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Wonderous vs. Wondrous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 17, 2024
Wonderous is the incorrect spelling of wondrous, an adjective meaning inspiring awe or amazement.
Wonderous vs. Wondrous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Wonderous or Wondrous

How to spell Wondrous?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that wondrous has a single 'o' after the 'w,' matching the word "wonder."
Think of wondrous as "full of wonder," which helps align the spelling with its meaning.
Only wondrous has the correct blend of the words "wonder" and the suffix "-ous."
The correct spelling, wondrous, aligns with other adjectives ending in "-ous" that also derive from nouns, such as "hazardous" (from "hazard").
The word "wonder" should lead directly into "-ous" without adding extra letters.

How Do You Spell Wondrous Correctly?

Incorrect: I read about the wonderous tales of old cities.
Correct: I read about the wondrous tales of old cities.
Incorrect: She described the scene as something truly wonderous.
Correct: She described the scene as something truly wondrous.
Incorrect: The wonderous views of the mountains captivated everyone.
Correct: The wondrous views of the mountains captivated everyone.
Incorrect: They found themselves in a wonderous world.
Correct: They found themselves in a wondrous world.
Incorrect: His wonderous act left the audience in silence.
Correct: His wondrous act left the audience in silence.

Wondrous Definitions

Remarkable or extraordinary.
The wondrous design of the cathedral amazed the tourists.
Inspiring awe or admiration; marvelous.
His wondrous ability in math won him a scholarship.
Miraculous; possessing a mystical or magical quality.
The wondrous healing properties of the plant were well-known in the village.
Full of wonder; causing amazement.
The children watched the wondrous display of fireworks with wide-eyed excitement.
Remarkable or extraordinary; wonderful.
To a wonderful or remarkable extent.
Wonderful; amazing, inspiring awe; marvelous.
We all stared open-mouthed at the wondrous sight.
In a wonderful degree; remarkably; wondrously.
In a wonderful or surprising manner or degree; wonderfully.
For sylphs, yet mindful of their ancient race,Are, as when women, wondrous fond of place.
And now there came both mist and snow,And it grew wondrous cold.
Wonderful; astonishing; admirable; marvelous; such as excite surprise and astonishment; strange.
That I may . . . tell of all thy wondrous works.
Chloe complains, and wondrously's aggrieved.
Extraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers;
A fantastic trip to the Orient
The film was fantastic!
A howling success
A marvelous collection of rare books
Had a rattling conversation about politics
A tremendous achievement
(used as an intensifier) extremely well;
Her voice is superbly disciplined
The colors changed wondrously slowly
Exceptionally good or beautiful.
The artist's wondrous talent was evident in every stroke of the brush.

Wondrous Meaning in a Sentence

The wondrous world of fantasy books captivated her imagination.
He shared wondrous stories from his travels around the globe.
The wondrous landscapes of the national park attracted many tourists.
We witnessed a wondrous sunset from the hilltop.
Their wondrous invention won the science fair.
The magician's performance was truly wondrous.
The wondrous colors of the autumn leaves brightened the town.
He found her knowledge of history quite wondrous.
The movie featured wondrous special effects.
The wondrous array of spices in the market was overwhelming.
She had a wondrous ability to make everyone smile.
Their wondrous teamwork led to a spectacular win.
The wondrous cake design won first prize at the fair.
The science museum offered wondrous insights into space exploration.
The wondrous tale of the ancient warrior was inspiring.
She read a wondrous poem at the assembly.
The teacher explained the wondrous cycle of water in nature.
She painted a wondrous scene of the sea at dawn.
The wondrous harmony of the choir impressed everyone.
The wondrous beauty of the coral reef was unforgettable.
The garden was a wondrous sight in full bloom.
His wondrous acts of kindness touched all our hearts.
The wondrous architecture of the old palace drew many photographers.
He told us about the wondrous traditions of his hometown.
Her wondrous performance earned her many accolades.

Wondrous Idioms & Phrases

A wondrous feat

An impressive achievement.
Climbing the mountain in one day was a wondrous feat.

A wondrous moment

A point in time filled with wonder or awe.
Their wedding was full of wondrous moments.

Wondrous tales

Stories that are extraordinarily interesting or exciting.
The old sailor shared wondrous tales of his adventures at sea.

A wondrous journey

A travel experience filled with remarkable or unexpected events.
Their trip across Europe was a wondrous journey.

Wondrous love

A profound and awe-inspiring affection.
They shared a wondrous love that lasted a lifetime.

A wondrous sight

A view or scene that is remarkably beautiful or impressive.
The Grand Canyon at sunrise is a wondrous sight.

Live in a wondrous world

To experience life in a way that is full of surprises and delights.
Children often live in a wondrous world of their own making.

Wondrous news

Information that is surprising and positive.
Hearing about her acceptance into university was wondrous news.

Wondrous to behold

Something that is beautiful or amazing to see.
The new art installation downtown is truly wondrous to behold.

A wondrous occasion

A special or memorable event.
The festival was a wondrous occasion for everyone involved.

Wondrous creation

Something that has been made or built in an impressive or beautiful way.
The new bridge is a wondrous creation.

Wondrous discovery

Finding something unexpectedly or in a remarkable way.
The scientist made a wondrous discovery in her research.

Wondrous atmosphere

An environment or setting that feels magical or exceptionally pleasant.
The festival had a wondrous atmosphere, filled with lights and music.

Wondrous skills

Exceptional or remarkable abilities.
His wondrous skills on the piano were well recognized.

Wondrous place

A location that is particularly enchanting or beautiful.
The hidden valley was a wondrous place, untouched by time.

Wondrous words

Speech or writing that is particularly eloquent or captivating.
The poet's wondrous words touched everyone in the room.

Wondrous deeds

Actions that are remarkable or worthy of admiration.
The heroes are known for their wondrous deeds.

Wondrous times

Periods or moments that are notably joyful or successful.
The early years of their marriage were wondrous times.

Wondrous nature

The aspect of nature that is awe-inspiring or beautiful.
We should all appreciate the wondrous nature around us.

Wondrous work

Efforts or results that are particularly impressive.
The volunteers did wondrous work in the community.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in wondrous?

The stressed syllable in wondrous is the first syllable: won.

How do we divide wondrous into syllables?

Wondrous is divided into syllables as won-drous.

What is the verb form of wondrous?

Wondrous does not have a verb form; it is purely an adjective.

Why is it called wondrous?

Wondrous is called so because it describes something filled with wonder, causing awe or amazement.

How is wondrous used in a sentence?

Wondrous is used as an adjective to describe something remarkably impressive or beautiful.

What part of speech is wondrous?

Wondrous is an adjective.

How many syllables are in wondrous?

Wondrous has two syllables.

What is the pronunciation of wondrous?

Wondrous is pronounced as /ˈwʌn.drəs/.

Is wondrous an adverb?

No, wondrous is not an adverb.

What is the root word of wondrous?

The root word of wondrous is "wonder."

Is wondrous a noun or adjective?

Wondrous is an adjective.

Is wondrous a countable noun?

Wondrous is not a noun; it is an adjective.

What is another term for wondrous?

Another term for wondrous could be "marvelous" or "amazing."

Is wondrous an abstract noun?

Wondrous is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is wondrous a vowel or consonant?

The word wondrous starts with a consonant.

Is the wondrous term a metaphor?

The term wondrous can be metaphorical when used to describe something that isn't literally awe-inspiring but is notably impressive.

Is the word “wondrous” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Wondrous cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adjective.

What is the plural form of wondrous?

Wondrous does not have a plural form.

What is the opposite of wondrous?

The opposite of wondrous might be "ordinary" or "mundane."

Is wondrous a negative or positive word?

Wondrous is a positive word.

Is wondrous a collective noun?

Wondrous is not a noun and therefore not a collective noun.

Is the word wondrous Gerund?

No, wondrous is not a gerund; it is an adjective.

Which article is used with wondrous?

The indefinite article "a" or the definite article "the" can be used with wondrous depending on the context.

What is the singular form of wondrous?

Wondrous does not have a singular or plural form; it is unchanging as an adjective.

Is the word wondrous imperative?

No, wondrous cannot be imperative as it is an adjective.

Which determiner is used with wondrous?

Determiners such as "a," "the," and "this" can be used with wondrous depending on the context.

Which vowel is used before wondrous?

Typically, no vowel is specifically used before wondrous; it depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with wondrous?

Common prepositions used with wondrous might include "of" or "in," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with wondrous?

Conjunctions are not specifically associated with wondrous; any could be used based on the sentence structure.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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