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Walk Past vs. Walk Pass — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 31, 2024
"Walk past" is the correct spelling, denoting movement beyond a point. "Walk pass" is incorrect. "Walk past" means to go by something on foot.
Walk Past vs. Walk Pass — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Walk Past or Walk Pass

How to spell Walk Past?

Walk Past

Correct Spelling

Walk Pass

Incorrect Spelling

Key Differences

The word "past" means "beyond," fitting the action of walking by something.
"Pass" is a verb, and it's redundant to pair it with "walk," another verb.
Think of "past" as a point in time or location you've moved beyond.
Remember the phrase: "Walk past a past moment."
"Pass" often requires an object (e.g., pass the ball) while "past" does not.

How Do You Spell Walk Pass Correctly?

Incorrect: They always walk pass my house on their way to school.
Correct: They always walk past my house on their way to school.
Incorrect: I couldn't walk pass the candy store without stopping to buy something.
Correct: I couldn't walk past the candy store without stopping to buy something.
Incorrect: Can you walk pass the obstacles without touching them?
Correct: Can you walk past the obstacles without touching them?
Incorrect: He tried to walk pass the group of noisy kids as quickly as possible.
Correct: He tried to walk past the group of noisy kids as quickly as possible.
Incorrect: She decided to walk pass the old library without entering.
Correct: She decided to walk past the old library without entering.

Walk Past Definitions

Progressing further than a certain location.
The students would walk past the library every day.
Moving by a location or object on foot.
She decided to walk past the bakery.
Choosing not to stop at a specific place while moving.
Even though he was tired, he chose to walk past the bench.
Indicating movement that doesn't pause at a given point or location.
During her jog, she would often walk past several landmarks.
Continuing beyond a particular point while walking.
I always walk past that old church.

Walk Past Meaning in a Sentence

The dog loves to walk past the pond and watch the ducks.
It's impossible to walk past the flower shop without admiring the roses.
Every morning, I walk past the bakery on my way to work.
If you walk past the post office, you've gone too far.
I always feel sad when I walk past the old, abandoned house.
We have to walk past the park to get to the museum.
You will need to walk past the school to reach the library.
She tries to walk past the shoe store without looking at the window display.
They walk past the coffee shop but decided not to go in.
We often walk past the art gallery to see if there are any new exhibitions.
The cat likes to walk past the fish tank, watching the fish swim.
He hurried to walk past the crowd gathered on the sidewalk.
If you walk past the grocery store, could you pick up some milk?
You should walk past the fountain and then turn left.
It's eerie to walk past the cemetery at night.
It's hard not to smile as you walk past the puppies playing in the pet store window.
The parade will walk past the main square at noon.
You'll see the restaurant on your right as you walk past the bank.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before walk past?

Context is needed. It can be any vowel, depending on the sentence (e.g., "I always walk past").

What is the root word of walk past?

The root word is "walk."

What is the pronunciation of walk past?

It is pronounced as /wɔːk pæst/.

What is the singular form of walk past?

"Walk past" itself is invariable and doesn't have a singular form per se.

Which preposition is used with walk past?

The preposition "past" is used with "walk."

What is the verb form of walk past?

"Walk" is the verb, and "past" functions as a preposition in this phrase.

Which article is used with walk past?

Any article (a, an, the) can be used, depending on the context.

Is walk past an abstract noun?

No, it's not an abstract noun.

Why is it called walk past?

It's called "walk past" to indicate the action of walking beyond a specific point or object.

What is the plural form of walk past?

The phrase "walk past" doesn't change in the plural. However, "walks past" can be used for third person singular.

How many syllables are in walk past?

There are two syllables in "walk past."

What is a stressed syllable in walk past?

The first syllable, "walk," is stressed.

Which conjunction is used with walk past?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the context of the sentence.

Is walk past a vowel or consonant?

This question doesn't apply; "walk past" consists of both vowels and consonants.

Is the word walk past imperative?

It can be, depending on context, e.g., "Walk past the store."

Is the word “walk past” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Walk past" is neither; "walk" is a verb, and "past" is a preposition.

What part of speech is walk past?

"Walk" is a verb, and "past" is a preposition.

Is walk past a noun or adjective?

"Walk past" is neither; "walk" is a verb and "past" is a preposition in this context.

What is another term for walk past?

"Stroll by" or "move beyond."

What is the opposite of walk past?

"Stop in front of."

Which determiner is used with walk past?

Any determiner can be used, depending on context.

What is the second form of walk past?

The phrase "walk past" doesn't have tense forms like regular verbs. However, "walked past" is its past form.

How is walk past used in a sentence?

"Every day, she would walk past the old schoolhouse."

Is walk past a negative or positive word?

It is neutral.

Is walk past a countable noun?

No, "walk past" is not a countable noun.

Is walk past a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Is the word walk past gerund?

No, it is not a gerund.

How do we divide walk past into syllables?

Walk / Past.

Is walk past an adverb?

No, "walk past" is not an adverb.

Is the walk past term a metaphor?

No, "walk past" is a literal term, not metaphorical.

What is the first form of walk past?

"Walk past."

What is the third form of walk past?

"Walked past."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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