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Aclaim vs. Acclaim — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Aclaim" is a misspelling. The correct term is "Acclaim," meaning to praise enthusiastically and publicly.
Aclaim vs. Acclaim — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Aclaim or Acclaim

How to spell Acclaim?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of 'acclaim' as accumulating praise; both start with 'ac'.
Acclaim = Applaud + Claim. Remember, it claims applause.
Two 'c's in "acclaim" represent two hands clapping in praise.
"Acclaim" has two 'c's because it gets double the applause.
Associate "Acclaim" with "clamor" for praise.

How Do You Spell Acclaim Correctly?

Incorrect: He was given an award in aclaim of his achievements.
Correct: He was given an award in acclaim of his achievements.
Incorrect: His work received a lot of aclaim from critics.
Correct: His work received a lot of acclaim from critics.
Incorrect: She earned aclaim for her contributions to science.
Correct: She earned acclaim for her contributions to science.
Incorrect: The novel won aclaim from both readers and writers.
Correct: The novel won acclaim from both readers and writers.
Incorrect: The movie was met with international aclaim.
Correct: The movie was met with international acclaim.

Acclaim Definitions

Acclaim can also mean enthusiastic approval.
The latest movie has won great acclaim.
Acclaim is a recognition or ovation that something or someone gets.
Her talent has earned her international acclaim.
Acclaim means to welcome or salute with shouts or sounds of joy and approval.
The audience acclaimed the performers.
Acclaim refers to acknowledgment and admiration for an achievement.
The novel was acclaimed as a modern classic.
To praise enthusiastically and often publicly.
To acknowledge or declare with enthusiastic approval
She was acclaimed person of the year.
To shout approval.
Enthusiastic praise; acclamation.
To shout; to call out.
(transitive) To express great approval (for).
A highly-acclaimed novel
A widely-acclaimed article
To salute or praise with great approval; to compliment; to applaud; to welcome enthusiastically.
To claim.
(transitive) To declare by acclamations.
To elect (a politician, etc.) to an office automatically because no other candidates run; elect by acclamation.
(poetic) An acclamation; a shout of applause.
(obsolete) A claim.
To applaud.
To declare by acclamations.
While the shouting crowdAcclaims thee king of traitors.
To shout; as, to acclaim my joy.
To shout applause.
Enthusiastic approval;
The book met with modest acclaim
He acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd
They gave him more eclat than he really deserved
Praise vociferously;
The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein
Clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
Acclaim is enthusiastic and public praise.
The artist's new painting received acclaim from critics.

Acclaim Meaning in a Sentence

The artist's new exhibit has garnered widespread acclaim for its innovative use of materials.
The film achieved critical acclaim and several awards at international festivals.
His breakthrough research has received acclaim in the scientific community.
His dedication to public service has brought him acclaim and respect.
The documentary received acclaim for shedding light on important social issues.
Their latest album has been met with universal acclaim, topping charts worldwide.
His contributions to the field of renewable energy have not gone without acclaim.
Critics have given her latest performance high acclaim, calling it her best work yet.
The chef's unique approach to traditional dishes has earned him acclaim from food critics.
Her speech at the conference won her acclaim from peers and industry leaders.
Known for his philanthropy, he has received acclaim for his efforts to support education.
His profound influence on contemporary literature has been recognized with acclaim.
Receiving acclaim for its user-friendly design, the app has millions of downloads.
Winning the prestigious award brought her writing into the realm of international acclaim.
The musician’s ability to blend genres has won him acclaim across the music industry.
The technology startup has quickly risen to acclaim for its groundbreaking innovations.
The novel’s vivid storytelling and complex characters have earned it widespread acclaim.
The company’s commitment to sustainability has earned it acclaim in the business community.

Acclaim Idioms & Phrases

Win acclaim

To be praised or recognized for one’s achievements or quality of work.
The director won acclaim for her innovative filmmaking techniques.

Critical acclaim

High praise or positive reviews from critics.
The novel received critical acclaim for its compelling narrative and depth of character.

Universal acclaim

Praise and recognition from all quarters or groups, widely acknowledged excellence.
The album was met with universal acclaim, appealing to fans of various music genres.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Acclaim?

The term "acclaim" originates from the Latin word 'acclamare' meaning "to shout at" or "shout applause."

What is the pronunciation of Acclaim?


Which vowel is used before Acclaim?

Any vowel can precede "acclaim" based on the context; commonly 'an' if used as a noun.

Which preposition is used with Acclaim?

"Of" as in "acclaim of the audience."

What is the verb form of Acclaim?

"Acclaim" is both a noun and a verb. As a verb, it means to praise or applaud.

What is the root word of Acclaim?

The root word is the Latin "acclamare."

What is the plural form of Acclaim?

Acclaims (when referring to multiple instances of praise).

Is Acclaim a negative or positive word?


Which conjunction is used with Acclaim?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence structure.

Is Acclaim an abstract noun?


Is Acclaim an adverb?


What is the singular form of Acclaim?


Is Acclaim a countable noun?


Is the word Acclaim a Gerund?


Is the word “Acclaim” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either based on the sentence structure.

How many syllables are in Acclaim?

Two syllables.

What is the first form of Acclaim?


Which article is used with Acclaim?

"An" when used as a noun.

Is Acclaim a collective noun?


Is the word Acclaim imperative?


What is a stressed syllable in Acclaim?


What is another term for Acclaim?

Praise or accolade.

Which determiner is used with Acclaim?

"Such" as in "such acclaim."

What is the second form of Acclaim?


How do we divide Acclaim into syllables?


What is the third form of Acclaim?


How is Acclaim used in a sentence?

"The film was met with universal acclaim from audiences and critics alike."

Is Acclaim a noun or adjective?

Noun (and also a verb).

Is Acclaim a vowel or consonant?

"Acclaim" is a word that contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the Acclaim term a metaphor?


What part of speech is Acclaim?

It can be both a noun and a verb.

What is the opposite of Acclaim?

Criticism or censure.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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