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Valuble vs. Valuable — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Valuble" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Valuable," meaning possessing worth, importance, or usefulness.
Valuble vs. Valuable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Valuble or Valuable

How to spell Valuable?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "I am able to see the value," stressing on "able."
Relate "valuable" with "capable of having value."
The word contains the word "value" with an "able" ending.
Memorize: "If it has value, it is valuable."
Remember "value" is the base, and "able" is the suffix, forming "valuable."

How Do You Spell Valuable Correctly?

Incorrect: The diamond ring is very valuble.
Correct: The diamond ring is very valuable.
Incorrect: His advice is always valuble to me.
Correct: His advice is always valuable to me.
Incorrect: This information could be valuble in our research.
Correct: This information could be valuable in our research.
Incorrect: She has many valuble lessons to share.
Correct: She has many valuable lessons to share.
Incorrect: The painting is considered highly valuble.
Correct: The painting is considered highly valuable.

Valuable Definitions

Of great importance, usefulness, or significance.
Your feedback is valuable to us.
Possessing significant monetary worth.
The necklace is very valuable.
Held in high regard or esteem.
He's a valuable member of the team.
Having qualities worthy of respect or admiration.
Valuable lessons were learned from the experience.
Deserving protection or preservation.
Endangered species are valuable to the ecosystem.
Having considerable monetary or material value for use or exchange
A valuable diamond.
Of great importance, use, or service
Valuable information.
Valuable advice.
Having admirable or esteemed qualities or characteristics
A valuable friend.
A personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value
Insured all of our valuables against theft.
Having a great value.
Valuable gemstones
Estimable; deserving esteem.
A valuable friend; a valuable companion
Truly valuable things have no price and cannot be bought.
A personal possession such as jewellery, of relatively great monetary value.
One particular valuable is a gemstonen mosaic.
Having value or worth; possessing qualities which are useful and esteemed; precious; costly; as, a valuable horse; valuable land; a valuable cargo.
Worthy; estimable; deserving esteem; as, a valuable friend; a valuable companion.
A precious possession; a thing of value, especially a small thing, as an article of jewelry; - used mostly in the plural.
The food and valuables they offer to the gods.
Something of value;
All our valuables were stolen
Having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange;
Another human being equally valuable in the sight of God
A valuable diamond
Having worth or merit or value;
A valuable friend
A good and worthful man
Of great importance or use or service;
Useful information
Valuable advice

Valuable Meaning in a Sentence

The diamond ring is very valuable.
The painting is considered highly valuable.
Finding a valuable friend is like finding a treasure.
Time is the most valuable asset we have.
His advice is always valuable to me.
She has many valuable lessons to share.
He offered some valuable insights during the meeting.
This information could be valuable in our research.
The book provides valuable information on the topic.
The museum houses many valuable artifacts from ancient times.
Her valuable contribution to the project was recognized by everyone.
The feedback from the community was valuable for the project's improvement.
A good reputation is a valuable asset for any business.
Valuable lessons can be learned from failure.
Antique furniture can be quite valuable if preserved well.
Education is a valuable tool for future success.
He received a valuable piece of advice from his mentor.
Valuable resources should be used wisely.
Keeping a positive attitude is valuable for mental health.
Her expertise in the field is extremely valuable.
She found the experience to be immensely valuable for her personal growth.
The company sees valuable opportunities in the new market.
She keeps all her valuable jewelry in a safe.
They realized the valuable role of teamwork in success.
Access to clean water is a valuable commodity in many parts of the world.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Valuable?

The related verb is "value."

Which vowel is used before Valuable?

Typically "a" as in "a valuable item."

What is the root word of Valuable?

The root word is "value."

What is the singular form of Valuable?

Valuable itself is singular.

Why is it called Valuable?

It's derived from "value" with the suffix "-able," indicating capability or worthiness.

Is Valuable a noun or adjective?

"Valuable" is primarily an adjective but can be a noun in contexts like "valuables."

What is the plural form of Valuable?

The related noun form is "valuables."

What is the pronunciation of Valuable?

Valuable is pronounced as /ˈvæl.ju.ə.bl/.

Which conjunction is used with Valuable?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the context.

Is Valuable a negative or positive word?

Generally positive.

Is Valuable a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Valuable?


Which preposition is used with Valuable?

"To" is common, as in "valuable to someone."

Is Valuable a vowel or consonant?

The word "valuable" contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the Valuable term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is the word Valuable imperative?


Is the word Valuable a gerund?


Is the word “Valuable” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on its use in a sentence.

Is Valuable a countable noun?

As an adjective, it isn't countable. As a noun (valuables), it's uncountable.

What is a stressed syllable in Valuable?

The first syllable, "val."

What is the first form of Valuable?

Valuable doesn't have verb forms. The related verb "value" has "value" as its first form.

What is the second form of Valuable?

For the verb "value," it is "valued."

How is Valuable used in a sentence?

This artifact is a valuable piece of history.

Is Valuable an adverb?


What is another term for Valuable?

Precious or worthwhile.

What is the opposite of Valuable?


Which article is used with Valuable?

Either "a" or "the" can be used.

Is Valuable an abstract noun?

No, though it describes abstract qualities like worth.

How do we divide Valuable into syllables?


What part of speech is Valuable?

Adjective or sometimes noun.

Which determiner is used with Valuable?

"this," "that," "my," "your," "our," etc.

What is the third form of Valuable?

For the verb "value," it is also "valued."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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