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Uncorruptible vs. Incorruptible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Munazza Shafiq — Updated on April 18, 2024
Uncorruptible is the incorrect spelling of incorruptible, which means not susceptible to corruption or moral decay.
Uncorruptible vs. Incorruptible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Uncorruptible or Incorruptible

How to spell Incorruptible?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember that "incorruptible" aligns with other similar words like "incredible" (not credible) and "infallible" (not fallible).
The prefix "in-" is commonly used in English to mean "not," making incorruptible the correct form to mean "not corruptible."
The spelling "incorruptible" reflects the Latin origin "incorruptibilis," maintaining consistency with the original language.

How Do You Spell Incorruptible Correctly?

Incorrect: He is known for his uncorruptible integrity.
Correct: He is known for his incorruptible integrity.
Incorrect: The material was thought to be uncorruptible.
Correct: The material was thought to be incorruptible.
Incorrect: She is a symbol of uncorruptible virtue.
Correct: She is a symbol of incorruptible virtue.
Incorrect: Their faith is uncorruptible in the face of adversity.
Correct: Their faith is incorruptible in the face of adversity.
Incorrect: This system is designed to be uncorruptible.
Correct: This system is designed to be incorruptible.

Incorruptible Definitions

Unable to be morally corrupted.
The judge was known for being incorruptible.
Not susceptible to decay or degradation.
Scientists developed an incorruptible material for medical implants.
Unyielding in moral integrity.
She stood as an incorruptible figure in a corrupt administration.
Not subject to decay or disintegration.
They stored the artifacts in incorruptible containers.
Remaining honest and morally upright.
Despite the temptations, he remained incorruptible.
Incapable of being morally corrupted.
Not subject to corruption or decay.
Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and upright.
(Christianity) A person whose body does not decompose after death, a sign of holiness.
(historical) One of an ancient religious sect of Alexandria, whose adherents believed that the body of Christ was incorruptible, and that he suffered hunger, thirst, and pain only in appearance.
Not corruptible; incapable of corruption, decay, or dissolution; as, gold is incorruptible.
Our bodies shall be changed into incorruptible and immortal substances.
One of a religious sect which arose in Alexandria, in the reign of the Emperor Justinian, and which believed that the body of Christ was incorruptible, and that he suffered hunger, thirst, pain, only in appearance.
Incapable of being morally corrupted;
Incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society

Incorruptible Meaning in a Sentence

The community trusted her because she was incorruptible.
He has an incorruptible commitment to justice.
They searched for incorruptible materials to use in construction.
Her reputation as an incorruptible officer is well known.
Incorruptible leaders are essential for effective governance.
He is admired for his incorruptible honesty.
Their incorruptible bond was admired by everyone.
He conducted the investigation with incorruptible integrity.
She was known for her incorruptible moral stance.
His speech reflected his incorruptible principles.
The historical document has remained incorruptible over centuries.
They praised her for her incorruptible work ethic.
His incorruptible nature made him a respected leader.
She provided incorruptible evidence in the court.
Her incorruptible demeanor gained her many supporters.
She held onto her incorruptible values throughout her career.
Incorruptible software systems are crucial for security.
His teachings are considered incorruptible by his followers.
They needed an incorruptible witness for the trial.
The material is both lightweight and incorruptible.
The data must be stored in an incorruptible format.
Incorruptible codes are vital for digital communication security.
He wrote about the need for incorruptible political systems.
Their friendship was tested but proved to be incorruptible.
She was an incorruptible advocate for human rights.

Incorruptible Idioms & Phrases

Incorruptible by design

Created to resist corruption or failure.
The new voting system was incorruptible by design.

The heart of incorruptible

Being at the core, morally sound and uncorrupted.
She is known as the heart of incorruptible integrity in her community.

Prove to be incorruptible

To demonstrate unyielding morality over time.
Throughout the scandal, she proved to be incorruptible.

An incorruptible nature

Having a character that cannot be morally corrupted.
His incorruptible nature made him the ideal candidate for the position.

Stand incorruptible

To remain morally unyielding.
In the face of threats, he stood incorruptible.

Incorruptible values

Moral principles that cannot be compromised.
His decisions were always guided by his incorruptible values.

Incorruptible witness

A witness whose testimony is completely reliable.
The case relied on the statement of an incorruptible witness.

Incorruptible strength

Strength that does not weaken or falter morally.
Her incorruptible strength inspired her followers.

Remain incorruptible

To stay untainted by corruption over time.
Despite numerous offers, he remained incorruptible.

Incorruptible testimony

Testimony that is truthful and reliable.
The jury was moved by his incorruptible testimony.

Incorruptible leadership

Leadership characterized by ethical conduct and integrity.
The community thrived under incorruptible leadership.

Incorruptible promise

A promise that is kept without fail.
She made an incorruptible promise to always support her family.

An incorruptible foundation

A basis that is morally solid and dependable.
The charity was built on an incorruptible foundation.

Uphold incorruptible standards

To maintain high moral standards.
The institution upheld incorruptible standards in all its dealings.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in incorruptible?

The stressed syllable in incorruptible is 'rupt.'

How is incorruptible used in a sentence?

Incorruptible is used as an adjective to describe someone or something that is not susceptible to corruption.

What is another term for incorruptible?

Another term for incorruptible is unimpeachable.

How many syllables are in incorruptible?

There are five syllables in incorruptible.

How do we divide incorruptible into syllables?

Incorruptible is divided as in-cor-rupt-i-ble.

Why is it called incorruptible?

It is called incorruptible because it describes someone or something that cannot be morally corrupted or deteriorated.

What is the verb form of incorruptible?

Incorruptible is an adjective and does not have a verb form. The related verb would be "corrupt."

What part of speech is incorruptible?

Incorruptible is an adjective.

What is the opposite of incorruptible?

The opposite of incorruptible is corruptible.

Is incorruptible a noun or adjective?

Incorruptible is an adjective.

What is the pronunciation of incorruptible?

Incorruptible is pronounced as \ˌin-kə-ˈrəp-tə-bəl.

Is the word incorruptible Gerund?

No, incorruptible is not a gerund; it is an adjective.

What is the root word of incorruptible?

The root word of incorruptible is "corrupt," with the prefix "in-" meaning "not" and the suffix "-ible" indicating ability.

What is the plural form of incorruptible?

As an adjective, incorruptible does not have a singular or plural form.

Is incorruptible a vowel or consonant?

The word itself consists of both vowels and consonants.

Is incorruptible a collective noun?

No, incorruptible is an adjective, not a noun.

Which determiner is used with incorruptible?

Determiners like "an" or "the" can be used with incorruptible, depending on the context.

Is incorruptible a countable noun?

Incorruptible is not a noun; it is an adjective and thus not countable.

Which vowel is used before incorruptible?

Vowels are not specifically used before adjectives like incorruptible; it depends on the context of the sentence.

Which preposition is used with incorruptible?

Common prepositions used with incorruptible include "in" and "with," depending on the context.

Is incorruptible an adverb?

No, incorruptible is not an adverb; it is an adjective.

Is incorruptible an abstract noun?

No, incorruptible is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is the incorruptible term a metaphor?

Incorruptible can be used metaphorically to describe a person's character as untainted.

Is the word incorruptible imperative?

No, incorruptible is an adjective, not a form of verb that can be imperative.

Which conjunction is used with incorruptible?

Conjunctions are not directly related to adjectives like incorruptible.

What is the singular form of incorruptible?

As an adjective, incorruptible does not have a singular or plural form.

Is incorruptible a negative or positive word?

Incorruptible is a positive word.

Is the word “incorruptible” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

The word “incorruptible” cannot be a direct or indirect object as it is an adjective.

Which article is used with incorruptible?

The definite article "the" or the indefinite article "an" can be used with incorruptible, depending on the context.

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Written by
Munazza Shafiq
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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