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Handleing vs. Handling — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Handleing" is incorrect, whereas "Handling" is correct, referring to the process of managing or dealing with something.
Handleing vs. Handling — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Handleing or Handling

How to spell Handling?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "handling" follows the standard rule of dropping the 'e' when adding 'ing' to a verb ending in 'e.'
Think of the word "hand" as the base, where you simply add "ling" without an 'e.'
Use mnemonic devices like "I handle things by linking hands, not by 'eing.'"
Note that English rarely uses 'ei' after an 'l' in verb conjugations, making "handling" the correct form.
Practice writing the word multiple times, focusing on the correct spelling "handling."

How Do You Spell Handling Correctly?

Incorrect: The team's handleing of the project was exceptional.
Correct: The team's handling of the project was exceptional.
Incorrect: She was criticized for her poor handleing of the situation.
Correct: She was criticized for her poor handling of the situation.
Incorrect: His handleing of the delicate materials impressed his supervisors.
Correct: His handling of the delicate materials impressed his supervisors.
Incorrect: Good handleing of these chemicals is crucial for safety.
Correct: Good handling of these chemicals is crucial for safety.
Incorrect: The customer service representative's handleing of complaints could be improved.
Correct: The customer service representative's handling of complaints could be improved.

Handling Definitions

In sports, handling often relates to the control and manipulation of a ball or equipment.
His handling of the soccer ball impressed scouts.
Handling refers to the act of managing or dealing with something.
She was praised for her expert handling of the crisis.
In logistics, handling signifies the movement of goods or materials.
The warehouse improved its efficiency by streamlining its handling processes.
A touching, feeling, or manipulating with the hands.
The process of packing and distributing merchandise
A charge for shipping and handling.
The way in which something is handled or taken care of
A situation that required delicate handling.
The way in which a presentation, especially an artistic or theatrical work, is treated.
A touching, controlling, managing, using, take care of, etc., with the hand or hands, or as with the hands.
(obsolete) The mechanism for handling or manipulating something.
(arts) The mode of using the pencil or brush; style of touch.
A criminal offence, the trade in stolen goods.
Present participle of handle
The mode of using the pencil or brush, etc.; style of touch.
Manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something
The action of touching with the hands or the skillful use of the hands
The management of someone or something;
The handling of prisoners
The treatment of water sewage
The right to equal treatment in the criminal justice system
Handling can mean the tactile interaction with an object.
The artist's delicate handling of the clay was mesmerizing.
Customer service handling involves addressing and resolving customer inquiries or complaints.
Her handling of customer complaints has significantly improved customer satisfaction.

Handling Meaning in a Sentence

Proper handling of food is essential to prevent contamination.
She has a gentle handling of animals, which makes her a great veterinarian.
The museum is known for its careful handling of ancient artifacts.
His adept handling of negotiations led to a successful deal.
Training in the handling of hazardous materials is mandatory for all employees.
The new software simplifies the handling of large data sets.
The car is popular for its smooth handling and reliability.
The handling charges for the shipment were higher than expected.
Improved handling of inquiries has boosted our customer satisfaction ratings.
The handling of the crisis by the government drew both praise and criticism.
Handling stress effectively is key to maintaining mental health.
The airline's handling of luggage has become more efficient.
Her experience in handling difficult clients is invaluable.
The handling of the delicate negotiations required a lot of tact and patience.
There will be an extra handling fee for oversized packages.
The handling of personal data must comply with privacy laws.
The handling of this machine requires thorough training.
Their handling of customer feedback has significantly improved service quality.
Children need guidance in handling their emotions and conflicts.
His handling of the financial crisis saved the company from bankruptcy.
The workshop covers the basics of safe gun handling.
The handling of these issues requires careful consideration and sensitivity.
Proper handling of evidence is crucial in criminal investigations.
The report criticized the police's handling of the protests.
Effective handling of time constraints is crucial for project success.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Handling?

The verb form is "handle."

What is the root word of Handling?

The root word is "handle."

What is the pronunciation of Handling?

Handling is pronounced as /ˈhændlɪŋ/.

Why is it called Handling?

It's called "handling" because it involves managing, controlling, or dealing with something.

Which vowel is used before Handling?

The vowel "a" is used before "handling" in the word "handle."

What is the plural form of Handling?

The plural form can also be "handling," as it's a mass noun that doesn't typically change in the plural.

Is Handling a negative or positive word?

"Handling" is neutral; context determines its positive or negative connotation.

What is the singular form of Handling?

The singular form is "handling" itself, as it can be both singular and plural depending on context.

Which article is used with Handling?

The definite article "the" and indefinite "a" can be used, depending on context.

Is Handling a noun or adjective?

"Handling" is primarily a noun.

Which preposition is used with Handling?

Prepositions like "with," "of," and "by" are commonly used with "handling."

Is the word Handling imperative?

"Handle" can be imperative; "handling" is not.

How do we divide Handling into syllables?

"Handling" is divided into syllables as han-dling.

What is a stressed syllable in Handling?

The first syllable "han-" is stressed in "handling."

Which conjunction is used with Handling?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used with "handling" in compound sentences.

Is Handling an abstract noun?

Yes, "handling" can be considered an abstract noun as it refers to an action or process.

Is the Handling term a metaphor?

"Handling" can be used metaphorically, depending on context.

What is another term for Handling?

Another term for "handling" could be "management" or "manipulation."

What is the opposite of Handling?

The opposite could be "neglecting" or "ignoring."

Is Handling a countable noun?

"Handling" is generally an uncountable noun.

Is the word Handling Gerund?

Yes, "handling" is a gerund when used as a noun derived from a verb.

Is the word “Handling” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Handling" can serve as a direct object in a sentence.

What part of speech is Handling?

"Handling" is a noun or a gerund depending on its use.

What is the second form of Handling?

The second form is "handled."

How many syllables are in Handling?

There are two syllables in "handling."

Which determiner is used with Handling?

Determiners like "the," "this," "my," can be used with "handling."

What is the first form of Handling?

The first form is "handle."

What is the third form of Handling?

The third form is also "handled."

How is Handling used in a sentence?

"Handling complex tasks efficiently is one of her strengths."

Is Handling an adverb?

No, "handling" is not an adverb.

Is Handling a vowel or consonant?

"Handling" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is Handling a collective noun?

No, "handling" is not typically considered a collective noun.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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