putting?

"Putting" doesn't have a singular or plural form, but its base form is "put."

Which preposition is used with Putting?

Prepositions like "on," "in," "into," and "at" can be used, depending on context.

Which conjunction is used with Putting?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence structure.

Is Putting an adverb?


Is Putting a negative or positive word?


Is Putting an abstract noun?


Is the word Putting imperative?

It can be, as in "Keep putting effort into it."

What is the first form of Putting?


What is the second form of Putting?

Put (the verb "put" remains unchanged in past form).

What is the plural form of Putting?

"Putting" remains unchanged.

Which article is used with Putting?

"The" or "a" can be used, based on context.

Is Putting a vowel or consonant?

"Putting" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

How many syllables are in Putting?


Is the Putting term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically, e.g., "putting effort into something."

What is a stressed syllable in Putting?

The first syllable, "Put."

What part of speech is Putting?

Verb (or noun in golf).

What is the opposite of Putting?

Removing or taking.

Which determiner is used with Putting?

Determiners such as "the," "my," or "this" can be used.

What is the third form of Putting?


How is Putting used in a sentence?

"She is putting her toys away in the box."

Is Putting a countable noun?

Not typically.

Is Putting a collective noun?


How do we divide Putting into syllables?


What is another term for Putting?


Is Putting a noun or adjective?

It is primarily a verb, but can be a noun, especially in golf.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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